



N.Venkateshwar - Rtd. JE

4.3% IDA increased from 01-01-2025, total:- 224.2% +4.3% = 228.5% w.e.f. 01-01-2025.…

Last Updated on 11/02/2025 @ 11:58 hours


Corporate office (Admin & PQ section) released the minutes of GTI meeting held on 06.02.2025.…..


Regarding 2nd Saturday closed holiday in field units.…..


Group Term Insurance for BSNL Executives and Non-executives. guidelines for annual renewal of the scheme w.e.f. 01.03.2025.....


BSNL Corporate office endorsement of Board level & below Board level posts including non-unionized supervisors and Non-Executives in Central Public Section Enterprises (CPSEs) - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates w.e.f. 01.11.2025…..


Meeting for renewal of group term insurence policy (GTI) for the executive and non executive staff of BSNL is notified by the Admin section of corporate office,to be held on 6 th feb 2025 at 4 th floor meeting hall of corporate office.Officers of HR wing and the representatives of recognised union and Assns will take part along with the Life insurance corporation(LIC) personals.…..


Latest status of EPF Higher pension cases as per Supreme court judgement….


30-01-2025 : Deputation of permanent BSNL employees to other organizations.…..


Delegation of power for condonation of delay in submission of medical claims.…..


Board level and below Board level posts including non-unionised supervisors in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates.…..


Corporate office letter on creation of Social Media Accounts by BSNL Employees to enhance BSNL reach and increase fan following…..



Circular No: 14/25, dated at 25/01/2025…..


Grant of Special Casual Leave to Eligible Circle Office Bearers, District Secretaries of NFTE Telangana to attend Circle Executive Committee meeting to be held on 30.01.2025…..


BSNLMRS- Clarifications regarding. In view of requests for clarifications and standardizing procedure under BSLMRS following clarifications are being issued herewith:-


Corporate office (SR Cell) reconstituted joint Committee to recommend wage structure for non-executive employees w.e.f. 01-01-2017 in BSNL after retirement of Shri Saurabh Tyagi Ji…..


Com. B. Rambabu, Rtd. Line Inspector expired on 22-01-2025 at 16.00 hrs in Vijayawada with heart attack at the age of 85:- He born on 20-06-1940 at Vijayawada. He came to department as mazdoor and appointed as line men on 05-08-1960 in Hyderabad. He retired from service on 30-06-2000 as line inspector. He left with wife and 4 daughters. He was a notable personality in the entire Hyderabad in organizational. He used to travel first on cycle and then on two wheeler (TVS) in the city. His commitment two wards organization works is not comparable. He was an expert in decorating meeting places with banners, flexes and NFTE flags. He never feel tired in the organizational works, but he took rest today (22-01-2025) at the age of 85 years. He has done watchmen duty to save the union property at Padma Rao Nagar at difficult times. He was a good fighter and never compromised on line staff issues. He was a back bone and advisor to HTD union at all times. His commitment with dedication two words settlement of Line staff issues is rememberable. He was a close associative of late Com. L. Damodar Rao and Com. Malli Shetty. NFTE lost a dedicated soldier at this crucial time in Hyderabad. NFTE Telangana pays respectful homage to the departed soul and share the grief of the family. Com. B. Ram Babu Amar Rahe --- Amar Rahe.….


Grant of notional increment to absorbed employees of BSNL/MTNL who retired/are retiring a day before it became due in any month of the year, for the purpose of calculating the pension admissible…


Grant of annual increment falling due on the next day of retirement for the purpose of pensioners benefits - seeking clarification there of….


Corporate office (Est) issued clarification on online transfer application module for inter-circle transfer under Rule -8 of BSNL Transfer Policy.…..


Union Govt. approved the constitution of 8th pay commission to central Govt. employees/pensioners. It will benefit about 50 lakhs employees and 65 lakhs pensioners. The term of 7th pay commission is set to conclude in 2026. The 7th pay commission was set up in 2014 and its recommendations were effected from 1st January, 2016. 8th pay commission will be effective from January, 2026.…..


Corporate office letter on mandatory eight (08) hours training courses on iGOT portal in Q-4 (2024-2025), under Mission Karmayogi.….


NFTE Telangana Circle Union Executive Committee meeting will be held on 30/01/2025, at Circle Union office Barkathpura, Hyderabad…..


ALTTC letter on Schedule of Pre- Basic-I and Pre-Basic – II Induction training for LICE for promotion to the grade of Junior Telecom office (T) held on 08-09-2024. Pre Basic -I training begins from 27-01-2025 for 3 weeks – pre basic –II training begins from 17-02-2025 for 3 weeks.…..


Extension of last date for submission of higher pension cases to EPFO as a last opportunity for employees.…..



DoT is extended for a further period of three months w.e.f. 15.01.2025 till 14.04.2025, or until further orders , whichever is earlier. This issues with the approval of Hon'ble Minister of Communications....



40th National Council Meeting held today (i.e. 13-01-2025) in a very cordial atmosphere under the Chairmanship of Director (HR) BSNL:- The following important points raised by staff side out of agenda. (1) Appointment of wage committee Chairman. (2) Review of NEPP. (3) Issuance of orders for liveries. (4) Benefit of 7th CPC to Casual Mazdoors/TSMs. (5) Tremendous shortage of JEs in M.H. Circle. (6) Non-functioning of councils at BA/Circle level. (7) Manning of outsourced CCSc by our own staff. (8) Training and deployment of staff in FTTH segment there by disengaging of tips gradually. (9) Consideration of transfers on spouse ground one time measure taking all these cases together. (10) Restarting of standing committee meetings of National Council. (11) Mobile facility to all non-executive staff. (12) Strongly opposition to 2nd VRS in BSNL. (13) DOT coverage to all working DOT recruits in light of Supreme Court decision. (14) Communication of results of JTO (LICE) Punjab Circle for the year 2014 -15,15-16, 16-17. Director (HR) and Management side responding positively and assured to resolve the grievances in time bound manner. Regarding review of NEPP a receptive change in attitude of management witnessed in the meeting. Hon’ble CMD (BSNL) also attended the meeting and underlined the following views. (i) Importance of indigenous technology regarding data security. (ii) Necessity of human sense to HR issues. (iii) Necessity of effective working of every BTS and every OLT in the interest of BSNL. Besides this all the agenda items were discussed which minutes will be followed.…



Important Direction from CHQ – All the District Secretaries requested to please hold the Circle/District Conference i.e. the tenure of 2 years have been completed for circle/District level respectively. All the due conferences must be completed before 31st March, 2025. Please treat it as mandatory….. A. Rajamouli, CS NFTE Telangana..


Corporate office letter on operational issues of phase IX.2 CM network – to conduct a root cause analysis enhancing network monitoring and prioritizing fault resolution in high impact areas.….


Schedule and seat allotment of TT Induction Training…..


Shri Saurabh Tyagi, PGM (Rectt & Trg) have taken voluntary retirement from service from 03-01-2025 (A/N). He is presently Chairman of 3rd wage revision committee.….


Advanced Level Telecom Training Centre Ghaziabad issues schedule and seat allotment of JE Induction Training – Merit list of LICE for promotion to the grade of JE(T) held on 08-09-2024. JE Induction Training scheduled to commence w.e.f. 13-01-2025…


Corporate office letter on Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion from Personal Assistant to the grade of Private Secretaries in BSNL field units for vacancy years – 2020-2021 & 2022 held on 08-09-2024 (Paper -1) & 13-09-2024 (Paper –II), declaration of merit list.….


4.3% IDA increased from 01-01-2025, total:- 224.2% +4.3% = 228.5% w.e.f. 01-01-2025.


On the occasion of 13Th death anniversary late Com. O.P. Gupta Ji, rich tributes paid to him at first in Circle union office (Kachiguda), Thereafter in HTD union office. Com. B. Sunitha Circle President, Com. V.K. Muthu District Secretary HTD, Circle office bearers, District office bearers and other Comrades participated in the programme. All have garlanded the photo of Com. OPG and remembered him. In circle office also Com. B. Geetha D.S. and other Comrades have paid rich tributes to legendary and visionary leader Com. OPG. Com. V.K. Muthu D.S. HTD conveyed thanks to one and all the participants in the today’s programme.….


All District/Branch Secretaries are requested to organize meetings and pay rich tributes to Com. OPG on 06-01-2025 i.e. 13th Death Anniversary of Late legendary, visionary and unparallel leader of P&T movement. And also explain in detail the noble deeds of Com. OPG, viz. Regularization of above one lakh Casual Mazdoors/Ayas/Part time Mazdoors, Govt pension to PSU employees, automatic promotions etc.….


Schedule and seat allotment of JE Induction Training - Merit list of LICE for promotion to the grade of JE (T) held on 08.09.2024 ….



29-12-2024 : Holding of 40th meeting of National Council.….


Record of discussion of the reconstituted Joint Committee on wage revision for Non-Executive Employees w.e.f. 01.01.2017 in BSNL held on 19.12.2024.….


4th Hyderabad district working committee meeting held:- 4th Hyderabad district working committee meeting and BSNL Bhavan Branch meeting jointly held under the president ship of Com KT Vijaya Kumar, at first Two minutes silence observed paid rich tributes to Dr. Manmohan Singh, who expired today. Com B. Sunitha, Circle President, Com A Rajamouli, Circle Secretary and majority Branch secretaries and District/Circle office bearers attended the meeting. Com. V. K. Muthu, District Secretary, HTD, have given details on organisational position of HTD and things happened after 3rd Circle Conference. He also explained the anti union activities of comrades, who were spreading lies against NFTE organisation and leadership. After lengthy discussions in the house, it is decided to issue a notice to them. If the reply is not satisfied disciplinary action should be initiated against the said individual. Com. A. Rajamouli, Circle Secretary explained all details things happened after 3rd circle conference. An healthy discussion  took place and issue was resolved amicably. He also explained the status of 3rd wage revision and 2nd VRS. Com B Sunitha, Circle President also spoken her feelings on rumours and she cautioned and requested all to work to strengthen the organisation. The attended branch secretaries have expressed their views on  organisation, anti union activities of comrades in Hyderabad. District union honoured all the elected office bearers of 3rd Circle Conference with shawls. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. J Laxmaiah. District Treasurer HTD.….


Revision of BSNL Employees transfer policy notified on 07/05/2008 and subsequent amendments issued from time to time reg…..



Discussions with Director (HR):- An informal meeting took place on 23rd instant with the Director (HR) in which PGM (Rectt and Trg), PGM (SR)/Restg were present. The following issues were discussed. (1) Review of Transfer Policy in respect of Rule 8/9 Transfers. PGM(Restg) was advised to get the matter expedited in the committee. (2) VRS News:- The NFTE (BSNL) leaders expressed their views strongly and told clearly that it will oppose tooth and nail. It was asserted that nothing should be done in clandestine way. The Rectt in the Cadres of TT, JE and JTO be done and CGA Cases be taken up in the interest quality of services as vendors don’t have commitment. (3) Grant of festival advance. The union again demanded for settlement of the issue. (4) Payment of livery Items:- A detailed letter was submitted for action. The same was passed on to PGM (SR) to discuss the issue with the PGM (Adm). (5) Increase in quantum of reimbursement of medical expenses for outdoor treatment. It is under consideration. President and General Secretary, NFTE (BSNL) participated in the discussions.…..


Limited Internal Competitive Examinations (LICE) for promotion of Group ‘C’ employees to the grade of Junior Telecom Officer (Telecom) JTO (T)in BSNL under 50% internal quota for vacancy year 2023 held on 08.09.2024 and addendum to Merit list issued on 19.11.2024 thereof.....


Circular No: 13/24, dated at 23/12/2024…..


Reconstitution of Joint Committee to recommend wage structure for non-executive Employees w.e.f 01.01.2017 in BSNL…..


Holidays to be observed in BSNL Andhra Pradesh Telecom Circle during the year 2025…..


Corporate office Establishment Section asking information from territorial circles regarding sanctioned and working strength in respect of JTO (T)/JE(T)/TT Cadres for provisioning online inter circle transfers. Rule -9 transfer cases (Outgoing) ---- Rule-8 transfer cases (incoming) ---- deputation to DOT etc.…..


Corporate office letter on reverification of all GSM service connections and services provided on these service connections.….


Use of Digital Life Certificate for validation of concessional connection to BSNL Retired employees….


Immediate constitution of 8th Central Pay Commission for revising the Pay/Allowances/Pension and other benefits of Central Government Employees…..


MRS Card Re-Validation for the Retired Employees in respect of Telangana Telecom Circle…..


Corporate office declared T.T. results on 02-12-2024. The examination was held on 08-09-2024 under 50% internal quota for vacancy year 2022. Letter No.-BSNLCO-11/13(14)/1/2024-RECTT-CO, dt-02-12-2024. NFTE CHQ congratulates the qualified candidates in the examination. Click Here……


Hon’ble Central Administrative Tribunal Lucknow Bench have given a judgment in writ petition No.-6808 of 2005 in respect of seven applicants, who recruited by DOT and joined in BSNL from 01-10-2000 are eligible all the benefits including GPF and pensionery benefits w.e.f. 01-10-2000. (date of their appointment),….


General agreement between BSNL and MTNL executed at New Delhi on 22-11-2024 under article five. The mutually binding agreement shall come in to effect from 01-01-2025 for a period of 10 years…….


Revision of Dearness allowance (DA) to Casual Labourers [including TSMs] to draw their wages in terms of letter No.-269-11/2009-Pers-IV/LE, dt-01-01-2010 in CDA pay scale as per 6th CPC.….


Hon’ble Communication Minister Sri Jyotiraditya M Scindia letter to write to Hon’ble Member of parliament (Lok Sabha), Sri S Venkatesan Ji , regarding “ Pension revision for BSNL /MTNL , retiree’s “….


Capacity Building of all non-executive employees….


Corporate office letter on intimation of PwBD year-wise vacancy for PS (under 33% LICE Quota) in field units for the vacancy years 2020-2021 and 2022.….


Corporate office letter on settlement of claims from DOT on account of providing Mobile Telephone service connections to DOT officers/officials working/Retirees up to the year 2023-24…..


Com. Pothu Prasad, CPI party Khammam District Secretary has taken his last breath in the early hours of today at age of 60 years. He was survived with son and wife. He was a dedicated party worker in the district, who worked hard on labour issues. He was given CPI Office to us for conducting 3rd Circle conference from 18.11.2024 to 19.11.2024. NFTE BSNL Telangana Circle condoles the untimely death of Com. P. Prasad and share the grief of the family. RED SALUTE Comrade….


NFTE BSNL Delegation led by Circle Secretary, Circle President have submitted Elected panel of Telangana Circle for 2024 - 27 to Hon’ble CGMT Telangana, GM( HR) , DGM ( A ) and SDE (SR). The Circle office bearers available in the head quarter have participated in the presentation…..


71ST Foundation day of NFPTE/NFTE Celebrations at Hyderabad: (Telangana circle) At first NFTE flag was hoisted at Circle Union Office Kachiguda by COM.V.K Muthu circle vice president at about 09:30 AM. Secondly, NFTE flag hoisted at BSNL bhavan by circle secretary. Thirdly, the NFTE flag hoisted at Telephone Bhavan by COM G. Krishna Reddy ACS. At the said places more than 15 Commrades participated. Afterward, the NFTE flag hoisted by COM. Bal Raj, Circle Vice President and COM G.Krishna Reddy ACS Jointly. In all the places circle secretary have explained in detail the Importance of 24th November 1954. All have remembered COM OPG who have formed NFPTE with nine unions. Because of political compulsion, NFTE formed in 1968 as independent federation. We have successfully completed 70 years and achieved more and more to the workers of DOT/BSNL. Importantly regularisation of 1 lakh casual mazdoors, GOVT pension to PSU employees, promotion etc. At all the places sloganeering programme is very effective. NFTE-Zindabad; workers unity zindabad; Long Live BSNL. C.S conveyed revolutionary greetings to all the participants in the celebrations…..




Result of LICE held on 08-09-2024 for the promotion to the post of Junior Engineer (T) against 50% quota for vacancy year 2023….


Circular No: 12/24, dated at 22/11/2024……


Condolence meeting at Adilabad :- Adilabad comrades organised a condolence meeting in conference hall under the chairmanship of Com. Sanjay District president, in memory of comrade E. Narsimlu, JE, District Secretary NFTE BSNL Adilabad who expired on 16/11/2024. He was survived with two daughters and wife. Com. C. Vilas, Com. Narender, Com. Prabhakar, Com. Ghouse, Com. Rajkumar, Com. Raja Reddy along with Com. A. Rajamouli, Circle Secretary, Com. B Sunitha, Circle President, Com. V.K. Muthu, Circle Vice President/HTD District Secretary, Com. Mastanvali, District Secretary, Nizamabad participated in the meeting. After observing two minutes silence , all have paid rich tributes to him. All have remembered his noble deeds and appreciated with one voice the humble and helpful attitude of late Comrade. They given a brief note an helping hand of Com. E Narsimlu with regard to Bank matters. He was discipline of Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar and worked as SEWA District Secretary for more years. He Celebrated Dr. Baba’s birthday is unique one in the history of Adilabad. He was a sober and simple living person. His death loss to BSNL as well as NFTE BSNL in Adilabad. Sri Hari Shankar, SDE (MM) and Chandrashaker, SDE, also spoken in the meeting. They noticed his sincerely in duties and commitment to friendship with all. Com. Rajamouli, spoken on his good deeds in the life. And appealed all to given an helping hand to his family. Circle Union donated Rs. 5000/- and Com. V. K. Muthu, District Secretary NFTE BSNL/HTD & Circle Vice President donated Rs. 10,000/- to his Family members. The meeting ended with slogans Com. E Narsimlu Amar Rahe Amar Rahe….


Yearly revalidation of BSNL MRS card for retirees …..


Holidays to be observed in BSNL Telangana Telecom Circle during the year 2025…..


Partial modification in facility of immunity from transfer to recognised and support association….


Com A.Rajamouli re-elected circle secretary with a team of 21 office bearers in which Com. B.Sunita and Com. Soma reddy  elected as president and Circle treasurer respectively. Com. V.Muthu a senior comrade  as Vice President . Breafly details click hear


Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the grade of Junior Telecom Officer (Telecom) [JTO (T)] under 50% internal quota for vacancy year 2023 - [For working eligible BSNL employees only] held on 08.09.2024- declaration of merit list. On the basis of the performance in the
ClickHere ClickHere


Com. E . Narsimlu, JE, Adilabad SSA is no more:- Com. E. Narsimlu, JE, District Secretary Adilabad SSA have taken his last breath at the age of 54 years on 16.11.2024 ( at about 2130 hrs) in Adilabad. He servieved with two daughters and wife. He came to Department as part time worker, then be became a casual mazdoor, TSM, RM, TT and with his hard work he passed JE examination with determination. He started as a disciplined of NFPTE/NFTE from mazdoor life. NFTE have lost dedicated and committed worker at this Juncture. He was doing in transmission wing and got good name at all levels. NFTE BSNL Telangana Circle condoles the untimely sudden death of a brave soldier of NFTE and share the grief of the family. Comrade E. Narsimlu Amar rahe Amar Rahe…….


Enhancement of maximum limit of Gratuity from 20 lacs to 2 5 lacs on reaching the Dearness Allowance to 50% - Applicability to the BSN/MINL absorbees opted for pension for combined service governed under Rule-37 of CCS(Pension) Rules, 2021…….


Note for consideration of Management Committee of Board.……


Holidays to be observed in BSNL offices during the year 2025.….


20th All India BSNL Cricket meet 2023-25 Regional selection trials (Men) on 14.11.2024 at Gymkhana grounds, Secunderabad ….


Grant of annual increment falling due on the next day of retirement for the purpose of pension art benefits - Seeking clarification thereof  letter Maharashtra Circle…..


Director (HR) called a meeting on 07-11-2024 with Recognized unions/Associations to discuss transfer of MTNL operations to BSNL….


Corporate office letter on temporary transfer under Rule-9/ Mutual under Rule-8/ one way Rule-8 transfer of executive(s) in the Cadre of Junior Telecom officer (Telecom)….


Grant of Special Casual Leave to Eligible Circle Office Bearers, DSs & Delegates of NFTE Telangana to attend 3rd Annual Conference to be held from 18.11.2024 to 19.11.2024 at Khammam…..


District working committee meeting of circle office branch was held on 28-10-2024 in union office under the Presidentship of Com. G.K. Hanumantha Rao District President. Circle Secretary, Circle President attended the meeting. All the executive body members were present in the meeting. Com. B. Geeta District Secretary have given brief note on pending issues of circle office. She explained the steps taken by District unioin in settling them. At first two minutes silence was observed in memory of Com. K.S. Sheshadri, Dy. G.S, who expired on 23-10-2024. All the members expressed unhappy for non-settlement of 3rd wage revision circle Secretary have given all details on status of 3rd wage revision, decisions of NEC held at Sangli, 2nd VRS and other issues. Com. B. Sunitha circle President said there are lacunas in EPF/GPF issue in the circle, which needs keen attention to settle them. Com. Sunitha Sr. Account and Senior Comrade concluded the meeting with her advises to strengthen the organisaiton circle office and in the circle.….



Corporate office training Section Eastern Court writes a letter to GS NFTE/GS BSNLEU on capacity building of all non-executive employees and seeking views on this proposal by 11-11-2024.….


District Working Committee meeting of Khamam on 25-10-2024:- At first Com. T. Durga Rao, D.S. Khammam have organized condolence meeting in union office in memory of late Com. K.S. Sheshadri, C.S. & Dy. G.S. NFTE BSNL Karnataka who expired on 23-10-2024 at Jhansi at about 0400 am. He was on the way to attend wage revision committee meeting to be held on 23-10-2024. He was at 78 years old. C.S. and C.P. were present in the meeting. All have paid rich tributes to him and remembered his sacrificed life to our organization. He was honest and humble in nature, He worked in organization from Com. OPG’s period. Two minutes silence observed in the meeting. After that District working committee meeting held in union office under the Presidentship of Com. Chalapathi Rao, Com. B. Sunitha Circle President have hoisted NFTE flag, C.S. CP and Com. Singam Narasimha Rao AITUC leader attended the meeting. Com. T. Durga Rao has given brief note on pending issues in particular non settlement of medical bills, which were pending years together. He also touched deficiencies in our marketing arena, compared to private operators. He said our management is not serious about new Technological development in the open market, which causing much lose to BSNL. C.S. have clarified all points raised by the members on welfare matters, 3rd wage revision status, 2nd VRS propaganda, CGA and examinations. Com. B. Sunitha have said we have to meet all Comrades and explain status of issues to keep them all active in the organization. The meeting also planned to make the 3rd circle conference a big success at Khammam. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. T. Durga Rao, D.S. Khammam.…


Clarification regarding timely payment of GPF final payment in the retiring Government servant ….


Retirement benefits be released timely.…..


Resolutions adopted at NEC meeting…..


BSNL Corporate office endorsement of Board level & below Board level posts including non-unionized supervisors and Non-Executives in Central Public Section Enterprises (CPSEs) - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates w.e.f. 01.10.2024…..


Board level and below Board level posts including Non-unionised supervisors in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs)- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01 .2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates.....


Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) on 1987 and 1992 basis….


Launch of BSNL New Logo by Hon’ble MoC…..


Meeting of the Joint Committee for Wage Revision of Non- Executive employees w.e.f. 01.01.2017 in BSNL deferred…..


*Com K.S. Sheshadri, NFTE BSNL All India Dy. General Secretary No More:- It is a dark day for trade unions and associations today we lost Comrade K. S. Sheshadri, Dy. G.S NFTE BSNL and CS NFTE Ktk last his breath today at 4 am at Jhansi Railway station while he was traveling to BSNL CO for attending wage revision committee meeting.*   He was a NOBLE GENTLE MEN, Committed Organiser of NFPTE/NFTE. He was a principled leader in the Trade Union. NFTE BSNL Telangana Circle pays rich tributes to him – Red Salute Comrade. Circle Secretary, Telangana Circle.


Circular No: 11/24, dated at 21/10/2024……


Conditions for grant of additional pension to the retired Central Government Civil Employees covered under Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 2021.….


Record of discussion of the reconstituted Joint Committee on wage revision for Non-Executive employees w.e.f. 01.01.2017 in BSNL held on 22.03.2024.….


Selection for the post of CMD, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limnited (BSNL), a Schedule A' CPSE.….


Conditions for grant of additional pension to the retired Central Government Civil Employees covered under Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 2021…..


3rd Annual Conference of Telangana Circle will be held from 18-11-2024 to 19-11-2024 at CPI Office, by pass road, near new bus stand, Khammam….


Grant of notional increment on 15 July / 1st January to the employees who retired from Central Govt. service on 30th June / 31st December respectively for the purpose of calculating their pensionary benefits…..


Meeting of the Joint Committee for Wage Revision of Non- Executive employee's w.e.f. 01.01.2017 in BSNL…..



Calling for applications from Hyderabad BA staff grant of Book award to the out standing school going children of BSNL employees for Academic year 2023-24…..


Clarification in Policy for Provision of FTTH Service connection through Partner OLT…..


Empanelment of CGHS/ECHS Hospitals, regarding…..


Revision of rate of TDS deduction on payment of PLI & RPLI policies w.e.f. 01.10.2024….


Posting of officers in Delhi area.….


Temporary Transfer of non-executive in the cadre of Junior Engineer (Telecom)…..


Upkeep & Maintenance of BSNI Colonies & Inspection Quarters….


6.4% IDA increased from 01-10-2024, Total=217.8 + 6.4% = 224.2 % w.e.f. 01-10-2024.....


Corporate office (Personal Branch) letter on entry/verification of PwBD data in respect of BSNL employees in SAP/ERP.….


NFTE delegation headed by Com. B. Sunitha, Circle President alongwith Com. G.K. Hanumantha Rao, ACS, Com. V.K. Muthu D.S. HTD, Com. Geetha D.S. CO, Com. Anitha, Com. Laxmamma, Com. Lal, Com. Srinivas, Com. Narender met new CGM Shri G. Ratna Kumar, who joined in Telangana on 02-09-2024 in place of Shri Nirmal P.G. The delegation welcomed the new CGM and honoured him with bouquet and Shawl……


Corporate office (Recruitment Branch) letter regarding conduct of paper II of LICE i.e. PA to PS in BSNL units at ALTTC , Ghaziabad – intimation of date of Paper II Examination.….


Informal discussions with PGM (Est):- Discussion with union office bearer took place on following issues.- (1) Transfer of Draughtsman, Shri L.M. Bhandere, now designated as JE cannot be equated with JET). He agreed to the point and promised to speak to circle authorities. (2) POS - (a) Bihar circle office has again sought some clarification. it is being replied by BSNL HOR. (3) (b) Cases from Jharkhand circle are still not received. Matter will get due attention on receipt.….


Implementation of Online Transfer Application Module for inter-circle transfer under Rule -8 of BSNL Transfer Policy….


NFTE Deligation led by Circle Secretary Com. A. Rajamouli met with Smt. T. Anila Kiran, PGM, ITPC, honoured her with Shawl in view of her retirement on 31.08.2024( Superannuation) ….


UPS:- The Central Govt has now introduced unified “Pension Scheme” (UPS) for central Govt employees in addition to “New Pension Scheme” (NPS). Both schemes are contributory. The CG employees and unions had been demanding restoration of “Old Pension Scheme” (OPS). The concerned employees and their unions are dissatisfied with the UPS and want OPS which was in existence before. The “UPS” is not applicable to PSU employees including BSNL. It will be premature to offer comments before detailed study of the new rule. However, now three Rules viz NPS, UPS and OPS exist.….


Unified Pension Scheme (UPS) approved by the Union Cabinet. This scheme aims to benefit government employees and offers several key features…..


Circular No: 09/24, dated at 21/08/2024……


Corporate office Admin & PR Branch writes a letter to all CGMs/Unit Heads on empanelment of CGHS/ESHS hospitals – the purpose is to make sure that at least one empanelled hospitals is available in every operational area (OA).….


DGM (Admn) Corporate office writes a letter to all CGMs on “Har Ghar Tiranga” Campaign from 09th -15th August, 2024....


All Union Association meeting decides to take vigorous action to settle Pay Revision / Wage Revision issue:- A meeting of the All Unions and Associations is held in AIGETOA’s office at New Delhi today, to discuss about the ways and means to settle Pay Revision / Wage Revision, which is the most burning issue of the employees. This meeting is attended by BSNLEU, NFTE, SNEA, AIGETOA, SEWA BSNL, BTEU, AIBSNLEA, FNTO, BSNLMS, AITEEA, ATM BSNL, TEPU and DEWAB. Com.Chandeshwar Singh, G.S, NFTE, presided over the meeting. Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU, explained the latest position of the issue of Pay Revision / Wage Revision and the need for taking united efforts by all unions and associations to settle the same. All the representatives participated in the discussion. It is unanimously decided to take up the Pay Revision / Wage Revision issue vigorously with the CMD BSNL and the Government. As a first step, it is decided to write letter to the CMD BSNL on the following two points. (1) BSNL Management should write letter to the DoT demanding expeditious action to settle the Pay Revision of the Executives. (2) As regards the Wage Revision of the Non-Executives, the Management should immediately sign agreement with the Recognised Unions, based on the pay scales finalised through mutual agreement in the Wage Negotiating Committee meeting held on 27.07.2018. It is decided that letter is to be written to the CMD BSNL under the signature of the General Secretaries of all the unions and associations.


Meeting with Director (HR) BSNL Board today:- President, General Secretary and Com. Rajamouli met to the Director (HR) BSNL and discussed the following issues. (i) Pick and Choose transfers in field units ignoring the BSNL transfer policy. (ii) No weightage and care in transfers to the union leaders who fall under provision of immunity from transfer. (iii) Fixing the date and time for holding the formal meeting with NFTE-BSNL. (iv) Holding of circle/local council meetings periodically as per prescribed schedule circulated by corporate office. (v) Adamancy and vindictive attitude of PGM BA Patna and transfer of District Secretary and Treasurer by the BA head Noida. After a patient hearing by the Hon’ble Director (HR), directed the PGM (SR) to write a general letter to all the CGMs to follow the transfer policy of BSNL and also settle the immunity cases without prejudice. He assured to address the remaining issues. Shri S.P. Singh, PGM (Est) and Smt. Anita Johri PGM(SR) were also present in the meeting.….


Ministry health and family welfare Govt of India issues guidelines on CGHS Dte. General of Health Services, the following instructions are to be followed strictly by all HCOs empanelled under CGHS Delhi/NCR, failing which necessary action will be initiated in accordance with the MOA.….


Holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examinations (LICE) –intimation of date of online examination….


wage revision BSNLEU and NFTE BSNL jointly seek meeting with CMD BSNL :- BSNLEU and NFTE have already submitted a joint letter to the new CMD BSNL on the Wage Revision issue. The new CMD BSNL will not be aware of all the details connected with the Wage Revision. Hence, in that letter, all details related to Wage Revision are cogently explained. As the next step, both BSNLEU and NFTE have planned to jointly meet the CMD BSNL and discuss the Wage Revision issue. Efforts are being taken to hold the meeting as early as possible…,


Holding of 5 Limited Internal Competitive Examinations LICEs (TT, JE(T), PA to PS in field units, JTO (T), JTO(TF) (- Role & responsibilities of circle team……


Corporate office letter on Re-verification of all GSM Service connections and facilities provided on these service connections.…..


Corporate office letter on furnishing of status of pending Courts Cases related to re-fixation of pay i.r.o. absorbed employees of BSNL who were promoted prior to 01-10-2000 but opted under FR-22(1)(a)(i) for fixation of their pay in the promoted scale on the date of their next increment in the lower grade which falls after 01-10-2000 ……


Inordinate delay in the settlement of wage revision of the Non-Executives – requesting for your kind intervention to remove the bottle-neck…..


Transfer & Posting of officer (s)/executive (s) of CGM/PGM level…….


Regular promotion and posting of officers in HAG of Indian Telecommunication Services, Group 'A…..


Meeting with PGM(Est):- General Secretary met to PGM(Est) and discussed the following issues – (i) Delay in issuance of Presidential order to the left out staff of Maharashtra, Jharkhand and Bihar. The PGM reciprocated that even after DO letters from the Director (HR) to all the circles, these circles are not sending the proper report needed for the purpose. He assured that he will persue the issue on his personal basis to finalise it. (ii) Non-issuance of order for payment of DA for TSMs and Casual Mazdoors due from 01-01-2024, the PGM replied that the case has been put up for approval but not returned, after receiving the approval the required order will be issued soon.….


The BSNL management has withdrawn the order of Voluntary Group Health Insurance Policy of M/S Oriental Insurance Company vide letter No.-BSNLCO-ADMN/12/3/2022-ADMN, dt-24-07-2024.


BSNL Corporate office endorsed Board level & below Board level posts including non-unionized supervisors and Non-Executives in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of DIA at revised rates…..


Online Transfer Portal (OTP)- Opening of window  on six monthly basis……


DPE letter for IDA increase of 1% from 01/07/2024…..
ClickHere ClickHere ClickHere


Holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examinations (LICEs) – extension of last date of online Registration….


Non-extension of tenure of Shri Pravin Kumar Purwar, CMD, BSNL beyond 14.07.2024;
ClickHere ClickHere


Implementation of Voluntary Group Health Insurance Policy for BSNL employees w.e.f 25.07.2024…..


PGM (Finance) CM writes a letter to All Heads of Territorial Circles & Metro Telephone Districts, regarding settlement of claims recoverable from DOT on account of providing Mobile Telephone Service connections to DOT officers/officials working/retirees up to the year 2023-24.….


Corporate office order on grant of 60 days special maternity leave in case of death of a child soon after birth/still birth.….


1 % IDA increased from 01-07-2024, Total=216.8 + 1 % = 217.8 % w.e.f. 01-07-2024.....


Corporate office order on processing of e-APAR for “Executive and Non-executive” employees of BSNL, online through ESS-Portal for year 2023-24…..


Grant of Book Award to the outstanding school going children of the employees of BSNL Corporate Office for the year 2024-25.


Central Trade Union leaders met Hon’ble Minister of Finance Smt. Nirmala Sitaraman and submitted a memorandum, view points on issues to be considered for framing budget for the year 2024-25. Dated:-24-06-2024.......


Group Health Insurance Policy for employees & their dependents…….


District working committee meeting of Hyderabad on 22.06.2024…..


Circular No. 08/2024, dated at 25/06/2024…...


Letter issue from Telangana Circle on Compliance report on staff issues….


Corporate office letter issued on payment of new IDA rates….


Holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICEs) – intimation of starting date of online registration.….


Circle Executive Committee Meeting of Telangana Circle on 19.6.2024 at Kachiguda, Hyderabad.


Meeting to finalise the premium for health insurance has been call on 21-06-2024.…..


Empanelment of all network hospitals under Fortis Healthcare, regarding.….



Group Health Insurance meeting today (i.e. 13-06-2024):- As per notification by the Admn section of BSNL Corporate office. The meeting took place at 11.00 am at 4th floor meeting room. Shri Tyagi, PGM (Admn) was in Chair. Smt. Anita Johari CGM (SR), Shri S.P. Singh, PGM (Est) Shri Chiramiya, PGM (F) and other officers from management were present. From union and Association representatives from all the recognised Union/Associations were present in the meeting. From NFTE (BSNL), Com. Islam Ahmad and Com. Chandeshwar Singh participated in the meeting. The rate and terms placed by the M/S Oriental Insurance Company was not accepted by the staff representatives and the Chairman advised the representatives of Insurance Company to arrange for reduction in rate with comparison to the rate of 2023-24. The meeting was adjourned without any decision.…


Board level and below Board level posts including Non-unionised supervisors in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs)- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01 .2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates.....


Corporate office letter on expediting the action to settle disciplinary cases pending after the issue of charge sheet in respect of JTO’s and Non-Executive officials.…..


Corporate office letter on training to proceed without Hostel facilities at ALTTC Ghaziabad w.e.f. 10-06-2024.….


Grant of Special Casual Leave to District Secretaries and Circle Office Bearers of NFTE –TS to attend CEC meeting on 19.06.2024 (Wednesday)…..


Transfer in the grade of Sub Divisional Engineer (Electrical)…..


Transfer in the grade of Sub Divisional Engineer (T)…..


HEARTY WELCOME:- Hearty welcome to Hon’ble Shri Jyotiraditya M. Scindia Hon’ble Minister of Communications, Dr. Chandra Shekhar Pemmani, Hon’ble Minister of State for Communications. Hope under their dynamic leadership early completion of 4G upgradation in BSNL and settlement of 3rd wage revision. Their stewardship will bring cheerfulness in BSNL and to employees.…


Voluntary group health insurance policy meeting will be held on 13-06-2024 at 11.00 am in 4th floor meeting Hall, BSNL Corporate office, New Delhi……


Transfer &Posting of long stay AGMs (I) /DEs(T)….


AGM (welfare & sports) BSNL CO have written a letter to all CGMs/GMs/Secretaries BSNL circle welfare boards for submission of agenda items for proposed 13th meeting of the BSNL staff welfare board latest by 30-06-2024.….


Corporate office has filled up the vacant CGM posts and ordered for transfers in CGM level on 07-06-2024…..


Corporate office has filled up the vacant CGM posts and ordered for transfers in CGM level on 07-06-2024…..


1.4 % IDA increased from 01-04-2024, Total=215.4 + 1.4 % = 216.8 % w.e.f. 01-04-2024.....


NFTE BSNL Telangana Circle Union Executive Committee meeting will be held on 19/06/2024, at Circle Union office Barkathpura, Hyderabad…..


Tear full fare well to Com. Mallishetti Janardhan Rao on 05.06.2024 at Vijayawada. Com. K. Anjaiah, Circle Secretary, Andhra Pradesh, Com. T. Durga Rao, ACS & District Secretary, Khammam, Com. Chalapathi Rao District President , Com. Nagendar Babu , District Secretary , Vijayawada Telecom District, Com. Rameshwar Rao, Com. Nancharaiah and other comrades were present in the last journey of Com.Mallishetti Janardhan Rao. His body covered with NFTE flag and all have paid rich tributes him. Com.Mallishetti Janardhan Rao AMAR RAHE - AMAR RAHE - AMAR RAHE…


Com. Malli Shetti Janardhan Rao  Ex-Circle Secretary AITEEU Line staff & Class IV- is no more:- Com. Malli Shetti Janardhan Rao  has taken his last breath at 17.15 hours today (04.06.2024). He worked as a Circle secretary continuously for 36 years. He was a NOBLE GENTLE MEN, Committed Organiser of NFPTE/NFTE. He was a principled leader in the Trade Union.  NFTE BSNL  Telangana Circle pays rich tributes to him – Red Salute Comrade.
Circle Secretary, Telangana Circle.


Dr. Neeraj Mittal, IAS Secretary writes a DO letter to all Secretaries of Ministries/Departments to the Government of India regarding decision of union Cabinet taken in 2019 for revival plan of BSNL/MTNL which also includes monetization its surplus land/building assets.…..


Corporate office Establishment Section writes letter to all CGMs for submission of pending superannuation pension scheme (SPS) cases in respect of retired/expired employees.….


Declaration of Rate of Interest for the Employees’ Provident Fund Members Account for the year 2023-24.….


Option change to authorisation for deduction of membership subscription from salary….


2nd round Empanelment of executives/ officers for holding the post of Chief General Manager (CGM)in BSNL….


Implementation of Online Transfer Application Module for inter-circle temporary transfer under Rule -9 of BSNL Transfer Policy .....


Vacancies estimated to arise in the Cadre of JE (T) during 01-01-2024 to 31-12-2024 for the calendar year 2024 due to Superannuation / Promotion / Registration/Death etc....


Transfer &Posting of officers in PGM/GM level …..


Meeting with CMD BSNL head lines of Recognized Unions and Associations on 24-05-2024…..


CMD BSNL’ meeting with Recognised Unions and Associations.……


Meeting with BSNL management on 22-05-2024 at 04.00pm for renewal of Group Health Insurance Policy.…


Processing of e-APAR for executives and non-executives (NE-9 & above) of BSNL,online through ESS-Portal for year 2023-24…….


Inter circle transfer of JTOs(T) /JE(T) under Rule 8 of BSNL Transfer Policy……..


Clarification on Concession to Residential Service Plan for BSNL Executives/Employees…..


Scheme and Syllabus for Direct Recruitment to the post of Senior Executive Trainee (DR) of Telecom Stream.…..


Certificate Granted to BSNL under Section 197 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 relating to deduction of tax at source (TDS)at lower rates for the FY 2024-25…..


Circular No. 05/2024, dated at 15/05/2024…...


Employees provident fund organization (Ministry of Labour and Employment Govt. of India), has increased retirement gratuity and death gratuity by 25% to 25 lakhs existing Rs. 20 lakh on account of revision of dearness allowance payable to central Government…..


Request for formal meeting to discuss staff grievances…..


Corporate office issued directions to all heads of telecom circles/project/regions and other Administrative units for disposal of the unauthorizedly absent cases of more than 5 years (deemed to be resigned) and between 3 to 5 years i.r.o. JTO’s and Non –executive employees of BSNL and submit the compliance report latest by 15-05-2024…..


Corporate office issues a letter on development of disciplinary cases monitoring mechanism in ERP.….


Policy for Reimbursement of cost of GSM Mobile Handset to JTO and above level Officers of BSNL.….


Immunity to office bearers of Unions/Association as per REA Rules 2014 and its amendments issued from time to time - Circulation of revised Proforma…..


Corporate office Establishment branch issued an order for direct relieving through ERP in respect of executive(s) in the Cadre of JE (T)/JTO(T), who have over stayed beyond the permissible period of temporary transfer under Rule-9 of BSNL transfer policy before 31-03-2024.….


Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the grade of Junior Engineer (T) under 50% internal quota for vacancy year 2023 - [For working eligible BSNL employees only]. - Notification of Exam …..
ClickHere ClickHere


May Day celebrations at various places in the Hyderabad. At circle union office hosting our flag by Com B. Sunitha, Circle President, at Telephone Bhavan flag hosting by Com. V. Shankar, branch Secretary, Telephone Bhavan, BSNL Bhavan & Circle office also flag hosted. NFTE CHQ extends revolutionary greetings to all the participants in the May Day celebrations….



Meeting for renewal of Group Medical Health proposal took place today under the chairmanship of PGM (Adm). PGMs (SR) and (Est), and Dy. GM (Adm) were also present. President, NFTE (BSNL) attended the meeting. The following points were emphasised. (1) Premiums should not be increased at any cost. (2) BSNL management should pay the premiums amount to some extent. (3) Possibilities be explored to get proposals from other companies but not with Private companies. The official side was receptive. Annexures are enclosed for perusasl and comments from circle unions etc.….


Establishment section of Corporate office writes a letter to all CGMs for expediting the action to settle disciplinary cases pending for more than one year after the issue of charge sheet in respect of JTO (T) & Non-Executive officials.….


Meeting on renewal of the voluntary group health insurance policy from 1st June 2024…..


Irregular and illegal action of officers working in Hyderabad TD….





Guidelines issued by DoT regarding forwarding of cases for approval of PO- issues relating to left out casual labourers/TSMs…..



All the District/Branch Secretaries are requested to celebrate 102nd birth anniversary of O.P. Gupta Ji on 08-04-2024. Kindly organize big meetings and explain the achievements of Com. A. Rajamouli, Circle secretary……


Mandatory Linking of CGHS Beneficiary ID with Ayushman Bharat Health Account ID.……
ClickHere ClickHere


lnstructions r'egarding submission of claims w.r.t' Group Term lnsurance Scheme …..


Inter Circle Transfer of SDEsT)


Corporate office (Recruitment) declared results of JE (T) LICE 50% internal quota examination held on 04-02-2024. Total qualified candidates in 14 circles are 78 (OC=71, SC=6, ST=1) --- NFTE CHQ congratulates the qualified candidates in the examination.….


BSNLMRS – Review of BSNLMRS policy……


8th District conference of Khammam OA….


Request to settle NEPP and confirmation cases in Telangana Circle….


Irregular stoppage of union subscription - request for intervention…..


Com R. Sudhakar J.E.have given lunch today onthe occassion of his retirement on31/03/2024 .,Com. A. Rajamouli,Circle Secretary, Com. B. Sunitha, Circle President, Com. V. K. Muthu., DS HTD and others falicitated him with garland and shawl.…..


Circular No. 04/2024, dated at 27/03/2024…...



Annual Health check-up at hospitals empanelled under CGHS in respect of CGHS pensioners beneficiaries aged 75 years and above …..


Trade union action programme (badge wearing campaign and demonstration) from 3rd to 5th April, 2024 as per decision in National Secretariat meeting held at New Delhi on 6th & 7th March 2024 is deferred keeping in view the ensuing general election in the country…..


The meeting of the joint wage revision committee held on 22.03.2024 under the chairmanship of Shri R.K. Goyal. All the members of management and staff side participated. The deliberation took place in a very cordial atmosphere. Com. Islam Ahmad, Com. Chandeshwar Singh and Com. K.S.Sheshadri attended from NFTE. The chairman stated that the NFTE has submitted some live cases of stagnation in proposed scales as well as views for an increase in the minimum(lower band) and maximum (upper band) of some of the proposed scales the chairman said that the cases submitted by NFTE have been checked and found justified. The chairman concluded that the next meeting date will be notified for finalisation and in the meantime staff side should submit live cases of stagnation if any in proposed scales for consideration.…..


Submission of self-certificate for payment of Professional Upgradation Allowance (PUA) to the executive employees of BSNL on ERP-ESS portal for FY- 2023-24…..


The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet (ACC) has approved the proposal of Department of Telecommunications seeking eX-post facto approval for extension of the additional charge of the post of CMD, Bharat Broadband Network Limited (BBNL) assigned to Sh. PravinKumar Purwar, CMD, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) for a period W.e.f. 03.10.2023 to 14.07.2024 i.e. till his present tenure in BSNL, or until further orders, whichever is earlier…..


Circle Executive Committee Meeting o f Telangana Circle on 18.03.2024 The C.E.C. Meeting held in Circle Union Office premises under the Joint presidium of Com.V.K.Muthu, Com. Ranga Narayakulu and Com.A. Satyanarayana in the absence of Com.B.Sunita till 12:45 Hrs…..


Working Women’s Co-ordination Committee Meeting of Telangana Circle on 17-03-2024….


Meeting of the Joint Committee for Wage Revision of Non- Executive employees w.e.f. 01.01.2017 in BSNL….


Circular No. 03/2024, dated at 17/03/2024…...


Holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examinations (LICE) – intimation of date of online Examination…..


NFTE delegation led by Circle Secretary met the New CGM Sri P.G.NIRMAL, today in his chamber and offered a flower bouquet ??


Record of discussion of the reconstituted Joint Committee on wage revision for Non- Executive employees w.e.f. 01.01.2017 in BSNL held on 05.03.2024.…..


Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners - Revised rate effective from 01.01.2024…..


Corporate office (Establishment Branch) requesting all CGMs to send the details of Rule -8 applications on spouse ground pending in the circles in respect of JTO, JE and JAO Cadres within 7 days.….


Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the grade of Junior Telecom-officer (Telecom) [JTO (T)] under 50% internal quota for vacancy year 2023……


Revision of rates of Dearness Allowance to Central Government employees, effective from 01.01.2024.…..


All the District Secretaries are requested to start preparations for success of “Badge wearing campaign” from 03-04-2024 to 05-04-2024 at all levels as per the decision of National Secretariat meeting held from 06-03-2024 to 07-03-2024 in New Delhi. Kindly print the badges with the demands (a) Implementation of 3rd wage revision. (b) Lifting of ban or compassionate ground appointments. (c) Review of norms arbitrarily announced for all Cadres. (d) Revision of Perks & Allowances. (e) New Promotion Policy. And also conduct massive lunch hour demonstrations with mobolisation of workers on the last day i.e. 05-04-2024. A. Rajamouli, CS, Telangana……


Grant of Special Casual Leave to the eligible Office bearers, District Secretaries of NFTE BSNL, Telangana Circle to attend Circle Executive Committee meeting to be held on 18.03.2024 …..




NFTE Telangana Circle Union Executive Committee meeting will be held on 18/03/2024, at Circle Union office Barkathpura, Hyderabad…..


Inter circle transfer of long stay regular SDEs(T) (Stay>22 Yr and Age <56 years as on 31-03-2024).….
ClickHere ClickHere


Inter circle transfer of long stay regular AGMs(T)/DEs(T) (Stay>22 Yr and Age <56 years as on 31-03-2024)…..


Working Women's Co-ordination Commitee meeting wil be held on 17.03.2024 in Union Office, Kacheguda, Hyderabad……


Meeting of the joint committee for wage negotiation:- The meeting of the joint committee for wage negotiation has been fixed at 12 pm on 5th March 2024.....


Recruitment Rules of Deputy General Manager (DR) of Finance Stream- 2024......


Processing of pending payments of Ex-Gratia and pensionary benefits including leave encashment ni respect of VRS-2019 retirees ….


Corporate office letter on convening of CPC from PA to PS in field units.….


Corporate office issued letter on grant of special casual leave to office bearers of NFTE for National Secretariat meeting at New Delhi on 6th and 7th March, 2024.….


Transfer & Posting of officer (s)/executive (s) of CGM/PGM level - Regarding.….


Today submitting memorandum to CGM, Telangana Circle, Hyderabad……


Corporate office Establishment Branch issues a letter on Group Term Insurance for BSNL Executives and Non-executives – guidelines for annual renewal of the scheme w.e.f. 01-03-2024.…….


Circular No. 02/2024, dated at 12/02/2024…...


Petition pertaining to the grievances of BSNL low paid employees - solicit kind intervention. Telugu version….


Petition pertaining to the grievances of BSNL low paid employees - solicit kind intervention……


Corporate office letter on reservation in promotion to persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs).….


Notification to observe Nationwide "Call attention day" on the call of NFTE (BSNL) to settle legitimate demands of employees. Letter No.-TF-38/4, dt-31-01-2024.…..


Meeting with LIC for renewal of Group Term Insurance Scheme for executives and non-executives…..


Corporate office letter on updating of leave encashment data in SAP for regulating claim with DoT for reimbursement against DoT period leave for retirees….


District working committee meeting of HTD on 25-01-2024:- After District conference in October, 2023, 1st District Executive committee meeting held in union office under the Presidentship of Com. K. Krishnam Raju. After observing two minutes silence, the meeting begun with opening remarks of president. Circle President, Circle Secretary, all branch secretaries, majority District office bearers and senior Comrades attended the meeting. More than 50 comrades were present in the union room. Com. V.K. Muthu, District Secretary have explained all the agenda points with recent developments in organization at Hyderabad. And also he explained the status of issues settled during the period and pending issues. The action taken by District union was also explained in detail. He requested all to work hard to strengthen the organization. He said district union is implementing all calls given by CHQ. All branch Secretaries and majority office bearers have explained the pending issues of their branches. D.S. have given clarification on points raised by the speakers. Circle Secretary touched all the points pending in CHQ level and also have given details on 3rd wage revision status. He explained clearly the stand of CHQ on 16th February 2024 one day strike call. He appeal all be cautious at this juncture about fake and un pleasant whatsapp messages. Unfortunately a few comrades are creating confusion among the members to weaken the organization. We should not be fallen on trap with the un natural developments. The creators are having habit of spreading lies about our organization. It can not be tolerable. At the end Com. Laxmaiah, District Treasurer have given vote of thanks. The meeting ended with NFTE – Zindabad slogans……


Granting four days Special Casual Leaves to Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan) in addition to normal 12 days Casual Leaves in a year…..



Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the grade of Telecom Technician (TT) under 50% internal quota for vacancy year 2022.…..
ClickHere ClickHere


Circular No. 01/2024, dated at 22/01/2024…...


With consent of our President it has been decided to hold an “online emergent meeting” of all the circle secretaries on 23-01-2024 at 7 pm (Tuesday evening 7pm). All the Circle Secretaries are requested to join the meeting on time to discuss only a single agenda of 3rd wage revision. The link will be intimated to all circle secretaries on their personal whatsApp by C. Singh, G.S…..


Grant of special casual leave to the Hyderabad district office bearers and Branch Secretaries for attending working committee meeting on 25-01-2024, at NFTE Bsnl Union office BSNL Bhavan Adarsh Nagar, Hyderabad…..


Policy Guidelines for Provision of FTTH Service Connections in Office and Residence of Serving and Retired Officers/Officials ni BSNL where area is TNF or Copper based Exchange is closed…..


Corporate office issued letter on Half day closing (till 2.30 P.M.) of Central Government Offices, Central Institutions, and Central Industrial Establishments on 22nd January, 2024….


Meeting with Director (HR) BSNL Board:- G.S. Com. Rajamouli Treasurer CHQ, Com. Dharmendra Malik, C.S. Corporate office, Com. Surendra Kumar Treasurer Corporate office, NFTE (BSNL) met with Director (HR) and extended New Year greetings on behalf of NFTE (CHQ). The issue of retention of quarter on transfer, pending JTO LICE result of Punjab Circle and are individual case of Shri Prakash Mani ATT who is DOT employee as he has not opted to be absorbed in BSNL. The management not providing him the facility of HRA, Transport allowance, promotion at par with the Govt (DOT) employees Hon’ble Director (HR) after patient hearing assured the delegation, to look into the matter to resolve these issues shortly.….



Board level and below Board level posts including Non-unionised supervisors in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs)- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01 .2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates.....


Meeting with GM (Pers). Corporate Office:-GS along with Com Rajamouli CHQ Treasurer, Com Ranvir Singh ACS corporate office, and Treasurer C.O. met with GM (Pers) and discussed the issue of CSS staff viz UDC, LDC, and group D staff who are absorbed in BSNL after a written agreement, but now only 90 such employees are presently working in a corporate office and almost all are facing stagnation. We requested to hold the promotional examination for them even on a matching saving basis so that their stagnation Will be removed. The GM reciprocated positively to look into the matter....


Procedure to be followed by the Departmental promotion Committee with regard to retired employees …..


Amendment to CCS (Pension) Rules, 2021 - Allowing female Government servants/female Pensioner to nominate her child/children for family pension ni precedence ot her husband ni the event of marital discord leading ot filing of divorce proceedings in a Court of Law or filing of a case under Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act or Dowry Prohibition Act or Indian Penal Code…..


10 th death anniversary of com O.P.Gupta ji on 06.01.2024, all  BA/OA secretaries please organise meeting in union office and arrange to pay respectful homage to Late Come O.P.Gupta... Narrate the fighting character, vision and idiology of Com Gupta ji and his achievement for the workers right from the foundation of NFPTE/NFTE.



0.2% IDA reduced from 01-01-2024, Total=215.6-0.2% = 215.4% w.e.f. 01-01-2024.....


Clarification sought from corporate office on visit report for hospitalisation.….


Transfers and postings orders in respect of Motor Drivers……


Amendment to the BSNL Recognition of Non-Executives' Unions and Representation in the Council Rules, 2012…..



Rule 8 transferees not relieved so far - information regarding.….


Circle Executive Committee meeting of Telangana in Warangal City….


Circular No. 28/2023, dated at 17/12/2023…..


2023 Circular No. 28/12/2023, dated at 17/12/2023…..


Making the attendance in new online attendance system through mobile app…..


Holidays to be observed in BSNL Telangana Circle during the year 2024……


Circular of AUAB based on the meeting held on line at 8 pm of 12.12. 2023.....


Grant of Special CasualLeave to the eligible Office bearers, District Secretaries of NFTE BSNL , Telangana Circle to attend Circle Executive Committee meeting to be held on 17.12.2023 in Warangal…..


Post restructuring Circle - wise sanctioned strength in r/o Accounts officer / Junior Accounts officer…..


Issuing notification for organising demonstrations on 11-12-2023, opposing the taking over of ALTTC campus by the DoT….


NFTE BSNL Telangana Circle Union Executive Committee Meeting will be held on 17-12-2023, in Warangal town…..


Holidays to be observed in BSNL Offices during the year 2024….


Declaration of paid holiday on 30.11.2023 (Thursday) - General Election – 2023 to the Legislative Assembly of Telangana state……


Corporate office issued orders to all CGM’s on Visit of BA Heads at every districts Headquarters regularly…..


Immediate relieving of executives in the grade of Accounts officer…..


Holding of Limited Internal Competitive Examinations (LICE) – intimation of date of online examination .....


Constitution of BSNL Sports & cultural Board for the period of 1st April, 2023 to 31st March, 2025….


70th foundation day of NFPTE/NFTE celebrated in Telangana Circle enthusiastically. At Circle Union Office Com.B.Sunitha, Circle President hoisted NFTE Flag, Com. Muthyalu Snior Comrade hoisted NFTE Flag at BSNL Bhavan. AT Circle Office, All the Women Comrades jointly hoisted the NFTE Flag. It is a significant one. Com.Krishna Rao, Branch President hoisted NFTE Flag at Telephone Bhavan. At all the places comrades have participated in the program with commitment.….


Holding of Limited Internal oCompetitive Examinations (LICE) - intimation of starting date of online Registration….


Transfer &Posting of officer (s)/executive (s) of CGM/PGM/GM level …..


Circular No. 27/2023, dated at 13/11/2023…..


Corporate office letter on Modifications in Comprehensive Renting-Out Policy (CROP-2020) for renting-out of spareable building space including residential accommodation and other built-up facilities in BSNL- Amendment No. 6 thereof.….


Corporate office (Establishment section) seeking information from all circles i.r.o JTO and JE currently under temporary transfer under Rule-9 of BSNL transfer policy.….


All the District/Branch Secretaries are requested to celebrate 70th foundation day of NFPTE/NFTE on 24-11-2023 in grand manner. This is the day where our union have taken birth in Indian Trade union movement (P&T) and also organize big meetings with all Comrades and explain the achievements of NFPTE/NFTE in these years. NFTE is always working with determination to strengthen BSNL and protecting the rights of the employees. The glaring examples are regularisaton of above one lakh Casual Mazdoors including Ayas, Protection of Govt Pension to BSNL absorbees, SC/ST reservation in OTBP/BSR promotion etc. And also remember the great leaders, who sacrificed their lives to the cause of workers. (Comrade. Om Prakash Gupta, Com. Chandrashekar, Com. Jagan, Com. Vichare and other leaders). NFTE –Zindabad – Long live BSNL….


Advice of Central Vigilance commission (CVC) for systemic improvement - Regarding non recovery of dues from allottees of staff quarters.….


Condolence meeting on 07-11-2023:- Com. V.K. Muthu D.S. HTD have organized condolence meeting of late L. Damodar Rao (LDR) who expired on 25-10-2023 in America. At union office premises under the Presidentship of Com. V. Peraiah Panthulu, Senior leader.  More than 75 comrades participated from NFTE, BSNLEU and FNTO organizations.  Com. Krishnam Raju, District President NFTE HTD, Com. B. Sunitha Circle President NFTE and other  senior leaders  Com. N.K. Jain, Com. Ramachandudu, Com. Raju, Com.B. Ram Babu, Com. Rafiq, Com. Narshingha Rao, Com. Yaswanth Kumar, Com. Madu, Com. Narsimha Rao (Pensioners  Associations), and other senior leaders participated in the condolence meeting and expressed their views. At first they observed two minutes silence in memory of legend leader Com. LDR and paid rich tributes to him. All the leaders remembered him and his role in Trade union movement which is unforgottenable. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. P. Paranjyothi. Com. LDR Amar Rahe…..


Resolutions adopted in NEC meeting held at Lucknow, UP (East) from 03-11-2023 to 04-11-2023.….


Consolidated instructions for encashment of Earned Leave (EL)/ Half Pay Leave (HPL) at the time of retirement / resignation / technical resignation ot various categories of employees of BSNL…….


Consolidated guidelines on Tenure Areas in BSNL and categorization of areas as Soft Tenure, Semi Hard/Hard Tenure as well as facilities/entitlement - Clarification thereof…..


A note of joint forum of non-executive Unions and Associations on wage revision issue.….


Transfer and Posting in the grade of Junior Accounts Officer….


Transfer and Posting in the grade of Accounts Officer…..


Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the grade of Junior Engineer (T) under 50% internal quota for vacancy year 2022 - [For working eligible BSNL employees only]. - Notification of Exam……
ClickHere ClickHere ClickHere


Order from corporate office EPF 1.16% increased contribution from employers share into the pension fund on salaries exceeding Rs. 15,000/-…..


Opening Ceremony of Vigilance Awareness Week -2023 –Administration of Integrity pledge by CMD, BSNL on 30-10-2023 at 11.00 am at Podium, Ground floor, Bharat Sanchar Bhawan…..


Stores and Inventory Management Structure at Circle Level……


Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the grade of Telecom Technician (TT) under 50% internal quota for vacancy years 2020 and 2021-- OA-Vacancy wise list of qualified candidates…..
ClickHere ClickHere ClickHere


Com. L. Damoder Rao, a veteran leader of P&T is no more:- He had taken his last breath at the age of 85 in the early hours of today in USA. He was appointed as Technician in 1960 and retired on superannuation in 1997. He was well known as rest less fighter for up liftment of down trodden employees in DOT/BSNL. He lost his wife two years back, now he left with one daughter and 3 sons. All are staying in America. We remember his noble work that he handed over the documents of Padma Rao Nagar building to Com. O.P.G. we salute the brave Comrade and share the grief of the family. Com. Damodar Rao Amar Rahe.. C.S. NFTE….



Revision of rates of Dearness Allowances to Central Government employees with effect from 01.07.2023…..


BSNL Sports Calendar for 20th All India BSNL Tournaments for the year 2023-25.….


Circular No. 26/2023, dated at 17/10/2023…..


Final Result of LICE for promotion to the grade of Junior Telecom Officer (Telecom) JTO(T) under 50% internal quota for vacancy year 2022 held on 27.08.2023.....


Deduction of monthly union subscription with new rate of members of NFTE........


BSNL Board endorsed the IDA to Board level and below Board level posts including Non- unionised supenrisors in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEsf- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. O1.O1.2O07 - Payment of IDA at revised rates…..


Decision of joint forum “online” meeting held on 07-10-2023 at 07.00pm. Letter No.-JF/2023/17, dt-09-10-2023.….


An enthusiastic District Working Committee meeting of Circle Office (O/o CGM) Hyderabad held on 10-10-2023 in meeting Hall (10th Floor of CGM Office) under the president ship of Com.Hanumanth Rao. The Hall well decorated with NFTE Flags and buntings. At the beginning of meeting leaders paid rich tributes to Late O.P.Guptaji, Com.C.Singh-General Secretary was Chief Guest to the meeting, Com.Rajamouli-C.S, Com.G.Krishna Reddy-ACS and more than fifty(50) comrades including women employees participated in the meeting. G.S offered NFTE Kandavas to all the members of Circle Office. It is a significant to note that the members have raised the issues of staff and requested reply from G.S on 3rd wage revision, LDC Conversion, Stagnation, DOT/BSNL employees issue, BSNL MRS-CGHS, Corona Leave period, New promotion policy, Drivers issue, online attendance, examinations for promotion and ERP related issues etc., Com.C.Singh-G.S patiently heard all the issues and explained status on all issues in detail. He assured the members, if needed we will take up the issues in National Council. Com.G.Krishna Reddy-ACS have also spoken on issues, C.S have clarified the issues in Telugu and explained the note given by G.S. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com.Sunitha-Senior Comrade Circle Office. Com.Geetha-D.S have made marvelous arrangements for success of the meeting with the good co-operation of all the members.….


4th District Conference of Hyderabad Telecom District :- The Conference begun with flag hoisting ceremony Com. B.Sunitha, Circle President hoisted National flag and Com. C.Singh, General Secretary hoisted NFTE flag. Com. C.Singh, General Secretary said in detail importance red flag. The Conference started under the president ship of Com. P.Paran Jyothi, District President in Asman Mahel Auditorium. Com. C.Singh, General Secretary attend the Conference as chief guest to the meeting. At the beginning of meeting the house observed two minutes silence in respect of departed souls. Com. V.K.Muthu, District secretary, Hyderabad Telecom District have submitted annual report and accounts for approval of the house. The house approved both the reports submitted by the district union. Com. A.Rajamouli, Circle Secretary, Com. B.Sunitha Circle President, branch secretaries , District office bearers and senior comrades have participated in the Conference. Com. Sudhakar Rao, CHQ., organizing secretary, pensioners association & Com. Madhu, District Secretary pensioner association have attended the Conference. The reception committee honored all guests with garland and shawl and also they felicitated all the reception committee members. On the occasion of superannuation of Com. B.Kumar, TT. Reception Committee honored Com. B.Kumar and his family honored with garland, shawel and memento. Com. C. Singh, General Secretary have explained elaborately upon 3rd wage revision, New promotion policy, DoT/Bsnl employees issues and financial condition of the BSNL. Com. A. Rajamouli, Circle Secretary have said the above issues in Telugu and applied to strengthen organization in HTD....


Board level and below Board level posts including Non- unionised supenrisors in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEsf- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. O1.O1.2O07 - Payment of IDA at revised rates…..


Corporate office, SR Cell issued a letter on Grant of Special Casual Leave for attending National Executive Committee meeting of NFTE BSNL on 03-11-2023 & 04-11-2023.….


lmplementation of decisions taken in R-JCM'…..



Establishment section of Corporate office issued a letter on Redistribution of Hindi Cadre Posts of Kanistha Rajbhasha Adikhari and JHT & SHT…..


10% IDA increased from 01-10-2023, Total=205.6+10=215.6% w.e.f. 01-10-2023.....


The Staff Side of the National Council records it’s strong protest for preparing a fabricated minutes of the 39th meeting of the National Council held on 07-08-2023....


All circle secretaries, central office bearers and invites please note:- The National Executive committee meeting will be held on 3 rd and 4th November 2023 at Lucknow (UP East). You are requested to book your to and fro Train tickets immediately. All should try to reach Lucknow at evening of 2nd November 2023 and return ticket at late evening after 7 pm of 4th November or 5th November morning as per your convenience. Notice and other guidelines will follow. With warmest greetings .. C.Singh, G.S NFTE....


Establishment section of Corporate office issued a letter on Redistribution of Hindi Cadre Posts of Kanistha Rajbhasha Adikhari and JHT & SHT…..


Restructuring cell of Corporate office issued letter on digital transformation – implementation of organizational structure in ERP (IOSE) 2023.….


Corporate Account Section letter on payment of interest on delayed payment of GPF final payment.….


CAT Judgement copy on pension revision….


Resolution passed in the Joint Forum meeting held at New Delhi on 25-09-2023.….


Corporate office released minutes of the 39th meeting of the National Council held on 07-08-2023…..


Corporate office issued letter on revised IQ rates with immediate effect....


Corporate office issued letter on revised IQ rates with immediate effect....


Corporate office issued guidelines on consolidated guidelines on Tenure Areas in BSNL Categorization of areas as Hard Tenure, Semi Hard, Soft Tenure as well as facilities/entitlements......


Regarding permission to join another CPSE on contractual basis after taking VRS from BSNL.…..


Finalization of Terms & Conditions and Pay Fixation of Board Level Exeiutives- Clarification on Competent Authority…..



Change in the date of holiday on account of Ganesh Chaturthi…..


Transfer & Posting of officer (s)/executive (s) of CGM/PGM level…..


Minutes of the 12th  Meeting of BSNL Sports  and Cultural Board held on 19th April,2023….


Meeting with CGMT on 13-09-2023 :- Circle Secretary and Com.Hanumanth Rao-ACS met CGMT on 13-09-2023 and discussed the pending issues of Staff in length for more than one hour. CGMT said with the leaders, he is waiting for the reports from concerned officers, after seeing the reports he assured the leaders that action will be taken dispassionately. In respect of Rule-8 transfers from other circles to Telangana, he said categorically that it is not possible at this Juncture. After improvement in financial condition of Circle, he will accept all. The leaders expressed displeasure on the issue.…


District Executive Committee meeting of Nizamabad OA held on 09-09-2023 in Conference Hall under the Presidentship of Com.G.Keshava Rao-District President. CS, Com.Chandrasekhar-ACS, Com.Adok Saza-COS, Com.G.Gangadhar-DS (Retd. Association) and Senior Comrades attended and addressed the meeting. Com.Mastan Vali DS explained the organisational position of OA and said 2 branch conferences were held, one at Kamareddy and another at Nizamabad. He also explained the settled issues of staff and conveyed thanks to all for extending their cooperation in the OA. More than 50 comrades participated in the meeting. The members expressed their unhappiness for non settlement of 3rd wage revision and also they felt that work pressure is more on JEs at this juncture. Officers are spending much time in continuous meetings and they are fixing targets to non-executive staff. On the name of IPMS the management is harassing the non-executive staff. this is not healthy situation in the company. CS explained the points raised by the members in detail, but there is no satisfaction to them at this point of time without wage revision. CS has assured the members he will try hard to bring cooperation among all unions/associations for settlement of Wage Revision, Medical Issue and Promotion Policy. District union have given office file with NFTE BSNL name to all the executive members in the OA. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com.Ajay.….


(1) Results of LICEs held for promotion to T.T, J.E. and JTO Cadres:- The results will be declared within the month of September, 2023. (2) Status of non-executive union in circle offices:- The status of non-executive unions in Circle offices and facilities will remain as before. The “SR Cell” will issue necessary clarification after 12th September.....


Circular No. 24/2023, dated at 04/09/2023…..


MTNL has signed MOU with BSNL for synergy of Telecom operation for implementation of Cabinet decision of 29th July, 2022, Company Secy MTNL.….


AGM Recruitment writes a letter to all concerned head of circles regarding deploying of provisional answers key and grievances window on examination portal for the LICEs held on 27-08-2023. The provisional question and answer will be provided on examination portal for the period of seven days w.e.f. 29-08-2023 to 04-09-2023.….



Online attendance system in BSNL…..


Reply given by Corporate office to GS NFTE (BSNL) with regard to issuing of presidential orders to the employees recruited and sent for training by the DOT, prior to 01-10-2000 and who joined duty after the formation of BSNL – requesting to treat them as DOT recruitees, based on the criterion laid down by the Department of pension and pensioners welfare.….


Recognition period of the Union(s) of BSNL….


Successfully landing of Chandrayaan-3 today at 18:04 pm. NFTETS congratulates all the scientists who worked hard this noble work. We feel proud of them.….


Transfers &Postings in the cadre of Non- Executives in PGM Area-1…..


Clarification on mutual transfer under Rule-8 of BSNL employees transfer policy in BSNL.….


Consideration of Temporary Status Mazdoor (TSMs) regularised on or after 01.10.2000 and absorbed in BSNL W.E.F 01. 10.2000 and covers under Rule 37-A ofCCS(Pension)Rules for granting 1st NEPPatpar with DOT absorbed regular employees…..


Nominations for Motivational Training to BSNL employees in Medak BA-….


CGHS facilities to the retired BSNL/MTNL employees (Combined Service Pensioners) who are in receipt of pension from Central Civil Estimates- Revised mapping for determining CGHS subscription and Ward entitlement….


Circle Secretary write to CGMT Telangana on Maintenance of services in BSNL….


Processing of e-APAR of Executive & Non-executive" employees of BSNL, online through ESS-Portal for year 2022-23- regarding.


Review of EPF Higher Pension cases and upload status on ITPC portal- Reg.….



Issuing of presidential orders to the employees, recruited and sent training by the DoT …..


Circular No. 23/2023, dated at 10.08.2023.....


The 6th Circle Council Meeting (CCM) of Telangana Telecom Circle, Hyderabad was held on 06.06.2023 under the Chairmanship of CGMT, Telangana Telecom Circle in the Conference Hall, 1st Floor, Door Sanchar Bhavan, and Hyderabad.....


Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the grade of Telecom Technician (TT) under 50% internal quota for vacancy years 2020 and 2021 – Familiarisation of Exam Portal (CBT- Computer Based Test) - Training to aspiring candidates.....


Preparation of BSNL Sports Calendar for 20th All India BSNL Tournament.....


Purification of data in Attendance Portal – reg....


39th National Council meeting held on 07-08-2023 - Highlights.....


Letter from CGMT Telangana dated on 03.08.2023 Appeal for withdrawal of Trade Union action….


Letter to CGMT Telangana on Missing/Theft of Battery sets and Departmental material at Huzurabad - Request for enquiry….


Transfers and posting orders in the cadre of non executives under deployment modifications 2023 …..


Letter to CGMT Telangana for lrregularities in Mahaboob Nagar OA…..


Restructuring Cell of Corporate office has requested all CGMs to send required data for review of Organisational Restructuring in BSNL latest by 10-08-2023.….


Revision of flat rate of license fee for BSNL Residential Accommodation.…..
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Shri Apurva Chandra, Secretary, Information & Broadcasting, will look after as the Secretary Telecom till the appointment of a regular incumbent or until further orders, whichever is earlier….




Processing of e-APAR of "Executive & Non-executive" employees of BSNL, online through ESS-Portal for year 2022-23- reg.....


lntimation of agitation programme in Telangana Circle.….


CGHS facilities to the retired BSNL/MTNL employees (Combined Service Pensioners) who are in receipt of pension from Central Civil Estimates - Revised mapping for determining CGHS subscription and Ward entitlement.…


Notice for amendments in BSNL Employees Superannuation Pension Trust Rules in terms ofclause 12(i) of BSNL Employees Superannuation pension Trust  Rules (Existing) -Reg.…


Govt approves 8.15% interest rate for PF deposits of 2022-2023:- The Central Board of Trustees (CBT) of the employees provident fund organization (EPFO) recommended to increase the interest rate of deposits in provident fund (PF) to 8.15% from 8.10%. The Govt accepted the recommendations of CBT. The new rates will be applicable for last financial year (Source the Hindu).….


Selection for the post of Director (Human Resources), Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL).…..


Corporate office (Welfare & Sports (Admn) O/o GM (Admn) issues a letter on selection of All India BSNL Athletics Team.….


Holding of 39th Meeting of National Council – reg.


Agenda items from NFTE (BSNL) to be discussed in forthcoming National Council meeting.…..


Inter Circle/Tenure Transfer of SDEs(T)/AGMs(T)/ DGMs(T).….


Board level & below Board level posts including non-unionized supervisors and NonExecutives Central Public sector Enterprises (CPSEs)-Revision of scales of pay w.e.f.01.01.2007-payment of IDA at revised rates - regarding.


5th District Conference of Adilabad SSA:- 5th District Conference of Adilabad, SSA on 16.07.2023. The conference begins with National Flag hosted by Com. C.Vilas, District President , NFTE Flag hosted by Com. J.Ranga Nayakulu, Circle Vice President. The meeting held in the Conference Hall of G.M. Office under the president ship of Com. C. Vilas. More than 60 comrades participated in the meeting. Com. Sanjay, District Secretary placed the annual report and accounts for approval of the house. Both were passed in the house. Com. A.Rajamouli, Circle secretary, Com. B.Sunitha, Circle President, Com. Venugopala Krishna, Circle Organising Secretary, Com. J. Ranga Nayakulu, Circle Vice president, Com. CH. Satyanarayana, ACS and Com. Vilas, AITUC District Secretary attended and addressed the meeting. Com. B.Sunitha, Circle President said unity among the workers is very need at this time. Com A.Rajamouli, Circle Secretary, have explained the status of all India issues viz .3rd wage revision, New promotion policy, lunching of 4G/5G in BSNL, verification service books, and agitation in Circle and all India. The reception Committee honored all the Guests with bouquet and Shawl. At the end elections were held, Com. Sanjay, J.E, Com. E.Narsimlu, J.E. and Com. K. Ramesh, T.T, were elected unanimously as District President, District Secretary and District Treasurer respectively. The conference ended with vote of thanks by Com. Sanjay, District President.


Planning and roll out of Phase IX.2 4G equipment…..


Agitation programme deferred presently…..


Letter from CGMT Telangana Office Appeal for withdrawal of Trade Union action….


Verification of Service Book….


Circular No. 22/2023, dated at 20/07/2023....


Finalisation of the provisional All India Eligibility List of Junior Accounts Officers Departmental JAO of 2016 Batch….


BSNL CO (Admn Section) issued order for linking the preparation of Pay in ERP-Pay bill to New Online attendance records.….


Constitution of National Council – list of staff side/official side members.….


Corporate office pension section issues letter on payment of benefits admissible under BSNL employees superannuation pension scheme to the employees separated during 05-05-2016 to 28-09-2017, who could not be made member of the scheme.….


Board level and below Board level posts including Non- unionised supenrisors in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEsf- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. O1.O1.2O17 - Payment of IDA at revised rates…..
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Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives and non-unionized, supenrisors following IDA scales of pay in Central public Sector Enterprises (CPSEsf on L987 and L992 basis…..


Corporate office (Restructuring) writes a letter to all CGMs for sending required data for review of orgnisational Restructuring in BSNL.….


Revision of room rent for CGHS empanelled AYUSH Health Care Organizations and Empanelment of IPD AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani and Siddha) Hospitals…..


Notice for Trade union action....


3.3% IDA increased from 01-07-2023, Total=202.3+3.3=205.6% w.e.f. 01-07-2023.....



Circulation of DoP&PW OM No.1/1(1)/2022-P&PW (E) dated26.10.2022 - regarding grant of family pension to a member of the family, whose name is not included in Form 4 or office records....


Principal General Manager (CA/ERPFICO/CSC) corporate office writes a letter to all CGMs/IFAs for inclusion of training period for the purpose of preparation of wage data for higher pension....


Directorate of CGHS issues letter on revision of CGHS rates for 36 radiological/investigations – These rates are applicable in all CGHs Circles – The revised rates shall be applicable from the date of issue and shall be valid till further orders.....


Transfer and posting in the cadre ofGr C& Din MBN OA -reg....


BSNL MRS Clarification sought from corporate office.....


Submitting of memorandum regarding the non-settlement of burning issues of BSNL employees and that of the Company..
       As per the decision of the Joint Forum, March to Raj Bhawan programme is being organised on 14.06.2023. At the end of this rally, a memorandum is to be submitted to the Governor. The Joint Forum has finalised this memorandum. The same may be submitted on 14.06.2023, by filling up the name/address of the Governor and duly signed by the circle secretaries of the Joint Forum.....


Waiver of recovery of excess payment made to Government servants - General instructions for Ministries/Departments - reg.....


Information from Press Information Bureau for Union Cabinet approves allotment of 4G/5G Spectrum to BSNL....


LICE for promotion to JTO Cadre against vacancies of year 2022 on 27-08-2023. Registration last date 07-07-2023 beginning from 08-06-2023......


Option to change aurthorisation for deduction of membership subscription from salary.....


Meeting with PGM(SR):- President met the PGM (SR) today and apprised her the deep concerns of the union on the issuance of unilateral orders dt 05-06-2023 for authorization, online of deduction of unions subscriptions. She was told that right of consultation, should be respected. There is every likelihood of misuse of the procedure. She agreed the lapse of consultation and assured to come back to union tomorrow after meeting with the Director (HR). It was urged to rescind the orders dt-05-06-2023.....


Coverage of DOT Recruits appointed in BSNL as on 01-01-2004 under CCS(Pension) Rule – 1972:- Matter has been discussed with PGM (Est) and earlier rules issued vide No.-28/30/2004-P and PW(B), dt-26-07-2005, 38/58/06-P and PW(A), dt-11-10-2006 and 05-03-2008 have been submitted to PGM (Est). The PGM (Est) has told to President of union that all these will be sent to DOT for coverage of employees in Pension Rule, 1972....


Facility of Immunity in Transfers:- There is no change/modification. It some where problems are created by management the CHQ be informed. The PGM (SR) has told this to President today in informal meeting.....


Circular No. 21/2023, dated at 02/06/2023....


Forwarding of a copy of Hon'ble High Court of Judicature at Allahabad, Lucknow Bench order dated 11.05.2023 in Writ-A No:12936/2021 ànd Writ-A No:2613/2023 filed by BSNL in the case of Shri Dilip Singh.- for reference/citation in court cases on Compassionate Ground Appointments (CGA)...


On 01-06-2023 Joint forum of Non-Executives organised “HUMAN CHAIN” programme successfully at all the SSA Headquarters very enthusiastically. The response was very nice at all the places. At Khammam they organised the programme near OLD BUS STAND, where as in Karimnagar they have assembled at “AMARA VEERULA STUPAM”. At all the places small rallies also have taken place. Com. A. Rajamouli, Circle Secretary attended the programme at Warangal, Com. B. Sunitha, Circle President attended at BSNL Bhavan. Pensioners association members were also present in good number at all the places. NFTE TS conveys sincere and revolutionary greeting to one and all.....


BSNL issued letter on Increase in the Exemption Limit of Leave Salary Encashment......


Reconciliation of GPF balance of BSNL GPF subscribers – PGM CA BSNL C.O. issued reminder to all IFAs of Circles regarding delay in submission of GPF data of CCA offices by Circles.....


BSNL issued letter on Increase in the Exemption Limit of Leave Salary Encashment......


The 6th Circle Council Meeting (CCM) of Telangana Circle, Hyderabad with members of Staff side is re-scheduled from 03.06.2023 (Saturday) to 06.06.2023 (Tuesday) due to Administrative reasons. The meeting will be held on 06.06.2023 (Tuesday) at 11.00 AM in the Conference Hall, 1st Floor, Door Sanchar Bhavan, Hyderabad.....


Processing of e-APAR for executives and non-executives (NE-9 & above) of BSNL, online through ESS-Portal for year 2022-23....


Issuing of notification for organising programme of action by the Joint Forum of the Non- Executive Unions and Associations of BSNL, demanding settlement of the burning issues.....


Govt of India Ministry of Finance Dept of revenue has released notification for tax exemption on leave encashment on retirement for non- Govt. salaried employees, enhanced from Rs. 3 lakhs to 25 lakhs w.e.f. 01-04-2023. Gazette of India No.-CG-DL-E-24052023-246047, dt-24-05-2023.....


Clubbing and holding of LICE for Junior Telecom Officer JTO(T) VY 2022, Junior Engineer JE (T)-VY 2021 & Telecom Technician (TT) VY 2020 & VY 2021 on 27.08.2023 (Sunday).....


All the District Secretaries are requested to start mobilization of workers for success of 1st phase of agitational programme call (i.e. Human Chain with play cards on 01-06-2023) given by the Joint forum of non-executive unions/associations. And make the programme a big success with the co-operation of all unions and pensioner associations ---CS NFTE (BSNL)....


Transfers/Postings in SAG of Indian P&T Accounts and Finance Service Group 'A' - reg....


Corporate office issued guidelines for reduction of group health insurance scheme subscription amount from pay role of May, 2023 in ERP HCM for implementation of scheme w.e.f. 01-06-2023......


Corporate office letter on posting of suitable and sufficient staff in EB sales on exclusive basis.....


Corporate office extended submission of option for voluntary group health insurance scheme for BSNL employees till 25-05-2023, withdrawal window will be open on 26-05-2023 only.....


Delhi Chalo programme’s date changed to 07.07.2023 – all comrades are requested to kindly make note please:- The Joint Forum of the Non-Executive Unions and Associations of BSNL has already taken decision to organise a massive Delhi Chalo programme on 26.06.2023. However, comrades from many circles have informed that, train tickets to and from Delhi are not available during that period. This is due to the fact that, it is vacation period for North India up to 30.06.2023 and hence there will be a lot of rush in the trains. The Joint Forum reviewed this position and has now decided to organise the Delhi Chalo programme on 07.07.2023. Lot of train tickets are available for this date. Hence, all the circle secretaries of the constituents of the Joint Forum are requested to immediately book the tickets for the Delhi Chalo programme and to make it a grand success. It must be also noted that, there is no change in the dates of the Human Chain and March to Governor’s Residence programmes….C. Singh, G.S. NFTE –BSNL, Chairman Joint Forum of the non-executives Unions and Associations.....


The Corporate Office issued letter yesterday, informing that the premium of the Voluntary Group Health Insurance Scheme can be deducted in two installments.....


District Working Committee meeting of Hyderabad Telecom District held on 20.05.2023 in HTD Union Office, BSNL Bhavan, Adarsh Nagar under the presidentship of Com. P. Paran Jyothi. Majority Branch Secretaries, District office bearers and senior comrades of HTD attended the meeting along with Com. B.Sunitha, Circle President and Com. A. Rajamouli, Ciecle Secretary. Com. V.K. Muthu, District Secretary explained the organisational position of HTD and explained the status of pending staff issues. All attended Branch Secretaries and office bearers expressed their views on pending issues. At Secunderabad CSC some officials harrasing the women employees on silly matters. The meeting condemned the attitude of particular officials, who are harrasing the women employees at working place. Com. A. Rjampouli, Circle Secretary and Com. B. Sunitha, Circle President have spoken on agitational programme for settlement of 3rd wage revision, launching of 4G/5G and new promotion policy. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. Sudhakar, Branch Secretary Telephone Bhavan….


6th Circle Council Meeting (CCM) of Telangana Circle, Hyderabad scheduled to be held on 03.06.2023 (Saturday).....


Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the grade of Junior Telecom officer (Telecom) [JTO(T)] under 50% internal quota for vacancy year 2022 (Calendar Year) up to 31-12-2022......


Circular of Joint Forum of Non executive unions & Associations of BSNL- Based on decision taken in on line meeting held on 15.05.2023.....


Processing of e-APAR for executives and non-executives (NE-9 & above) of BSNL, online through ESS – Portal for year 2022-23......


Implementation of Voluntary Group Health Insurance Policy for BSNL employees w. e . 01.06.2023, regarding....


Regarding increasing pass mark in internal test in Training centre for JE(T) Trainees:– CHQ wrote a letter to CMD BSNL to review the increasing pass mark 50% for internal test in training centre based on the information of some of the Circle union. The CMD BSNL responded and conveyed that the 50% pass marks is in practice from much earlier and nothing has been increased or changed by the management in previous provisions, rather he added that the previous provision of 80% pass marks for practical test has been reduced to 50% only.....


Popularizing BSNL Social Media-reg. E-office File –BSNLCO-CORM/16(11)/2/2022-CORM, dt-10-05-2023.....


Merit list of Special LICE 2022 to the grade of JTO (T) – held on 18-12-2022, schedule of JTO pre basic -1 & 2 training thereof – reg.....


Special increments (Personal Pay) for achievement/performance in National/International sports events.....


Nomination of outstanding sportspersons for career progression upto the eligibility of December, 2022.....


2023 Circular No. 20/2023, dated at 08/05/2023....


Submission of Medical Reimbursement Claims (MRCs) by CGHS Pensioner beneficiaries in the city, wherein the treatment was taken....
ClickHere ClickHere


Coverage under Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, in place of National Pension System, of those Central Government employees who were recruited against the posts/vacancies advertised /notified forrecruitment, on or before 22.12.2003....



EPFO extends date for filing Applications regarding pension on Higher Wages......


Corporate office (Admn & PR Branch) have issued clarifications regarding reimbursement of outdoor medical claims.....


May Day observed in our state at Circle union office, HTD, C.O. Saroor Nagar, Adilabad, Karim Nagar, Nalgonda, Sangareddy, Gajwel, Siddipet and Khammam. And rich tributes were paid to “Hey Market” Martyrs. NFTE TS conveys sincere thanks to all the participants in the programme – C.S. NFTETS....



Denial of Cashless Medical treatment facility under Group Health Insurance Policy, regarding......


The pending Vigilance cases of B S N L VRS-2019 retirees are finalized without any further delay…..


Corporate office letter on posting of 5% staff in EB sales on Exclusive basis for better performance in enterprise business.….


Empanelment of Hospitals- regarding.…..


Action points w.r.t CFA Vertical observed during HoCC held on 10th April-2023…..


Corporate office letter on regarding furnishing of certificate under Para 26(6) for exercising option for higher pension under EPF (for Employees retired on or after 01-09-2014 or are presently working)......


Board level & below Board level posts including non-unionizedsupervisors and Non-Executives in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDAat revised rates....


Amendment of Rule 8 of CCS (pension) rules, 2021...


Migration of DoT pensioners drawing pension from post offices to "SAMPANN" .....


Brief of the 12th Meeting of BSNL Sports and Cultural Board:- The meeting of BSNL sports and cultural board held on 19.04.2023. Shri Arvind Vadnerkar Director (HR) & Vice Chairman BSNL Board was in Chair. All together 24 participants were present in the meeting. On behalf of NFTE (BSNL) Com. Vikram Kumar attended the meeting and submitted the suggestions and grievances collected from the players of field units in BSNL. The following points were submitted by Com Vikram Kumar, representative from NFTE-BSNL in the meeting :- 1. Revision of fixed Kit Money from Rs. 3500 to Rs. 5000/-. 2. All the outdoor events must be completed in 3 days, two days is not sufficient. 3. Enhancement of daily allowances of players from Rs. 200/- to 500/-. 4. All the players who have been recruited under sports quota should have to be given 2 hours relaxation in duty for their practices. 5. Basket Ball and footballs are the most popular games, these should also be included in All India events. 6. The limit of 8 games should be relaxed upto 10 games. 7. The allocation of the budget for sports is less than requirement hence the enhancement in budget amount is the need for the development of sports activities in BSNL. The details of discussion and decisions there on will be published in the minutes of the meeting....


3rd Meeting of Group Health Insurance:- Third meeting of group health insurance held in presence of Sri Arvind Vadnerkar Director (HR) BSNL on 19-04-2023. All the four recognized Unions/Associations were present in the meeting. Staff side unitedly rejected the proposal of M/s oriental company and insisted for a fresh tender from open market which was accepted by the Director (HR), Com Chandeshwar Singh G.S. and Com Vikram Kumar from Patna attended the meeting on behalf of NFTE (BSNL)....


The CMD (BSNL) has advised all the CGMs to furnish a list BA wise details of ongoing Court cases, filed by casual Labourers on the matter of Regularization/Reinstatement latest by 30-04-2023 to Corporate office....


Joint letter from recongised Unions/Associations on the issue of renewal of Group Health Insurance.....


Policy for Allotment of Accommodation to Unions and Associations of BSNL 2022.....


Minutes of the meeting of Director (HR) with NFTE held on 01-03-2023......


Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the grade of Telecom Technician (TT) under 50% internal quota for vacancy years 2020 and 2021 – Notification of Exam Registration date.....



Letter from BSNL Corporate office Admin Cell in respect of renewal of Group Health Insurance scheme w.e.f. 01-05-2023 and the final premium quotes received to the management from M/S Oriental Insurance Corporation Ltd. The staff side has not agreed to opt for renewal with this premium with 58% hike upon the existing premium. All the circle/BA/SSA Secretaries are requested to share their views if any in this regard to CHQ immediately so that the proper reply may be submitted to the management.…


Board level and below Board level posts including Non-unionised supervisors in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs)- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 Payment of IDA at revised rates, w.e.f. 01.04 . 2023……


Revision of Consultation Fee, Room Rent and ICUcharges for All Health Care Onganizations (HCOs) empanelled under CGHS…..


Supreme Court Judgment delivered on 11-4-2023 allowing the grant of annual increment…..


Declaration of Holiday on 14th April, 2023 – Birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar…..


Meeting for deliberation on renewal of Voluntary Group Health Insurance Policy from 01.05.2023 - Regarding.…


Circular No. 19/2023, dated at 05/04/2023....


Com. O.P.Gupthaji Birthday Celebrations :- 101st Birth day celebrations of O.P.Gupta Ji took place on 08.04.2023 at Circle Union Office, Barkathpura and HTD Union Office, Adarsh Nagar. At first the Celebrations taken place in Circle Union Office and remembered Com. O.P.Gupta ji, who have made memorable deed in his life and trade union carrier. Com. B.Sunitha, Circle President, Com. G.Krishna Reddy, ACS, Com. A.Satyanarayana, Vic-President, Com. A.Soma Reddy, Circle Treasurer, Com. J.Laxmaiah, Treasurer, HTD, Com. V.K.Muthu, District Secretary, HTD, Com. Mutyalu, Com. Krishnaiah and other senior comrades participated in the celebrations at 1130 Hrs, O.P.Guptha’s Birth day celebrations taken place in HTD Union office. Com. A.Rajamouli, Circle Secretary, Com. B.Sunitha, Circle President, Com. V.K.Muthu, District Secretary, HTD and other comrades participated in the event. Com. V.K. Muthu, District Secretary, HTD, conveyed thanks to all who attended the celebrations at Circle Union Office and HTD Union Office….



Setting up of a Committee to review the Pension System for Government Emplovees…..


2023 : All the Circle/District Secretaries are requested to celebrate 101st Birth Day of Com. OPG on 08-04-2023 by organizing meetings at all levels. Kindly explain the noble deeds achieved by Com. OPG in his career. He was a unifier and visionary leader in the P&T movement. We feel very happy to celebrate his 101st birthday of a great leader (Mahan Neta) on 08-04-2023.....


Clarification regarding deduction of TDS under section 192 read with sub-section (IA) of section 115BAC of the Income-tax Act, 1961.....


District working committee of Khammam SSA on 04.04.2023:- The meeting begun with Flag hoisting ceremony. Com. B. Sunitha Circle President and convener NFTE BSNL Working Women's co-ordination committee  hoisted NFTE Flag. Com. Chalapathi Rao Diatrict President presided over the meeting. Circle Secretary Com. A. Rajamouli, Com. V.K.Muthu, District Secretary, Hyderabad Telecom District, Com. Laxmaiah , District Treasurer of HTD and Com. S. Narsimha Rao leader AITUC attended as Chief Guest to the meeting. Com. T. Durga Rao, District Secretary have given brief note on pending issues like settlement of medical bills, 3rd wage revision, pension revision and other staff related issues. Com. Nancharaiah senior comrade have said that management is not revision on BSNL connectivity and launching of 4G. More than 50 comrades participated in the meeting. Com. V.K. Muthu, District Secretary, HTD have spoken on long pending issues of Staff problems and given brief on organizational position of HTD. Com. Narsimha Rao have elaborated the mood of present Govt in centre, which is taking anti labor decision. Com. Laxmaiah, Treasure, HTD also spoken in the meeting. Com. A. Rajamouli have clarified the status on 3rd wage revision, pension revision and other issues. Com. T.Durgarao and his team have honored all guests with shawl. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. T. Durgarao, District Secretary, Khammum….


2023 : All District Secretaries are requested to celebrate 101st Birth Day of Com. OPG on 08-04-2023 by organizing meetings at all levels. Kindly explain the noble deeds achieved by Com. OPG in his career. He was a unifier and visionary leader in the P&T movement. We feel very happy to celebrate his 101st birthday of a great leader (Mahan Neta) on 08-04-2023.....


CMD BSNL writes a DO letter to all CGM’s on special drive for efficient, secure and aesthetically improved telecom installations.….


1.1% IDA increased from 01-04-2023, Total=201.2+1.1=202.3% w.e.f. 01-04-2023.....


Corporate office (Personal Branch) letter on processing of e-APAR of employees of BSNL, online through ESS- Portal for year 2022-23…..


Declaration of Merit List of Special Limited Internal Competitive Examination LICE 2022 to the grade of JTO(T) on pan India basis in BSNL for vacancy year 2021 (diverted 50% DR quota) for vacancies up to 31-12-2021 (for working eligible BSNL employees only ) – held on 18-12-2022…..
ClickHere ClickHere ClickHere



Re-scheduled of 12th meeting of BSNL Sports and Cultural Board, in the conference hall, 9th floor Bharath Sanchar Bhavan, H.C. Mathur Lane, Janpath. New Delhi, on 18th April, 2023 at 15.00 hrs......


ALTTC Ghaziabad, Advanced Level Telecom Training Centre issued JE induction training programme for 213 LICE qualified candidates shall commence from 10-04-2023 to 19-05-2023 (six weeks).....
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12th meeting of BSNL sports & culture Board will be held on 18th April 2023 at 15.00 hours instead of 11th April, 2023. The meeting will took place in conference hall, 9th floor Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, HC Mathur lane Janpath, New Delhi – 110001.…,


The Central Board of Trustees (CBT) of the employees provident fund (EPFO) fixes 8.15% interest rate on employees provident fund for 2022-23. (Source Times of India).....


Government of India Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue, Central Board of Direct Taxes have extended last date for linking PAN - Aadhar till 30-06-2023. (Press release, dt-28-03-2023).....


Reply from Hon’ble Minister of State for communications Shri Devusinh Chauhan in Loksabha to the unstarred question No.-3678 regarding online attendance system for BSNL employees.....


Extension of CGHS Facilities to RETIRED BSNL Employees….


Corporate office letter issued letter on facility of immunity from transfer to recognized unions/associations and support association – extension of date of data entry in SAP portal…..



Formation of NFTE BSNL Working Womens Co-Ordination Committee Meeting on 11-03-2023, at NFTE Circle Union Office Kachiguda…


Corporate office issued a notification for holding limited internal competitive examination (LICE) for promotion to the grade of Junior Engineer (T) under 50% internal quota for vacancy year 2021 – [For working eligible BSNL employees only].….


Circular No. 18/2022, dated at 10/03/2023....


Telangana Circle Working Womens Co-ordination Committee meeting on 11-03-2023:- NFTE BSNL Telangana Circle Working Womens Coordination Committee meeting held in Circle Union under the Chairman Ship of Com.Laxmi Vaidyanath a Senior Leader. The meeting begun with flag hoisting ceremony. Com.C.Singh G.S and Com.Laxmi Vaidyanath hoisted the NFTE Flag jointly. Com.C.Singh G.S was Chief Guest to the meeting. More than 35 working women employees assembled in beautifully decorated hall. The women employees represented from HTD, Circle Office and Sangareddy SSA. At first they celebrated “International Woman's Day” by cutting cake. Com C.Singh G.S and C.S wished them all a big success in their duties. Com.C.Singh G.S said Telangana Circle have started a new era in the country by organizing working womens co-ordination committee meeting with NFTE comrades. Com.B.Sunitha Circle President and Com.B.Geetha, DS Circle Office-Hyd have played a vital role in forming the Co-ordication Committee. They discussed all the problems of working womens in detail. They elected Com.B.Sunitha, Sr.Acct, CO-HYD as Chairman and Com.B.Sunitha, AOS(G), HTD BA as convenor with 10 executive members for the Circle. Com.Hanumanth Rao, ACS, Com.A.Somareddy, Treasurer, Com.Com.B.Prasanna Kumar, Com.Sukumar, Com.A.Satyanaranaya, Com.V.K.Muthu, Com.Vijay , Com. Nagaraju, Circle Office and Com.N.Venkateswarlu have contributed a lot for success of the meeting. Com.Karunakar Reddy ADS(HTD), Com.Bhasker ACS(HTD) have arranged lunch to all the participants. Com.B.Geetha D.S Circle Office-Hyd have honoured Com.C.Singh, G.S, C.S, C.P, ACS-1, ACS-2 and others with shawl. The meeting was in festive mood to all working women employees is memorable and the meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com.Geetha. On the request of all the participants Com.Laxmi Vaidyanath accepted to work as Chief Advisor to Co-ordination committee.....


3rd Circle Executive committee meeting of Telangana on 10-03-2023 :- The CEC meeting of Telangana held in “Royal Function” hall at Mahaboobnagar under the President ship of Com.B.Sunitha Circle President Com.G.Singh GS was Chief Guest to the meeting. Except Khammam, Nalgonda SSA's, all District Secretaries and majority Circle Office bearers attended the meeting. The CEC began with flag hoisting ceremony Com.B.Sunitha Circle President and Com.Raja Ratnam District President hoisted National Flag jointly. Com.C.Singh G.S and Com.Srihari Veteran leader of Mahaboobnagar hoisted jointly NFTE flag. The meeting hall was decorated beautifully in these hard days. Circle Secretary given very detail report on state issues and all India issues. All the district secretaries expressed their views on the basis of field report. They said openly that members were disappointed for non- settlement of 3rd wage revision, new promotion policy and other issues in particular JE cadre transfers. The members are feeling unhappy with less vacancies in JE, TT cadres to appear the exams and no relaxation has come for appearing examinations. Com.C.Singh G.S explained in his speech what NFTE achieved after winning in 2013 and also given factual position of 3rd wage revision, pension status of Direct recruitees. Com. Ram Mohan District Secretary AITUC and Sri G.V.REddy, DGM-Mahaboobnagar attended and addressed the meeting. Circle union honoured the winning District Secretaries with shawl and honoured carrom players with shawl who stood 2nd in All India. District union also hounoured all the District Secretaries with shawl and honoured G.S and C.S with Gajamala. They honoured circle president with bouquet and shawl. The team led by Com. Anjaneyulu D.S have made elaborate arrangements for success of the CEC. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Circle Secretary.



D.O. letter from CMD BSNL to all CGM’s on unauthorised absent of JTO’s and non-executive cases (3 yrs, 5 yrs)…..


D.O. letter from CMD BSNL to all CGM’s on unauthorised absent of JTO’s and non-executive cases (3 yrs, 5 yrs)…..


Empanelment of Hospitals under BSNL MRS - Case of Dated at Hyd.the 06' March, 2023 M/s Omega Hospitals A( Unit of Hyderabad Institute of Oncology) MLA Colony Main Road, Road No. 12, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad-500034- Reg.


Joint Forum of Non-Executive unions and Associations writes a letter to CMD BSNL by expressing views on Merger of MTNL with BSNL. Letter No.-JF/2023/07, dt-03-03-2023.….


Joint Forum of Non-Executive unions and Associations writes a letter to CMD BSNL by expressing views on Merger of MTNL with BSNL. Letter No.-JF/2023/07, dt-03-03-2023.….


Wage revision in BSNL:- The issue of wage revision was also discussed in the formal meeting held on 1st instant. The union strongly demanded for resumption of negotiation. It was indicated to hold the meeting in April, 2023.….


Coverage under Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, in place of National Pension System, of those Central Government employees who were recruited against the posts/vacancies advertised /notified forrecruitment, on or before 22.12.2003.…


One way intra circle request transfer under Rule-8 in the cadre of Group- C & D…..


Brief of the meeting of All Unions/Associations with CMD BSNL on 28th February, 202….


The formal meeting with Director (HR) took place on 01-03-2023 instead of 28-02-2023. It commenced at 1500 hours and lasted for more than three hours. The PGM (Est), PGM(SR) and joint GM(Rectt- Trg) were also present….


Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the grade of Telecom Technician(TT) under 50% internal quota for vacancy years 2020 and 2021.….


Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the grade of Junior Engineer (T) under 50% internal quota for vacancy year 2021 - [For working eligible BSNL employees only]. – Notification of Exam…..
ClickHere ClickHere


Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the grade of Junior Engineer (T) under 50% internal quota for vacancy year 2021 - [For working eligible BSNL employees only]. – Notification of Exam…..
ClickHere ClickHere


Medical allowance in respect of retired employees.......


A new online attendenc sysytem has implemented in all circles PAN - INDIA across all levels of the organisation w.e.f. 1st January, 2023....


Corporate office letter on annual renual Group term insurance for Executives and Non - Executives - providing another online window from 01.03.2023 for exercising option to join the scheme....


Corporate office (Establishment) requested all circles to furnish JE vacancies arose during 01-01-2022 to 31-12-2022 for the calendar year 2022 due to Superannuation / Promotion / Resignation / Death etc......


Corporate office issues letter on correction in employee data in EPFO records.….
ClickHere ClickHere


Joint forum of non-executive unions and associations of BSNL writes a letter to Secretary DOT and CMD BSNL – regarding genuine apprehensions of BSNL employees.......


CMD BSNL will address All BSNL Unions and Associations 9th floor conference hall on 28 Feb, 2023 at 6 pm - regarding latest developments and merger of MTNL and BSNL….


Strict implementation of provisions of Rule 9 of BSNL Transfer Policy – Relieving of officials who have completed deputation period.....


Grant of Special Casual Leave to the eligible Circle Union Office Bearers and District Secretaries of NFTE BSNL, TT Circle to attend Circle Executive Committee meeting of NFTE BSNL Telangana to be held on 10th March, 2023 at Mahaboobnagar....


Pay fixationmatters relating to BSNL absorbed employees- Issue of increment on regular promotion to a scale.....


Telangana Circle Executive Committee meeting at Old GM office BSNL Bhavan, near Railway station Mahaboobnagar, on 10.03.2023 at hours 10.00 am.....



The following issues in insuing Circle council meeting for discussion and settlement, dated at 16.02.2023......


Implementation of New Online Attendance System in BSNL-regarding....


Training for promotion to JE Cadre:- The training class of qualified departmental candidates for promotion to JE(T) Cadre is most likely to commence from 1st week of March, 2023 as per information given by GM(Trg).....


Informal Discussions with PGM (Est):- President and Vice President, Com. Naresh Kumar met the PGM(Est) and discussed the following issues. Progress on items are as under:- (1) JTO LICE (special result):- Special hearing fixed for today could not take place. The Hon’ble Court will hear the case now on 1st March only. (2) Issuance of Pos:- Reminders are being issued to CGMs Bihar, Jharkhand and UP for supply of reply on (5) specific items. UP(E) has furnished evasive reply. (3) JE LICE for vacancies of year 2021:- Notification for LICE is under process. (4) Settlement of Mutual Transfer Cases:- concerned circles have been appropriately instructed.....


Joint option date for higher Pension from EPF is now extended upto 15-02-2023....


Shri Rajiv Kumar has taken over the charge of Director (F) BSNL Board on 10-02-2023.


Circular No. 17/2022, dated at 13/02/2023....


Meeting of Director (HR) with NFTE – reg....
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Corporate office letter on reservation in promotion to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs)- Clarification with regard to the concept of own merit......


Corporate office letter on gratuity sanction/memo generation and payment of gratuity to BSNL recruitees in ERP –SAP....


Corporate office letter on Pan India Launch of Web Portal for BSNL Retired Employees....


Group Term Insurance for BSNL Non-executives guidelines for annual renewal of the scheme w.e.f. 01.03.2023.....


All the District/Branch Secretaries are requested to organise Lunch Hour Demonstration on 07-02-2023 at all levels for settlement of 3rd wage revision, New Promotion Policy and launching of 4G/5G in BSNL. Kindly co-ordinate with all unions/associations to make the demonstration a massive one…C.S.- NFTE(BSNL).….


Hearty congratulations to all the players, who participated in 19th All India Carom event championship held at Kolhapur from 27-12-2022 to 30-12-2022 and stood at 2nd place after Maharashtra in All India. 12 players were (men and women) participated in the event from Telangana Circle and succeeded after 20 years. We feel proud of them. They are Com. Sunitha Sr. Accountant, Com. T.S. Srinivas Rao T.T, Com. Sundar ATT, Mohan JTO and other players. We wish them all success in future events also in all India level. Com B.Sunitha, Com. P.S.Srinivasa Rao are from Circle office Hyderabad and Com. M.Sunder is from Mahabubnagar…. 


Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the grade of Telecom Technician (TT) under 50% internal quota for vacancy years 2020 and 2021.....


Web portal for retired BSNL employees starts functioning from 01-03-2023……
ClickHere ClickHere


Organising lunch hour demonstrations demanding to settle the burning issues


Regarding of motivational training “COUSTERMER / CITIZEN CENTRICITY PROGRAME “ for LICE JTO Trainees under training at Verious training Centers w.e.f. 04.02.2023 ( Saturday ) for 3 days just after the completion of their JTO Phase-1 training….


Instructions and guidelines for compliance of Hon’ble Supreme Court Judgment dated 04-11-2022 in the matter of special leave petition (C) No.S8658-8659 of 2019, exercise of option for higher Pension.....


Settlement and payment of pending medical bills of retired employees of Telangana Circle….



Forum of Non-Executive Unions / Associations formed on 23-01-2023. Eight Non-Executive Unions attended the online meeting held on 23-01-2023. Com.Chandeshwar Singh, General Secretary NFTE was elected as Chairman of Forum, Com. P. Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU was elected as Convener of Forum. After lengthy discussion the Forum decided to organise Lunch hour demonstration on 07-02-2023 at all levels for settlement of the burning issue of Non-Executives third wage revision, new promotion policy and launching of 4G/5G in BSNL. All the District Secretaries are requested to observe the lunch hour demonstration programme at SSA HQ with the cooperation of all unions.
Com.Rajamouli, CS, TT Circle...


Extension of Special concessions/incentives to Central Govt. employees working in Kashmir Valley in attached/subordinate offices or PSUs falling under control of Central Government for a further period of three years with effect from 01.08.2021.....


Instructions and guidelines for compliance of Hon’ble Supreme Court Judgement dated 04-11-2022 in the matter of special leave petition (C) No.s 8658-8659 of 2019.....


Constitution of Circle council – List of Staff Side / Management side members of Telangana Telecom Circle.....


Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the grade of Junior Engineer (T) under 50% internal quota for vacancy year 2020 - [For working eligible BSNL employees only] held on 18.12.2022- declaration of merit list.....


Reservation in promotion to persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs)......
ClickHere ClickHere ClickHere


Extension of the LTC block year 2018-21 (extended) for a period of three months......



Deadlock in the wage negotiation of the Non-Executives – requesting for your kind intervention – reg.....


Entrustment of additional charge of CMD, BBNL to Shri P.K. Purwar CMD(BSNL) for three months w.e.f. 03-01-2023 to 02-04-2023 vide DOT order No.-BSNL CO-PER1/20(11)/30/2020-PERS1, dt-11-01-2023....


Deadlock in the Wage Negotiations - NFTE (BSNL) and BSNLEU write joint letter to the CMD BSNL, demanding his intervention. Com.Chandeswar Singh, GS, NFTE (BSNL) and Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU have written a joint letter to the CMD BSNL regarding Wage Negotiation. The following points are mentioned in the letter. The Wage Negotiations of the Non-Executives is in a deadlock, due to the following reasons:- (1) The new Pay Scales of the Non-Executives are already finalised in the Wage Negotiating Committee meeting held on 27-07-2018. But, now, the Management wants to cut down the minimum and maximum of those Pay Scales, in the name of reducing the company’s expenditure on Pension Contribution. The 3rd PRC has already given the Pay Scales of the Executives. BSNL Management has no power to cut down those Pay Scales. Then, why the Management wants to cut down the Pay Scales of the Non-Executives alone? (2) The Management says that, they do not want to sign the Wage Agreement now, but only want to finalise the Pay Scales of the Non-Executives and send them to the DoT. This is not acceptable to us. (3) The Management says that, the Allowances cannot be revised now. Allowances of the employees are not revised since the formation of BSNL. Hence revision of Allowances must be done. Both the General Secretaries of BSNLEU and NFTE BSNL have demanded the intervention of the CMD BSNL to resolve the deadlock.....


Circular No. 16/2022, dated at 12/012023....


Order for payment of IDA w.e.f. 01.01.2023 has been issued by corporate office New Delhi.....


Corporate office (Establishment branch) forwarded Recruitment rules of Junior Telecom officers (Telecom) – 2023 to all heads of circles.


Circulation of Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare OM No.-38/01(05)/2022-P&PW(A), dt-26-10-2022 regarding power to withhold or withdraw pension/gratuity in case of grave misconduct or negligence during period of service under the Centre Civil services (Pension) Rules 2021.....


          The comrades of Hyderabad Telecom District BSNL Bhavan paid tributes to Com. O.P.Guptha ji on 11th death anniversary.

           Hyderabad Telecom District Working Committee  held on 06.01.2023 under the president ship of Com. P. Paranjyothi. Com. B.Sunitha, Circle President Com. V.K.Muthu, District Secretary Com. N.K.Jain, R.Sudhakar, ACS, Com. A.Satyanarayana. Org. Sec Com. J.Laxmaiah,  District Treasurer and Com. N.Venkateshwar, Sr. Comrade attended and addressed  the meeting. All District office bearers, branch secretaries and nearly  80 members & senior comrades  attended the meeting.  Praised the services of Com. O.P.Gupthaji in getting the pension on the combained service of Dot and BSNL by amending the CCS Pension rules of 1972 in the Parliament, Which was not done in any PSU in India. By this act 4 lacks observed pensioner are living safely getting Govt Pension. The Hyderabad District Union thanked to Com. N.Venkateshwar for arranging lunch, the meeting ended with vote of thanks by R. Sudhakar, ACS, Telangana.....


Corporate office (Personal Branch) issues Recruitment Rules of BSNL management services – CSS/CSSS & others stream (MSRRs- CSS/CSSS/others)-2023......


11th Death Anniversary of Com. Om Prakash Gupta Ji observed in circle union office Telangana. The leaders paid rich tributes to him and remembered his noble deeds. Com. N.K. Jain Chief Patron Telengana Circle, Com. B. Sunitha Circle President, Com. Param Jyothi District President HTD, Com. G.K. Hanumanth Rao President circle office, Com. Geetha District Secretary, C.O. Com. V.K. Muthu D.S. HTD, Com. A. Satyanarayana, Circle Vice President and Com. A. Soma Reddy, Circle Treasurer are participated in the programme....


Board level and below Board level posts including Non-unionised supervisors in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs)- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 Payment of IDA at revised rates, w.e.f. 01.01.2023……


Corporate office issues guidelines under BSNLMRS for reimbursement of cost of appliances Reimbursement of cost of hearing Aids......


Submission of Immovable Property Returns for the year 2022(as on 31-12-2022), by the Executives/Non-executives of BSNL- last date for submission of immovable property returns is 31-01-2023.....


All the District Secretaries and Circle office bearers are requested to observed 11th Death anniversary of Com. O.P. Gupta Ji is on 06-01-2023. All are requested to organise meetings and remember Com. OPG, who sacrificed his life to the cause of worker. C.S. NFTE (BSNL).…..


Inauguration of 2023 calendar by Shri Chaganti Srinivas, CGMT Telangana and Shri K.V.K. Prasad Rao PGM (S&M) Circle office. The team led by Com. Geetha District Secretary, Circle office and Com. G.K. Hanumanth Rao ACS along with other Comrades were also present in the inaugural session in Circle office Telangana.


NFTE Telangana Circle Union Table Calender for the year 2023....
ClickHere ClickHere ClickHere


Recruitment Rules of BSNL Management Services - Telecom Operations Stream (MSRRs-Telecom) - 2023.....


Forwarding of Recruitment rules of Junior Accounts Officers - 2023.....


Comrade,…. Com. O.P. Gupta Ji expired on 06-01-2013. 10 years passed away. The 11th death anniversary be on 06-01-2023. All District Secretaries are requested to organise big meetings and remember Com. Gupta Ji. And also elaborately explain the noble deeds of Com. O.P. Gupta Ji, which were historically remembered for ever. Those were regularization of above 1 lakh Casual and Part time workers, Govt pension to PSU employees etc.....



5.3% IDA increased from 01-01-2023 Total=195.8%+5.3%=201.1% w.e.f. 01-01-2023.....


MOU with Union Bank India (UBI) for extending various loan schemes to BSNL employees.....


Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Modi’s Mother Smt. Heeraben Modi passes away today in the early hours. She was aged 100 years at the time of death. “In Maa I have always felt that trinity which contains the journey of an ascetic. The symbol of a selfless Karmayogi and a life committed to values” the Prime Minister wrote. NFTE BSNL offers condolences to the Hon’ble PM and other members of his family.....


DOT, O/o Administrator, USO Funds letter to CMD (BSNL) on special PM Pilot Proposal for rolling out of 5 lakh Broadband connections in the rural areas in various states.....


Corporate office letter on extension of timeliness for completion of e-APAR (through ESS Portal) for year 2020-21......


Regular promotion and posting in SAG of Indian Telecommunication Services, Group A officers….
ClickHere ClickHere ClickHere


GM (Admn) Corporate office writes letter to all CGM’s for provision of web portal for BSNL retired employees......


Extension of the LTC block year 2018-21 (extended) for a period of three months….


LICE JE (T) VY 2021 to be held on 18.12.2022- admit Card instructions….


Circular No. 15/2022, dated at 07/12/2022....


Wage Revision Meeting:- The meeting of wage revision committee was held today under the Chairmanship of Shri R.K. Goyal. All members of official and staff sides both were fully represented. The pay scales evolved on 28-11-2022 were discussed and staff side firmly maintained that live stagnation cases should be sorted out first with the consultation of unions. The NFTE demanded that the minimum NE-9 scale should be Rs. 35700/- as well as minimum and maximum of scales from NE-7 to NE-12 be also enhanced. The staff side further demanded and insisted that fitment should be 5% in wage revision. Revision of allowances should also take place alongwith wage revision. The staff side consisting of NFTE and BSNLEU met after meeting and decided to go together for 5% fitment and allowance revision.…..


6th Meeting of the joint committee for wage revision of non-executive employees w.e.f. 01-01-2017 will be held on 02-12-2022 at 11.00 Hrs in Library, Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, Janpath, New Delhi.....


Record of discussion of the reconstituted joint committee for recommending wage revision for non-executive employees w.e.f. 01-01-2017 in BSNL held on 28-11-2022.....


Wage revision committee meeting:- The wage revision committee meeting took place today under the Chairmanship of Shri R.K. Goyal. The official side placed the revised proposed pay scale and sought comments from the unions. The fitment formula as well as allowances revision will be discussed on 02-12-2022 meeting. The union was represented by President, General Secretary and Dy. G.S.


Holidays to be observed in BSNL offices during the year 2023 in Telangana Circle…..


Discussions with officers at Corporate office on 24-11-2022:- President, Dy. G.S. and Treasurer met the concerned PGMSs/GMs etc and discussed issues at Corporate office. The status of items are as below.....


Proposal regarding revision of pensionary benefits w.e.f. 01.01.2017 in respect of absorbed BSNL / MTNL employees......


Transfers & Postings of Officer (s) of CGM /PGM level....


69th foundation day celebrations of NFPTE/NFTE, at Hyderabad:- On the occasion of Foundation day of NFPTE/NFTE, NFTE flag is being hoisted at Circle union office, Kachiguda by Com. V.K. Muthu, D.S. HTD, Com. Param Jyothi, District President HTD hoisted at BSNL Bhavan, Com. A. Satyanarayana, Circle Vice President hoisted at Telephone Bhavan HTD and Com. A. Krishna Reddy ACS hoisted at Circle office Hyderabad today (i.e. 24-11-2022). All have remembered the sacrifices of Com. O.P. Gupta, Com. Jagan, Com. Vichare, Com. Chandrashekhar and other leaders. NFTE Telangana Circle conveys sincere thanks to all the Participants in the celebrations......



Extension of CGHS facilities to retired BSNL employees …..


Revision of rates of subscription under CGHS due to Revision of pay and allowances of Central Government employees and Revision of pension / family pension on account of implementation of recommendations of the Seventh C.P.C......


Guidelines for Attendance Statement preparation through online Attendance portal......


CELEBRATE 69th FOUNDATION DAY OF NFPTE/NFTE ON 24th NOVEMBER, 2022:- Celebrate 69th foundation day of the NFPTE/NFTE on 24th November, 2022. This is a prominent day for our organization and this should be observed to create awareness among all the younger’s about the glorious history of NFPTE/NFTE. Kindly hold gate meetings at lunch hour with NFTE flags hoisting and explain the history of sacrifices and contribution of our great leaders, Com. Dada Ghosh, Com. O.P. Gupta Ji, Com. Jaganathan, Com. Chandrashekhar and Com. M.B. Vichare…..


Meeting of the Joint Committee for wage revision of non-executive employees w.e.f. 01-01-2017 in BSNL.....


Meeting with Director (HR) on 15-11-2022 at 17.00 pm:- Met with the Director(HR) and discussed the issue related to Casual Mazdoors / TSMs / Provisional regular mazdoors....


One step forward.. Wage revision meeting will be held on 28.11.2022 at 11.00 am. It is the outcome of the meeting between Director (HR) and GS ,NFTE on 07.11.22. We are hopeful to achieve the goal....


Record of discussion of the reconstituted joint committee for recommending wage revision for non-executive employees w.e.f. 01-01-2017 in BSNL held on 10-06-2022.....


Integration of Online Attendance System with ERP......


Inter Ciecle transfers of JTO's (T) / JE's (T) under Rule 8 of BSNL Transfer Policy.....


BSNL Sports Calendar for the year 2022-2023.....


BSNL Bhavan branch Meeting held in District union office on 14.11.2022, under the president ship of Com. P. Paranjyothi, District president Hyderabad Telecom district. Com. B. Sunitha, branch secretary & Circle President have given brief of organisational status of branch and pending issues. Com. A. Rajamouli, Circle Secretary, Com. V.K.Muthu, Distinct Secretary, Hyderabad Telecom district, Com. Satyanarayana, circle vi-president, Com. Bhaskar, Acs and other comrades attended the meeting. Com. Sikindar Kumar, JSA, elected unanimously as branch president of BSNL Bhavan. Com. Aartika Rani, ATT and Com. P. Laxmi, ATT are elected as Branch Vi- presidents unanimously in the vacant posts. Com. J. Laxmaiah, district treasurer Hyderabad Telecom district conveyed vote of thanks at the end….


Computer familiarisation training for all Non-Executives.....


Holidays to be observed in BSNL offices during the year 2023…..
ClickHere ClickHere


Meeting with Director (HR):- Met with Director HR at 6pm on 7th Nov.2022, Smt Smitha Luthra GM (Rectt) Following issues were discussed... (1) LICE for ATT to TT - GS submitted that the examination fee for the promotional examination was collected but the examination was not conducted. The examination for The promotion in the Cader for TT should be notified at earliest and the candidates who have already deposited exam fee should be allowed to appear in the LICE . The GM React. reciprocated that the management is planning to notify the exam for TT within a short period. (2)Wage revision for non executive employees - GS submitted that the Revival package-2 is under implementation and 1st revival is already implemented hence according to DPE guidelines the wage revision for non executives should not be delayed further and with a justified fitment it should be implemented Wed 01.01.2017. GS further added that even in case of pension revision the Hon MOC has indicated that fitment may be decided between zero to fifteen percent .The meeting of wage revision committee should be called at earliest possible. The Directors HR assured to start the meeting of the committee. (3) Regarding retaining union accommodation at OA level - GS submitted that the circular regarding extension of facilities to recognised unions contrary to the circular of extending recognition. When recognition has been provided up to OA level the accommodation must be retained. The Director HR assured to review in the matter. (4)Regarding three months relaxation in qualifying service - The management has changed the cut off date for determining five years of qualified service from 1st July to first January as per the guideline issued by the DOPT. The same DOPT has issued to provide relaxation for three months upto 31 st March for the LICE of 2021,2022 and 2023.....


LICE for promotion of Group C employees to the grade of JTO(T) in BSNL under 50% internal quota for VY-2021, held on 07-08-2022 schedule of JTO phase -1 training thereof.....


Circular No. 14/2022, dated at 06/11/2022....


District Secretaries Meeting on 06.11.2022:- District Secretaries meeting held in Circle Union Office on 06.11.2022, under the president ship of Com. B.Sunitha, Circle President. All District Secretaries and Circle executive office bearers at Hyderabad attended the meeting. Com. A.Rajamouli, Circle Secretary have elaborately explained the policy details of all India and Telangana. He thanked one and all for extending support to NFTE to get 2nd recognized status in the elections. He also said about formation councils in B.A.Level and also requested all District Secretaries to nominate working employees in councils, which is need of the hour. All District Secretaries and Circle office bearers shared their views of their SSA’s. Com. Dhanjuya Rao, D.S., Sangareddy have honored Com. B.Sunitha, Circle president and Com. Geetha, District Secretary, Circle Office with shawl for their hard work in 9th membership verification. Com. Soleman, Senior Comrade have arranged meals to all participants. In the the end Com. Sunitha requested all to be more vigilant in these years. And also thanked all for their hand work in the elections. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Circle Secretary…..


District Executive Committee meeting of Circle Office Branch held on 06.11.2022 at  Circle Union Office, Barkathpura under the president ship of Com.Hanumantha Rao. Circle Office Branch have won in the election held on 12-10-2022. All the Circle Office bearers and Senior Comrades attended the meeting. Com.Geetha-District Secretary have given all details of voting process. She thanked one and all for their whole hearted support in the election. They honoured all the participants with shawl. Com.Rajamouli-CS, A.Somareddy-Treasurer, Com.Sunitha-Senior Leader, Com.Anitha-Senior Leader of Circle Office and Com.Kanurakar Reddy-ADS HTD, Com.Vijaya-HTD and other comrades attended the meeting. CS explained all the issues pending in all India level. In all these 9 MV's, Circle Office have won in the battle, he conveyed sincere thanks to one and all. He advised all to be more cautions in future. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com.Geetha, DS.....


Victory celebrations of Sangareddy SSA on 04.11.2022:- After winning 9th membership verification Sangareddy SSA celebrated the victory with traditional way. It is a fourth victory of SSA in all the verifications. At first NFTE Flag hoisted by Com. Abdul Rasheed District President. Then after all paid rich tributes to Late Com. M.Parashuramulu Goud. Com. Dhanunjaya Rao District Secretary explained in detail how they faced election in the SSA. He dedicated the victory to late Com. M.Parashuramulu Goud ex-District Secretary, Who scarified his life to the organisastion. Com. A.Rajamouli, Circle Secretary, Com. V.K.Muthu, District Decretary, Hyderabad Telecom District, Com. P. Anjaneyulu, District Secretary, Mahaboobnagar SSA, Com. Swamy, D.S., SEWA, Com. Arjun, ex-DS, Com. Narsimha Reddy, Ex- ACs, Com. Mahender, Ex-BS, Patancheruvu, Com. Nayaab, Senior comrade, Com. Laxman, Senior Leader, AIGETOA, Com. N.V.Rathod leader AIGETOa, Com. A.Somareddy, Treasurer and other comrades attended and addressed the meeting. Circle Secretary presided the meeting and have given details of voting took place in India and State. He conveyed sincere thanks to one and all. And also elaborated challenges before us. Viz. 3rd wage revision, promotion policy, lifting of ban on compassionate ground appointment etc. the retired welfare association branch of Patancheruvu honored all the guests with shawl. Then after District union also honored all the guests with shawl. All are very jubiliant in the meeting which indicated festive mood. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. Danunjaya, District Secretary…


D.O. letter No.-6-2/2022-NBM/NMP, dt-31-10-2022 from Secretary DOT to all the Chief Secretaries of States and Union Territories to support BSNL in 4G saturation project.…


Celebrate 69th foundation day of NFPTE/NFTE on 24th November, 2022. All District Secretaries/BA/OA/Secretaries are requested to celebrate 69th foundation day of the NFPTE/NFTE on 24th November, 2022. This is a prominent day for our organization and this should be used to create awareness among all the younger’s about the glorious history of NFPTE/NFTE. Kindly hold gate meeting at lunch hour with NFTE flags hoisting and deliver the history of sacrifices and contribution of our leaders like Com. Dada Ghosh, Com. O.P. Gupta Ji, Com. Jaganathan, Com. Chandrashekhar and Com. M.B. Vichare…..


Commutation of pension on more than one occasion - Clarification....


Admissibility of Dearness Relief on additional pension / additional compassionate allowance and additional family pension - Clarification.....


Payment of Dearness Allowance applicable w.e.f. 01.07.2022 to employees continuing to draw their pay in pre-revised pay scale/Grade pay a s per 6 CPC.....


Karimnagar SSA Executive Committee meeting:- Karimnagar SSA Executive Committee meeting held in Film Society on 30.10.2022, under the president ship of Com. Sugnani, District Vi-president. Com. A. Rajamouli, Circle Secretary, Com. B.Sunitha, Circle President, Com. Manoj Kumar, ACS, Com. Pani Raja Rao, Circle Organising Secretary and other 30 comrades attended the meeting. Com. Ch. Linga Chary, District Secretary explained voting position of SSA and expressed his views very elaborately. Why they got lost votes then membership. He expressed his un- happiness in the meeting. Comrades also expressed their views on SSA poling held on 12.10.2022. Com. B. Sunitha, Circle President, said that we should not loose our patience and work hard for future of employees. Lose and gain are common in the verification. But, we should be cautious with deceived comrades. Com. A. Rajamouli, explained that after verification Karimnagar, SSA is a first one, who conducted the meeting for the review of voting took place on 12.10.2022. We should not sea the merits and de-merits in it. We need to strengthen the organization for settlement of staff problems. He indicated that councils will be formed on BA basis. All India union is discursion about on line attendance with management. Com. N. Surender, JE, Com. Manoj Kumar, ACS, Com, Pani Raja Rao, Circle Organising Secretary, also addressed in the meeting. District union honored Com. Manoj Kumar, JE and Com. Padmavathi, JE, with shawl, who got promotion to the JTO cadre from JE. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. Ch. Linga Chary, District Secretary….


Mandate of 9th M.V-2022 and our responsibility. Editorial, Telecom (English & Hindi).....


Revision of rates of subscription under Central Government Health Scheme due to pay and allowances of Central Government employees and revision of pension/family pension on account of implementation of recommendations of the seventh central pay commission…..


Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE ) for promotion to the grade of Junior Engineer ( T) under 50% internal quota for vacancy year 2020 - [for working BSNL employees only ] ….


Clarification regarding pension to be taken for commutation after retirement…..


Clarification regarding commutation value for Government servant whose date of birth is the first of a month retires on the afternoon of the last day of the preceding month……


Corporate office letter on special LICE 2022 to the grade of JTO(T) on pan India basis in BSNL for vacancy year 2021 (diverted 50% DR quota) for vacancies up to 31-12-2021 (for working eligible BSNL employee only) – extension of period of editable/modification window upto 5.00 PM till 27-10-2022.....


Corporate office endorsed letter issued by DEPWD to All Heads of Telecom Circles for implementation regarding inclusion of persons with spine deformity/spine injury in the list of posts identified to be reserved for persons with benchmark disabilities – amendment to the notification dated 04-01-2021 (DEPWD).....



Payment of Dearness allowance (DA) to Casual Labourers [including TSMs] to draw their wages in terms of letter No.-269-11/2009-Pers-IV/LE, dated – 01-01-2010. File No.-BSNLCO-A/13(16)/4/2021-ESTAB, dt-20-10-2022.….


Payment of medical bills of retired employees…..


Corporate office issued order on policy for allotment of accommodation to unions and associations of BSNL 2022.....


Facilities extended to union which secures 2% or more votes at All India level bases in the verification:- (1) Space for Notice Board. (2) Telephone facilities as per existing procedure. (3) Facility of informal communication of significant common interest to the management. (4) Deduction of union subscription from the salary of its members.....


Trade union facilities extended to Recognised unions in BSNL vide para VIII of recognized rule in letter No.-BSNL/5-2/SR/2012, dt-26-12-2012:- (1) Space for Notice Board. (2) Telephone facilities as per existing procedure. (3) Immunity from transfer as per existing ruling. (4) Nomination of staff side members (proportionate representation) to the National Council, Circle Councils and Local Councils at BSNL HQRs. Circles and SSAs level respectively as per the existing guidelines and also grant of formal meetings in the form of Council meetings. (5) Facility of special casual leave as per the existing procedure. (6) Deduction of union subscription from the salary of its members and (7) Marking of copies of circulars/orders related to staff matters, such as general letters, orders, circulars, circle gradation list, etc.. which are not marked as ‘Top Secret’, ‘Secret’. Confidential’ or ‘For Official use only’.....


Recognition of majority Union(s) of Non-executive employees in BSNL for a period of three years as per the result of 9th Membership Verification....


Formation of Councils, viz, National Council, Circle Councils and Local Councils – composition thereof.....


Grant of facilities in the recognised representative Union of Non-executive employees in BSNL and also to the unions which secured more than 2% of total votes at All India level.....


NFTE CHQ congratulates all the workers of BSNL who participated in the 9th Membership Verification and completed very peacefully. NFTE won in the following circles in the 9th M.V. held on 12-10-2022. (1) Jammu & Kashmir (2) Uttarakhand (3) NTR, New Delhi (4) Haryana (5) Tamilandu (6) UP(West) (7) UP(E) (8) Jharkhand (9) Bihar (10) A.P. (11) Chennai......


FINAL RESULT OF 9TH MEMBERSHIP VERIFICATION HELD ON 12-10-2022 RECEIVED FROM CORPORATE OFFICE:- BOTH THE UNIONS VIZ BSNLEU AND NFTE(BSNL) WILL CONTINUE AS MAIN AND 2ND RECOGNISED UNIONS IN BSNL. BSNLEU SECURED 15311 VOTES (48.62%): NFTE BSNL SECURED – 11201 VOTES (35.57%):, BTEU SECURED 1634 VOTES (5.19%). We on behalf of NFTE HQR congratulates all the workers of BSNL to have this verification ended peaceful. The NFTE(BSNL) will make all efforts to achieve the pending demands of workers. We gladly accept the mandate given by workers in the 9th Membership Verification.....


Result of 9th membership verification -2022 conducted for electing majority representative unions (s) of non-executive employees in BSNL.....


9th membership verification process successfully complicated in all SSA’s peacefully. NFTETS conveys sincere thanks one and all. As per the reports received to circle union 95.5% votes poled in the circle.…


9th membership verification process successfully complicated in all SSA’s peacefully. NFTETS conveys sincere thanks one and all. As per the reports received to circle union 95.5% votes poled in the circle.…



District Secretaries Note :- BSNL HQR vide letter No.- 16-4/2019/RB/Fund Auth/ Misc/ PI-I(P), dt-07-10-2022 has desired all medical liabilities of retired personnel upto 31-03-2022 be cleared. It should be ensured no old liability prior to 31-03-2022 should appear in the retired employee vendor account group. Fund to the tune of Rs. 361 crore stand allotted to Circles. Till date only Rs. 262 crore for clearance of liabilities have been utilised....



Sanga Reddy SSA District Executive Committee Meeting:-   Sanga reddy District Executive Committee and  9th membership verification election campaign meeting held in the premises of General Manager office Sangareddy on 07.10.2022 under the presidentship of Com. Abdul Rasheed. The meeting began with NFTE Flag hoisting by Com. B.Sunitha, Circle President. Com. A.Rajamouli, Com. H.Bal Raj, ex-President of SSA, Com. A.Arjun ex-District Secretary SEWA BSNL, Com. M.Narsimha Reddy, ex-ACS, Com. G.Narayana, District Secretary, AIBSNL Pensioners Association, Com. K.Karunakar Reddy, ADS, HTD, Com. Naga Raju, ADS, Circle Office, Com. P.Solomon, Circle Office and comrades from all places of SSA attended and addressed the meeting. Com. V.Dhanunjaya Rao, District Secretary have explained the organizational status of SSA and raised some issues for clarifications from Circle Union (i.e., Online Attendance, Performance Score Card to Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ employees).  Com. B.Sunitha, said in her address that the No.1 union leaders were dis respecting women employees in their speeches.  It is not fair on their part. She condemned it tooth and mail. Com A.Rajamouli, Circle Secretary has explained all the issues in detailed clarifies the points raised by District  Secretary in the meeting,  He said NFTE will win majority SSA’s in the election with majority. District union have honored all the guests and Com. K.Nagendra Prasad with shawl who has joined in the Federation from EU. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. V.Dhanunjaya Rao, District Secretary…..


Merger of 50 points of IDA (Industrial Dearness Allowance) with Basic Pay of employees of M/s ITI Ltd…..


Clearance of pending liability/posting/creation of liability of Medical Bills of retired Employees in ERP – SAP……


Counting of periods spent on training as qualifying service for pension and gratuity under the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 2021.….


Postponement of EPP Core module training & EPP online exams (For all streams) for period w.e.f. Oct – 2022 to Feb-2023 due to conduction of JTO (T), JE(T) Induction trainings, Karmayogi Training…..


Board level and below Board level posts including Non-unionised supervisors in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs)- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 Payment of IDA at revised rates, w.e.f. 01.10.2022......


9th MV Election campaign meeting in Circle Office-Hyderabad: A Jubilant 9th MV Election campaign meeting held in Circle Office, Hyderabad on 01-10-2022, under the presidentship of Com.G.K.Hanumanth Rao-ACS, Com.B.Geetha-DS Circle Office have explained the realities of membership in Circle Office. She said confidently that NFTE-BSNL will win with big majority in Circle Office. Com.A.Rajamouli, CS, Com.Sunitha Circle President, Com.Anjaneyulu, DS-MBN, Com.Sudhakar Reddy, DS-NGD, Com.A.Krishna Reddy, ACS, Com.Raja Ram, CS, SEWA-BSNL, Com.Devadas, Finance Secretary-SEWA BSNL-HTD, Com.Srinivas, Dy.CS-SEWA-BSNL, Com.Karunakar Reddy-ADS-HTD and Com.I.Satyanarayana, Senior Comrade-Circle Office attended and addressed the meeting. CS explained the mistakes committed by other union in 2nd Wage revision, promotion policy, CGA etc. Com.Raja Ram, CS-SEWA BSNL have assured that SEWA BSNL decided to support NFTE-BSNL in 9th MV to be held on 12-10-2022. He also explained in detail that the loses happened in promotion policy without roster facility. More than 70 comrades attended the meeting. District union honoured all the guests with shawls. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com.Sunitha, Senior Comrade, Circle Office.…..



In the eve of Dussehra festival “ DURGA POOJA” performed by Hyderabad Telecom District union with devotion and discipline in Union office. They were performing the pooja since long time. Com. V.K.Muthu, District Secretary, HTD, Com. P.Paran Jyothi, District president, HTD, Com. B.Sunitha, Circle President, Com. A.Raja Mouli, Circle Secretary & District office bearers participated in the event. Com. N.Venkateshwar, Ex- ACS, Com. T.Durga Rao, District Secretary, Khm District, Com. N.K.Jain, Senior Comrade & senior comrades of Hyderabad Telecom District were Present in the occasion. Before lunch, election campaign meeting was organized by District union under the president ship of Com. P.Paran jyothi, Com. V.K.Muthu District Secretary explained in detail on 9th membership verification to be held on 12.10.2022. Com. B.Sunitha, Circle President said that other union have forgotten all ethics in the election campaign and blaming women employees with ill motive. Com. A.Rajamouli, Circle Secretary have given all details of mistakes done by the present No. 1 union in 18 years. They were spreading lies and threatening employees which is condemnable at this juncture. He cautioned and appealed all to be have patience till election. They were in frustrating  mood with negative signals in all most all SSA’s / Circles. Com. T.Durga Rao, ACS/DS, KHM also explained the wrong propaganda of No.1 union in the campaign. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. P. Paran Jyothi, District President….


Issues resolved by NFTE (BSNL) is last Tenure....


Conduct of 9th Membership Verification to elect majority representative union(s) of non-executives unions in BSNL......


LICE for promotion of Group C Employees to the grade of JTO (T) in BSNL under 50% internal quota for the vacancy year- 2021, held on 07.08.2022 Schedule of Pre basics-1 & 2 training thereof......


5% IDA increased from 01-10-2022 Total=190.8%+5%=195.8% w.e.f. 01-10-2022.....


Postponement of Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the grade of Junior Engineer (T) under 50% internal quota for vacancy year 2020-[for working eligible BSNL employees only]....


DOPT vide updated communication dt- 23-09-2022 has issued detailed guidelines for redressal of staff grievances on service matters......


Corporate office issue guidelines regarding 9th membership verification…..


Video training clips developed by employees.….


2nd District Executive committee Meeting of Adilabad SSA:- District Executive committee Meeting of Adilabad SSA held on 20.09.2022 in conference hall, under the president ship of Com. C.Vilas. Com. A. Rajamouli, Circle Secretary, Com. B.Sunitha, Circle President, Com. Narsimlu, District Secretary SEWA BSNL, Com. Narendar, District Secretary Pensioner association, Com. M. Mastan Vali, District Secretary, Nizamabad, Com. Chandra Shekar, ACS, Com. Satyanarayana, ACS and other comrades attended and addressed the 9th membership verification complaining meeting. Com. Sanjay, District Secretary explained the organizational position of Adilabad SSA and other pending issues. Com. A. Rajamouli, Circle Secretary, have given all details up on 3rd wage revision status, proposed new promotion policy, lifting of ban on Compassionate Ground Appointments, Super anuation befits to BSNL recruited staff and examinations. He appealed all to work hard to strengthen the entity and our organization. Com. B.Sunitha, Circle President also appealed all to be united to achieve the demands. Com. C. Vilas and Sanjay honoured all the guests with shawl and bouquet. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. Sanjay, District Secretary....


Circle wise sanctioned amount for conduct of 9th Membership Verification of non-executives unions in BSNL......


Conduct of 9th membership verification of Non-executives union in BSNL – Procedure for issue and casting of postal ballot (partial modification).....


Video training clips developed by employees.….



Corporate Office letter to all CGMs on Computer familiarisation training for all Non-Executives.....


JTO Training schedule. Letter No.-BSNLCO-TRG/13(14)/1/2021-Training,....


NFTE Telangana deligation led by Circle Secy, Circle President, Distt. President and other Comrades met Com. Raja Ram, Circle Secy SEWA BSNL and requested him to extend fullest cooperation NFTE BSNL in 9th Membership Verification to be held on 12-10-2022. Com. Raja Ram C.S. SEWA BSNL gladly accepted the request and assured fullest cooperation be extended to NFTE BSNL in the 9th Membership Verification.....



Special Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) 2022 to the grade of Junior Telecom-officer (Telecom) [JTO (T)] on pan India basis in BSNL for vacancy year 2021 (diverted 50% DR quota) for vacancies upto 31.12.2021. (for working eligible BSNL employee only)….


9th membership verification for recognition of non - executive union’s in BSNL duties of observers…..


Circular No. 13/2022, dated at 11/09/2022....


Corporate office endorsed the elected office bearers list of 6th AIC held at Ranchi (Jharkhand)……


Telangana 2nd Circle Executive committee meeting at Khammam :- An enthusiastic Circle Executive committee meeting held at CPI Office Khammam on 11.09.2022, under the president ship of Com. B. Sunitha, Circle President. The meeting begun with Flag hoisting ceremony. Com. B.Sunitha, Circle President hoisted NFTE Flag with sky touching slogans. All the District Secretaries and office bearers attended the meeting. Com. A.Rajamouli, Circle Secretary explained the importance of conducting the meeting at this juncture. He narrated the developments in 9th membership verification to be held on 12.10.2022. NFTE BSNL is committed for settlement of 3rd wage revision, New promotion policy, lifting of ban on Compassionate ground appointments, conducting of examination for TT cadre from ATT, superannuation benefits to directly recruited staff etc. All the District Secretaries shared ground realities for success of 9th membership verification. Com. Singu Narsimha Rao, state AITUC leader attended and addressed the house. He remembered Com.O.P.Guptas, noble deeds in Trade union movement in India. Com. Pani Raja Rao, TT, Siricilla unanimously elected as Circle organizing in place of Com. A.Vishwanath, who expired last month. The team led by Com. T.Durgarao, District Secretary have made wonder full arrangements for success the meeting. They honored all District secretaries with shawl. Com. B.Sunitha adviced all to be more vigilant in the period. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. A.Rajamouli, Circle Secretary, Telangana Circle....


Holding of 9th membership verification process of Non - Executive unions in BSNL - Final electoral roll list (Stage -3) in Telangana Telecom Circle.....
ClickHere ClickHere



Resolutions adopted in 6th All India Conference held at Ranchi(Jharkhand) from 28-08-2022 to 30-08-2022……


Conduct of 9th membership verification of Non-executive’s Union in BSNL – Procedure for issue and casting of postal ballot……


Circle office issued order on Rescheduled of circle executive committee meeting of NFTE- BSNL Telangana Circle ….


List of office bearers elected in 6th All India Conference held at Ranchi (Jharkhand) from 28-08-2022 to 30-08-2022.…..


Postponement of circle executive Committee meeting:- Postpone the meeting to 11.09.2022 instead of 09.09.2022 at Khammam…..


Finalization of ballot paper including election symbols for conduct of 9th membership verification through secret ballot on 22.10.2022.....


Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion of Group 'C' employees to the, grade of Junior Telecom Officer (Telecom) JTO (T)] in BSNL under 50% internal quota for VY-2021, held on 07.08.2022:- Declaration of Merit List.....
ClickHere ClickHere ClickHere


Guidelines regarding canvassing and prevention from defacement of building/premises during conduct of 9th membership verification (M.V)….


Payment of medical bills to retired employees…..



SR Section of Corporate office have released final list of eligible unions for 9th membership verification for electing majority representative unions of non-executive employees in BSNL – NFTE-BSNL will stand at Sl. No.-13…..


D.O. letter from Director (HR) to all CGMs and Unit Heads of BSNL CO. Regarding implementation of new attendance system......


Constitution of Committee for merger of BSNL & BBNL &MTNL.......


Corporate office issued guidelines under BSNLMRS for regulation of expenditure on Indoor treatment…..,.


Corporate office issued guidelines under BSNLMRS for regulation of expenditure on Indoor treatment…..,.


Grant of special casual leave for attending All India Conference of NFTE BSNL at Ranchi …...


All District Secretaries, Branch Secretaries & Active members please note:- Ranchi City is having two Railway Stations – (1) Ranchi (2) Hatia. The venue of our AIC is 5 ½ KM distance from both stations. The Airport is also having 6KM distance from our AIC venue. Reception Committee volunteers will be available at the stations & at Airport. The Trains arriving from Orissa and W.B. will stop at Hatia. The trains arriving from southern states will come to Ranchi Station. This is for your kind information please...A.Rajamouli, CS Telangana Circle....


Postponement of EPP Core module training & EPP Online Exams (only for Telecom stream) during Nov 2022 to Feb 2023 for conduct of JTO (T) & JE (T) Induction trainings......


SR cell issued a letter for extension of Trade union facilities during 9th membership verification of non-executives unions in BSNL......


Circle Executive meeting of Telangana Circle on 09/09/2022 in Khammam.....


Notification issued for conducting 9th Membership Verification (MV) to elect majority representative Union(s) in BSNL – Date of polling 12-10-2022.….


CMD BSNL letter to all Chief General Managers BSNL regarding provisioning of 4G mobile services under Govt. funded 4G Saturation Projects…..


CMD BSNL letter to all Chief General Managers BSNL regarding provisioning of 4G mobile services under Govt. funded 4G Saturation Projects…..



9th membership Verification (MV) for electing majority representative Unions (s) of non- executive employees in BSNL - List of we ligible Unions.....


Submission of returning officer details in respect of Telangana Telecom Circle......


Grant of Special Casual Leave to the office bearers / delegates of NFTE BSNL attending National Executive meeting on 27.08.2022 and All India Conference from 28th to 30th August, 2022 at Ranchi....


Poster of All India Conference scheduled to be held at Ranchi from 28th to 30th August, 2022....


04-08-2022 : DOT has issued an office memorandum dated-02-08-2022 the decision of union cabinet on BSNL revival package announced on 27.07.2022....


Circular No. 12/2022, dated at 03/08/2022....


Com.A.Vishwanath (Bhaskar) T.T Circle Organising  & ADS, Karim Nagar SSA expired today at Jyothi Nagar at age of 50 years. He was survived by wife and two unmarried daughters. The untimely death of Com. A.Vishwanath is lose to our organisation and his family. NFTETS Condoles the death and share the grief of the family.....


Presentation on Biometric/Attendance Management System.....


BSNL MRS clarification sought from Corporate office regarding visit report of designated officer to Hospital......


Ms. Droupadi Murmu becomes India’s next President :- Ms. Droupadi Murmu has becomes India’s next President. The 64 year Ms. Droupadi Murmu secured 64% of the total votes, defeating the opposition candidate, Shri Yashwant Sinha. Ms. Murmu started out as a primary school teacher, then served as a Minister in the Odisha government and later on became the Governor of Jharkhand. NFTETS heartily congratulates Ms. Droupadi Murmu and wishes her success in her new responsibility.


Conduct of 9th membership verification to elect majority representative union ( s ) of non- executive employees in BSNL - Electoral Roll & Poling Booths.....


Modified guidelines for the engagement of apprentices under apprentice act for sales & marketing.....


Hyderabad Telecom District union organised Meeting:- Hyderabad Telecom District union organized activists meeting yesterday at District Union Office in BSNL Office Adarsh Nagar, under the president ship of Com. P. Paranjyothi. Com. V. K. Muthu, District Secretary explained the organizational position after submission of membership forms. Com. B. Sunitha, Circle president, Com. A.Rajamouli, Circle Secretary, Circle office members, Branch Secretaries were present in the meeting. All have expressed their views on 9th membership verification and All India Conference at Ranchi, Jharkhand Circle. Circle Secretary have clarified the issues raised in the meeting and appealed all to be vigilant in the forth coming 9th verification. He assured all that NFTE is committed to settle 3rd wage revision, CGA appointments, New Promotion policy etc. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by J.Laxmaiah, District Treasurer......


Issuing notification for organising Black badge wearing lunch hour demonstrations on 28.07.2022 -


AUAB circular based on decision taken in the virtual meeting held on 19.07.2022.....


ERP Branch of Corporate office issued letter on recovery of subscription in case of P&T societies......


District Executive committee Meeting of Nizamabad SSA:- The meeting held under the presidentship of Com. Keshav Rao, in conference hall. Com. Mastanvali District Secretary given a brief note on activities and pending issues. Com. Panchakshari, Com. Ranga Rao and Com. D.Ganghadhar District secretary Retired association attended and addressed the meeting. The comrades raised valuable issues in the meeting viz nature of duties, responsibility of cadres, wage structure of employees, pension contribution issues of Direct Recruitment employees etc. And above they expressed unhappy with the notification of examinations on 2014 basis, it is not beneficial to working employees. The existing staff mostly disappointed with the attitude of BSNL management. Com. A.Rajamouli, Circle Secretary clarified all the issues in detail and assured that main issues will be discussed in our All India Conference to be held at Ranchi. Com. Mastanvali, District Secretary honoured Branch Secretaries , Circle Secretary and guests with Shawl. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. Mastanvali, District Secretary….


27/01/2022 5th Circle Council Meeting (CCM) of Telangana Circlr, Hyderabad scheduled to be held on 23.07.2022 (Saturday) ......


BSNL Endorsed the Board level & below Board level posts including Non-unionized supervisors and Non-Executives in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 Paynient of IDA at revised rates......


Reservation in promotion to persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs).....


No-transfer of non-executive staff till completion of 9th membership verification process in BSNL.....


Circular No: 11/2022, dated at 11-07-2022.....


Notification of examination of JE:- Limited Internal competitive Examination ( LICE ) for promotion of grade of Junior Engineer (T) under 50% internal quota for vacancy year 2020 - [ for working employees only ]......
ClickHere ClickHere


Corporate office (SR) calling applications from non-executive unions for holding of 9th membership verification process – last date for submission of application is 05-08-2022 (16:00 Hrs).....


Board level and below Board level posts including Non-unionised supervisors in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs)- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 Payment of IDA at revised rates, w.e.f. 01.07.2022......


Suffering of BSNL Employees, Telecom Editorial for the month of July 2022....


Transfers & Postings of CGM/PGM Level....


5.5% IDA increased from 01-07-2022 Total=185.3%+5.5%=190.8% w.e.f. 01-07-2022.....


AUAB call on DHARNA programme conducted in All SSA headquarters successfully - Thanks to one and all. CS. NFTE, Telangana…


Circular No: 10/2022, dated at 18-06-2022.....


Circle Executive Committee Meeting of Telangana Circle was  held on 18-06-2022 in Asman Mahal.....


Com. M. VishweshwarRao, J.E. and President of Co-operative Credit Society, Hyderabad expired today 10.30 am at the age of 51 years, NFTE lost a dedicated comrade, who was a hard worker in all fields. He was survived by wife, daughter and son. The sudden death of comrade is lose to his family and BSNL. NFTE TS condoles the untimely death of comrade and share the grief of the family red salute Comrade .....


Specimen copy of memorandum to be submitted to the Hon’ble members of Parliament. The District Secretaries/BA & SSA level are requested to kindly make coordination with other constituents of AUAB and submit the memorandum to the MPs of your area.....


Wage Negotiating Committee meeting ended without taking any decision:- A meeting of the Wage Negotiating Committee is held on dt- 10-06-2022. In the meeting, the Staff Side strongly demanded that, Wage Revision of the Non-Executives should be settled with 5% fitment, without further delay. The staff side also demanded that, the pay scales already finalised through consensus between the Management Side and the Staff Side, should not be changed. However, the Management Side argued that, settlement of Wage Revision with 5% fitment is not possible due to the following reasons:- 1)As per the recommendations of the 3rd PRC, BSNL employees are not eligible for Wage Revision, since BSNL is running in loss. 2)Every month, there is a shortfall of Rs.800 crore, between BSNL’s revenue collection and the expenditure. Hence, settlement of 5% fitment is not possible Lengthy discussions took place without any result. Finally, the Staff Side demanded that, Wage Revision should be settled with 5% fitment on the following grounds:- 1) BSNL is going to launch it’s 4G service shortly, which will result in increased revenue collection. 2) Top officers of BSNL have already got their pay revision through the 7th CPC, whereas, the employees are denied Wage Revision. 3)Tariffs are increasing in the telecom sector, which can be taken advantage of by BSNL, to some extent. The meeting ended without taking any decision. The Staff Side demanded that, the next meeting should be arranged at earliest possible and .The official side reciprocated that the meeting will be notified on avaibility of both side members at earliest. C. Singh,G.S. NFTE ......


MOF, department of investment and Public asset management vide No.-3/17/2021-DIPAM-II-B(E), dt-01-06-2022 has issued orders empowering Board of Directors of PSEs to recommend and undertake process of disinvestment.....


Record of discussions of wage revision meeting held on 10th March, 2022......


Meeting of the Joint Committee for wage revision of non-executive employees w.e.f. 01-01-2017 in BSNL.....


Grant of special casual leave to the eligible Circle office bearers and District Secretaries of Telangana Circle.....


The AUAB has issued notification today, to the CMD BSNL and the Secretary, Telecom, for the Dharna programme to be organised on 21-06-2022.....


Option to change authorization for deduction of membership subscription from Salary modification.....


Corporate office (SR branch) issued a letter for holding exploratory meeting on 14-06-2022, for conducting 9th membership verification of non-executive employees in BSNL.....


Postponement of Circle Executive meeting of Telangana Circle to 18.06.2022 instead of 14.06.2022….


Option to change authorization for deduction of membership subscription from Salary.....


Notice issued for Circle Executives commitee meeting of Telangana Circle held on 14.06.2022, in Asman Mahal Auditorium, Lakdikapool Hyderabad.....


All the District Secretaries are requested to organize powerful “LUNCH HOUR DEMONSTRATION” at all levels on 27-05-2022, demanding settlement of 3rd PRC to executives/3rd wage revision to non-executives from 01-01-2017. AUAB have given call to organize agitational programmes for settlement long pending issue. 3rd PRC/3rd wage revision. This is the first phase programme of AUAB call. I request all the Circle/District Leaders to make the “LUNCH HOUR DEMONSTRATION A BIG SUCCESS ON 27-05-2022” with the co-operation of all unions/associations- CS. Telangana Circle......


BSNL Covid Fund (BCF):- The Meeting of BSNL Covid Fund held on 25-05-2022 in the office chamber of Shri S.P. Singh GM(A). Com. Chandeshwar Singh G.S. NFTE was represented in the meeting on behalf of NFTE(BSNL). The BSNL Covid fund was started at the time of 2nd wave of Covid and it was decided by the staff side to contribute one day salary to create a fund to help the families of victims who lost their lives due to Covid -19. The management decided to share the similar amount of total contribution by the employees. Thus the total 22 crores were collected for BSNL Covid fund. At the same time a committee was also constituted to conduct the affairs of BCF. The total death due to Covid-19 up to 31-03-2022 was reported 238. The 220 cases were cleared earlier and 22 crores deposited amount was paid to 220 families. Now, 18 cases are pending to get the payment (BCF). The following decisions were taken by the committee on 25-05-2022. (1) The payment of Rs. 10 lakhs to 18 remaining families shall be borne by the BSNL management. (2) The committee recommended to continue the BCF policy for next one year i.e. up to 31-03-2023. (3) For further any death case happens due to Covid, the committee will meet and decide the mode of payment.....


BSNL Covid fund (BCF) meeting will be held today i.e. 26-05-2022 at 11.30 hours in the chamber of GM(Admn) Corporate office, New Delhi.......


Notification of AUAB for Agitational Programme to settle 3rd wage revision/pay revision without further delay. All the Circle/BA/District Secretaries are requested to mobilize one and all to participate in Lunch hour demonstration on 27th May, 2022 and make other programmes a grand success. This is the first time when AUAB has decided to lunch agitational programme on a single issue of wage revision.....


Non clearance of pay bill recoveries dues/claims....


Safety from Fire incidents....


Corporate office letter on nomination for BSNL Sports and Cultural Board for the year 2021-2023.....


AUAB decided to organise agitational programme for settlement of 3rd PRC/3rd wage revision of BSNL employees......


Informal meeting with PGM (SR) and GM(CA):- President met the PGM (SR) and GM (CA) on the following issues for settlement. (1) Payment of LIC premiums from May, 21 to December, 21. (2) Remittance of deducted subscriptions from salary of employees to the union.....


Reservation in promotions procedure to be followed prior to effecting reservations in the matter of promotions by all departments of the Central Government.....


Meeting with Director (HR):- President and General Secretary met the Director (HR) today at 1515 hours and raised the following issues. (1) Vacancies of outside quota of JTO Cadre be transferred for LICE in Circles where vacancies don't exist. (2) Formulate new promotion policy with four years periodicity up-gradation. (3) The PO Case of Shri Sureshbahadur Singh, T.T Pratapgrah be resolved. (4) Rule – 8 transfer cases of JEs of Gujrat for UP(E) be settled. Intervention requested. (5) ATT, T.T, JEs be upgraded to T.T, JE and JTO Cadres respectively. Similarly Sr. TOAs to JAO/JTO Cadres as per qualifications etc. Details be worked. The Non-Executives should not be discriminated in up-gradation. (6) Premiums of LIC from May, 2021 to December, 2021 be deposited. Policies are at the verge of cancellation due non-remittance by BSNL HQR. Recoveries of societies, union subscriptions be remitted.....


NFTE team led by Circle Secretary met Sri K.V.N.Rao, CGMT Telangana on 18-05-2022 in his chamber and discussed pending issues of staff. CGMT kind enoughly heard the issues and responded positively.....


Circular dated at 19-05-2022.....


District Executive Committee Meeting of Khammum, SSA :- District Executive Committee Meeting of Khammum, SSA held on 11.05.2022 at hour 11.00 am in G.M.Office, under the president ship of Com. Chalapathi Rao, before begining the meeting NFTE Flag hosted by Com. B.Sunitha Circle President. At first all the comrades paid rich tributes to Com. Y.V.Rao, Ex. District Secretary, who expired on 26.04.2022. District union conducted condolence meeting of Com. Y.V.Rao, and remembered him. His family members, Com. A.Rajamouli, Circle Secretary, Com. B. Sunitha, Cirle President, All India invitee, Com V.K.Muthu, Com. Jaganath Reddy. Com. Mohan Rao, Senior Comred of Nalgonda SSA, Com. Devender, & comrades of Khammum SSA, participated in the condolence meeting. After wards District working committee meeting begin with opening remarks by Com. T.Durga Rao, District Secretary Khammum. He given brief a note on organization and pending issues in the SSA. All the participated addressed in the meeting. Com. A.Rajamouli, Circle Secretary explained all the issues raised by the members. Meeting ended with votr of thanks by Com. Chalapathi Rao, District President.....


Reply from BSNL management to our letter No.-14/2(b), 30-04-2022. On notification of LICE for promotion to JTO (T) Cadre with insufficient vacancies......


Submission of self-appraisals by 15-05-2022 for the APAR period 2021-22 ......


Circular No-7/2022, dated at 09-05-2022.....



Corporate office (Admin & PR Branch) issued a letter for Group Health Insurance Policy for BSNL Employees – opening of 2nd window for submitting of option from 11-05-2022 to 18-05-2022. No withdrawal option shall be available i.e. once opted for the policy, it cannot be withdrawn in any case.....




Look after charge of CGM Telangana Circle & CGM CHTD Circle......


May Day (Labour Day). Editorial, Telecom (English & Hindi)......


AUAB meeting held on 27-04-2022. The issues discussed and decisions taken thereon.....


Meeting with CMD BSNL:- Recognized Unions and Associations have a meeting with CMD BSNL on 26-04-2022. The meeting was held in Board room of BSNL. The CMD, BSNL briefed the latest position in respect of enrollment of 4G/5G spectrum and merger of BBNL with BSNL. At the end of the meeting the representatives of unions and associations demanded to early deposit of superannuation benefits amounts to the concerned insurance company and also the leaders demanded to review of the vacancies of JTO(T) LICE based on the promotion of SDE from JTO (T). The CMD BSNL assured to look into the vacancies position (1000) and review the matter. On behalf of NFTE (BSNL) General Secretary and Com. A. Rajamouli attended the meeting.....


Corporate office issues direction to circles for Inter Circle transfers  of JEs   under rule-8 of BSNL Transfer policy...... 


Corporate office endorsed DOT letter to all CGMs with regard to Non-payment/Delay in payment of retirement benefits on account of delay in verification of caste certificate in respect of retiring employees.....


BSNL Corporate office endorse DoP&T letter for availing Child Care Leave ( CCL ) by single male parent....


Com. Y.V.Rao, Ex. District Secretary, Khammam, SSA is no more:- Com. Y.V.Rao have taken his last breath today at about 08.30 hrs, at the age of 67. He was a true fighter in Trade Union. He was a king in Line Staff Union for ears together in Khammam SSA. NFTE lost a big leader in the organization. He was survived by wife, son and daughter. NFTE TS condoles the death of a warrior and rich tribute to him, and share the grief of the family,  red salute comrade .....


District Executive Committee Meeting of Hyderabad:- District Executive Committee Meeting of Hyderabad held today in the Union Office BSNL Bhavan, under the president ship of Com. P.Param Jyothi, District President. Com V.K.Muthu, District Secretary explained in detail about organizational position of Hyderabad and also explained the pending issues of staff, which were pending since long time. The management is showing step mother treatment with NFTE members in particular Group ‘D’ staff. Majority branch secretaries attended and addressed the meeting. Circle President Com. B.Sunitha, Circle Secretary Com. A.Rajamouli and Chief Patron Telangana Circle Com. N.K. Jain attended and addressed the meeting. Circle secretary in his address explained the details of staff issues like wage revision, medical policy, transfers etc., and also given reply to all questions raised by the members. District Union honoured all the circle office bearers, who were elected in the circle conference at Yadagiri Gutta, with shawl and garland . The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. J.Laxmaiah, District Treasurer…..


Constitution of a Core Group to deal with matters relating to holding of 9th membership verification process for grant of recognition to majority union's of non-executive employees in BSNL......


Appointment of Chief Returning Officer - conduct of 9th membership verificarion for electing majority representative union's of non-executive employees in BSNL, held in the month of OCT, 2022.....


Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion of Group 'C'employees to the grade of Junior Telecom Officer (Telecom) ( JTO(T) ) in BSNL under 50% internal quota for vacancy year 2021 for vacancies up to 31.12.2021......


Worthy CMD's meeting with recognized Unions/Associations on 26.04.2022....


Limited Internal Competitive Examinations (LICE) for promotion to the grade of Telecom Technician under 50% internal quota for vacancy year 2020 and 2021 upto 31 .12.2021


Board level & below Board level posts including Non-unionized supervisors and Non-Executives in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) - Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 Paynient of IDA at revised rates......


Group Health Insurance Policy for BSNL Employees Last date to submit option for GHI Policy has been extended upto 23.04.2022. There will be no further extension. With joint effort of BSNL Administration, Unions and Associations, the policy has been made available with best of benefits at minimum premium rates. Keeping in view the high cost of treatment, Health Insurance has become an essential requirement for all. For the benefit of our employees, it is requested to circulated this information to all groups so that maximum employees may avail the benefit. - GM(Admin) BSNLCO



Overview of GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE POLICY for BSNL employees.....
ClickHere ClickHere


Notice served by Hyderabad (BA) management for recovery of huge amount after retirement on VRS against license fees of Quarters.....


BA/OA Wise Sanction Strength in different grades of Telecom Stream in Telangana Telecom Circle.....


Circular No-6/2022, dated at 12-04-2022.....


MoU with Oriental Health Insurance for Group Health Insurance Policy for BSNL Employees w.e.f. 01st May 2022, list of Hospital enclosed ......


Instructions regarding reimbursement of Outdoor/Indoor Medical Bill......


Board level and below Board level posts including Non-unionised supervisors in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs)- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 Payment of IDA at revised rates.......


Dear comrades, Thank you very much for celebrating Com. Sri Omprakash Guptaji's 100th birthday in all the Districts/Branches of Telangana Circle and making it a very grand success. I thank each and everything DS, District Executive Members and Circle Executive Members for making this program success. I thank all the NFTE members for participating and making the event memorable.

 Com. A. Rajamouli, CS.....



BSNL Covid Fund Policy- Pending cases confirmation......


Processing of e-APAR of Executive employees of BSNL, online through ESS-Portal for year 2021-22.....


Message from Director (HR) informs the implementation of Health Insurance Scheme for serving BSNL Employees.....


Group Health Insurance policy for BSNL Employees w.e.f 1st May, 2022. Options to be given from 12th April, 2022 to 18th April, 2022.....
ClickHere ClickHere


Declaration of holiday on 14th April, 2022 – Birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar– letter from Ministry of Personnal, Public Grievances & Pensions........


Corporate office letter on Revision of Annual Ceiling for reimbursement of outdoor treatment for retired BSNL employees.....



1.2% IDA increased from 01-04-2022 – Total 184.1%+1.2%=185.3% from 01-04-2022.....


The DOP and Pension department vide No.-4/05/2019-P and PW (D), dt-23-03-2022 had issued orders for implementation of option by a Pensioner/Family Pensioners from FMA to CGHs (OPD) facility and vice versa. The silent points are as below:- (I) The pensioners/family pensioners not residing in CGHs and not willing for nearest CGHS dispensary are entitled for Medical Allowance. The employee at the time of retirement has to exercise option once in life for OPD (CGHS) or Medical Allowance (FMA). Now the DOP and Pension Department has allowed for change of option and prescribed form 2 and 3 for change of option as per recommendations of Parliamentary Committee.....


Handover of operation and maintenance (O&M), First line maintenance (FLM) and utilization of Bharat Net (Except State led model under Phase – II) to BSNL from 01-04-2022......


Corporate office issued instructions to all CGMs by extending payment of gratuity to all casual mazdoors (TSMs) who covered by GPF in BSNL w.e.f. 01-10-2000.....


Corporate office letter on filling of e-APAR of non-executives employees of BSNL, online through ESS – Portal. Form NE-C (enclosed as annexure –C) shall be used as proforma for e-APAR for non-executive employees of “NE9 & above” pay-scales......


Minister of state in the Ministry of Personnel, Public grievances and Pensions and Minister of state in the Prime Minister’s office, Dr. Jitendra Singh Ji have replied in the Rajyasabha to the unstarred question No.-2520 with regard to proposal for additional quantum of pension.......


D.O. letter from Director (HR) to all CGMs for settling pending VRS 2019 cases......


Request to issue guidelines for considering transfers in respect of Group 'D' and Group 'C' Staff in the Circle......


Recover and deposit TDS on GPF contribution deposits exceeding Rs. 6 lakh.......


Nomination of officer for E-Learning workshop training programme on women empowerment in CPSEs from 24-03-2022 to 25-03-2022.....


Circle Office District Executive Committee:- Circle Office District Executive Committee meeting held at Circle Union Office, Barkathpura, Kachiguda, on 22.03.2022, under the president ship of Com. G.Hanmanth Rao, OS, Circle Office. All District executive body members attended the meeting. Com. Geetha, District Secretary explained the pending issues of Circle office and organizational status. Members also revised the issues like MRS Policy, wage revision, financial status entity, consideration of request transfers in T.T. Cadre. Com. A. Rajamouli, Circle Secretary attended the meeting and clarified all the issues raised by members & District Secretary. Meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. Geetha District Secretary.....


7th District Conference of Nizamabad SSA on 21.03.2022:- A joint District conference of NFTE BSNL & AIBSNLPWA were held on 21.03.2022, under the president ship of Com. G.Keshava Rao and Com. G. Ganga Ram in Sayeed Guest House , Auto Nagar, Arsapally, Nizamabad. After paying humage to the departed souls, both District Secretaries have presented reports and accounts without any amendments. More than 75 comrades attended the conference. Both Circle Secretaries addressed concerned issues detail in the conference. Sri. K.V.N.Rao, PGM, Nizamabad, B.A attended and addressed the conference. In his key issues, he appealed all to work hard to strengthen the BSNL entity . The reception committee led by Com. Mastan Vali and Com. Sabir Ali have honoured all the Guests with shawl and bouque. At the end elections were conducted in the conference. Com. G.Keshva Rao, JE, Com. Mastan Vali Rtd (TT), and Com. M.P.C.H.Reddy, TT, were elected as District President, District Srcretary and District Treasurer respectively for NFTE BSNL. Com. Sabir Ali, Com. M.Gangadhar were elected as District President, District Secretary respectively for pensioners association. Both the elections were held unanimously in the conference. The conference were ended with vote of thanks by Com. Mastan Vali, District Secretary, NFTE BSNL......



BSNL CO issued orders regarding:- Delay in transfer of GPF amount of BSNL Employees on transer/ promotion/deputation etc....


Settlement of claims under BSNL Superannuation Pension Scheme....


 (i) Meeting with PGM (Est):- President and General Secretary met the PGM (Est) on 14-03-2022 and enquired about amendment in R/R of JTO . He stated proposal is under consideration. He was told emphatically that the union should be consulted and a copy of proposed R/R be supplied for our comments. He agreed to this. He also said that there will be no major change. (ii) LICEs:- The union emphasised that the LICEs should take place of all Cadres viz JTO/JEs/Telecom Technicians as per vacancies of the particular year. (iii) Periodicity of NEPP:- It was pointed out that there is uniformity in Executive Promotion Policy in respect of periodicity in upgradation but same is otherwise in NEPP. Direct Recruits get upgradation after 8 instead of 4 years. Therefore, new promotion policy is need of the hour. (iv) Meeting with PGM (Pers):- JAO RR – He was apprised of with the views of union again regarding proposed changes in R/R. We demanded and impressed upto him to extend another opportunity to qualified candidates to appear in the competitive departmental examination. He agreed to consider after discussions. (v) Payment of IDA arrears:- Persuance is continuing for payment of IDA arrears. The unfreezed orders of BSNL also handed over to the concerned GM......


Director (HR) has issued orders to all CGMs for settlement of BSNL superannuation Pension scheme claims in respect of retired D/RS personnal including VRS as well as deceased employees. Their terminal benefits claims viz EPF/GPF, Gratuity, GTI, leave Encashment, GSLIS claims be also resolved. The NFTE has ceaselessly persued the matter and now CO has moved into the matter. All Circle Secretaries and District Secretaries are requested to bestow attention on the issue.....


Important information to all Circle Secretaries:- Com. O.P. Gupta Ji 100th Birth day function will be on 08-04-2022 at New Delhi. The accommodation will be provided on 7th April night and 8th April, 2022 only for the Circle Secretaries. Kindly cooperate as all should cooperate in the present situation. The Circle Secretaries meeting will be held after lunch on 08-04-2022. Other Comrades who desire to participate in ceremony may reach Delhi at Morning of 8th April and return in evening on same day.....


Notice for general strike on 28th and 29th March, 2022......


3rd wage Revision Committee Meeting:- The third wage revision committee meeting was held on 10th March, 2022 under the Chairmanship of Shri R.K. Goyal, PGM (Pers) in which PGMs (Est), (F and B) and (SR) were also present. The representatives of both the unions also participated. The NFTE (BSNL) was represented by its President, General Secretary and Dy. General Secretary. After deliberations the Chairman concluded as below. (1) The view of management will be taken for 5% fitment for pay scales revision. (2) No stagnation and no wage and pension loss will be ensured by the committee. (3) The joint committee is committed for these. The live cases of stagnation and Pension given by staff side will be looked into. The details of stagnation from 2022 will be obtained from field. The next meeting will take place in third week of April. The staff side demanded meeting in March but due closure month of financial year same could not be agreed to by the official side....


Nomination of member secretary in Joint Committee to recommend wage structure for Non-Executives w.e.f. 01-01-2017......


The 3rd meeting of the reconstituted Wage Revision Committee is held today. The Staff Side members strongly argued for Wage Revision with 5% fitment. They also demanded that the pay scales already finalized by the Wage Revision Committee, should be implemented without any change. After a lot of discussions, the following decisions were taken.

 1. The view of the Management will be taken on the Staff Side’s demand for Wage Revision with 5% fitment.
 2. The number of employees who are facing / will face stagnation, from 2022 up to 2026, will be collected.
 3. The instances given by the Staff Side, regarding reduction in pension, in case of 0% fitment, will be looked into by the Management Side. 
4. Pay reduction if any, that will arise after the Wage Revision, will be further studied by the Management Side....


Treatment of upgradation vis-a-vis post based promotion - case of Telangana Circle.....


Notice - As per decision of Guwahati NEC the 100th birthday of Com. O.P. Gupta Ji will be celebrated on 08-04-2022 at New Delhi alongwith the Circle Secretaries meeting. 100th Birthday Celebration – 11.00 am 2022 upto 1400 hours. Circle Secretary meeting – 2.30 pm onward. The accommodation for Circle Secretaries will be provided from 7th evening to 9th April morning. All the Circle Secretaries are requested to attend the programme positively. Further details will follow.....


Timely finalisation of departmental inquiry proceedings – improving vigilance administration .....


Informal meeting with PGM (SR):- President and General Secretary met the PGM (SR) and apprised her about the present unrest amongst the employees relating to slashing down of vacancies in JTO, JE and Telecom Technician’s Cadres. During lengthy discussions we mentioned how LICEs for above Cadres were deferred on one or the other pretext from year 2019. Finally, all the vacancies have now been abolished. We requested her to apprise the CMD/Director (HR) about our anguish over the present scenario. The issue of absorption of employees entered prior to 01-01-2004 was also raised and discussed. She responded positively….


Compassionate Ground Appointment (CGA) – Keeping in abeyance there of ........



Payment of frozen IDA to employees including Pensioners. Shri P.R. Natarajan, M.P. Letter dt-03-03-2022 to Hon’ble Minister Communications....


Staff side demanded new pay scales for non-executive with 5% fitment. Record of discussions.......


Circular No-5/2022, dated at 07-03-2022.....


Next meeting of the Joint Committee for wage revision of non-executive employees w.e.f. 01-01-2017 in BSNL will be held on 10-03-2022 at 3pm......


The orders issued by BSNL for withdrawal of extra increment granted to BCR employees quashed by CAT, Madras on 17-02-2022.....


Corporate office letter on implementation of e-DPC/e-CPC for Non-functional promotion (NF) to non-executive employees as per Non-Executive Promotion Policy (NEPP) through SAP portal......


Settlement of BSNL D/R retirement benefits claims:- Today, President and General Secretary met the Sr. GM(Est) and expressed anguish for non-settlement of retirement claims of D/R BSNL retirees as well as death cases. The CGMs are not furnishing the details of such personnel as desired by Co. in letter No.-BSNLCO-A/12(12)/4/2021-ESTAB, dt-16-02-2022. Circle Secretaries are requested to bestow best attention to get the forms completed and forwarded to Corporate office for settlement. Please act firmly and quickly.....


Payment of Provisional Pension and gratuity under Rule 62 of the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 2021 in case of delay in issue of PPO authorising regular pension......


AUAB circular based on emergent virtual meeting held today at 2pm....


Meeting with Sr. GM(Establishment) C.O. New Delhi:- General Secretary and Com. Rajamouli met with Sr. GM(Est) to queried about the clarifications sent by Odisha Circle as well as Telangana Circle in respect of NEPP to such an officials whose date of post based promotion and NEPP upgradation falling on the some date. The Sr. GM(Est) reciprocated positively and assured to issue clarification on the issue raised by both the circles......


The management wants to work out the expenditure on changing the policy of NEPP in respect of TSMs regularised on of after 01.10 2000. They have been treated as BSNL recruitees and the 1st financial upgradation under NEPP is being given after completion of 8 years of service. NFTE raised this issue in National council and pursued the issue continuously. Earlier also management tried to collect data but due to poor feed back from the circles the issue remain unsettled. Now, it has again been taken under consideration by the management. If the circles submit the required data within time the issue may be settled and it will be beneficial to such TSMs who got regularisation on our after 01.10.2000 and got 1st NEPP after completion of 8 years of service. This provision will be switched over to 4 years. Hence the circle secretaries are requested to kindly take initiative at appropriate level to send the data to corporate office as required within time period…. With warmest greetings. C.Singh,GS....


General Secretary and Com. Rajamouli met with GM Finance banking and requested regarding non-reimbursement of deduction towards co-operative society of Sangli SSA in Maharashtra Circle. It was explained by Shri Sinha A.O. that two times amounts have been submitted but due to some error in Account the same was not disbursed. Again the Circle has been directed to submit the demand after proper correction in Account details.....


Corporate office issued instructions to all Circles regarding guidelines for forwarding of applications of BSNL employees for outside Direct Employment.....


Group Term Insurance for BSNL Executives and Non-Executives guidelines for annual renewal of the scheme w.e.f. 01.03.2022......


Com. M. Subhash, Ex. District Secretary, Adilabad SSA is no more:- Com. M. Subhash has taken his last breath in the early hours of today at Govt. hospital Nirmal, at the age of 58. He was survived by wife, son and daughter. He had taken VRS in 2020. NFTE lost a good organiser, who always speaking on face. NFTE TS condoles the untimely death of Comrade and share the grief of the family.....


Group Term insurance for BSNL Non - Executives- Guidelines for annual renewal of the scheme w.e.f. 01.03.2022........


Corporate office letter issued on next meeting of the Joint Committee for wage revision on non-executive employees w.e.f.01.01.2017 in BSNL resheduled to 4th march 2022 at 2pm .....


Letter issued from Corporate office on Time bound reimbursement of one time payment of CGHS subscription to eligible staff optees upto 31.03.2022......


TELECOM for the month of Feb-2022......


Corporate office letter issued on next meeting of the Joint Committee for wage revision on non-executive employees w.e.f.01.01.2017 in BSNL.....


Corporate office issued increased IDA order from 01-01-2022 (179.3% +4.8% = 184.1% w.e.f. 01-01-2022)......


Corporate office issued clarification regarding Unions/Associations facilities after consolidation of SSA (now OA) in Business Area (BA). Letter No.-BSNL/20-6/SR/2019, dt-03-02-2022.......


Parliamentary Standing Committee 110th report on additional quantum of pension on attaining the age of 65 years, 70 years and 75 years......


4th Circle Council Meeting (CCM) of Circlr office, Hyderabad held on 06-12-2021.....


Board level and below Board level posts including Non-unionised supervisors in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs)- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007 - Payment of IDA at revised rates......


Board level and below Board level posts including Non-unionised supervisors in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs)- Revision of scales  of pay w.e.f. O1.O1.2O17 Payment of IDA at revised rates.......



CGMT Telangana Write to Director of Health of Telangana Satate for request for COVID Vaccination Booster Dose camp for BDNL Staff Members and their family members at premises of BSNL Office, Hyderabad....


Payment of family pension in respect of a child suffering from a disorder or disability of mind through the person nominated by the Government servant/pensioner/family pensioner.....


Submission of Estimates for Civil works for leasing out built up space to CGHS ......


Post Restructuring Ciecle-wise Sanctioned Strength in r/o Junior Telecom Officer (Telecom) / Junior Engineer (Telecom) / Telecom Technician / Assistant Telecom Technician ........


Instructions in respect of BSNL CO guidelines regarding processing of the cases covered under BSNL Superannuation Pension Scheme (SPS)......


Meeting with CGMT : Com.A Rajamouli, Circle Secretary, Com. G.K. Hanumantha Rao, ACS and Com. V.K. Muttu, DS, HTD met CGMT today and discussed the following issues. 1) 50% of attendance in offices in Telangana and Sanitization of offices in this Corona period. 2) Delay in settlement of disciplinary cases and VRS cases. 3) Consideration of Rule-8 / Rule-9 transfers in JE cadre. CGMT patiently heaved the views and reciprocated positively ..... CS NFTE BSNL Telangana.


Instructions w.r.t. Operation & Maintenance and functioning of Administrative units and Preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of Novel Corona Virus ( Covid-19 )......


 Circular No. 4/2022, Dated at 19.01.2022.....


Information required in respect of Dr JEs under rule-8 Transfer requests.....





Guidelines to the circles regarding processing of the cases of superannuation pension scheme (SPS) for BSNL direct recruìtee....



Reimbursement of cost of OPD Medicines – Special Sanction in view of COVID-19 till 30th April 2022......


Regarding payment of salary on due date:- As per minutes of meeting held with CMD and full board of Directors on 27 th Oct.2021, issued by the SR cell of corprate office ,the salary of employees of BSNL will be paid on due date from the month of January 2022. C.singh.


Letter issued by Corporate office on Centralization of Payments.....



Change in the date of holiday on account of "MAKARA SANKRANTI ( PONGAL)"


Meeting with GM(CA):- President met GM(CA) and enquired present status of SAB fund. He told Rs. 53 crores contributions due upto Sept, 2020 have been deposited. NFTE thanked as this was being persued vigorously by union for pensionery benefits of D/R BSNL recruited staff. (ii) Pension Cell formed at C.O:- More than 1100 BSNL employees, have retired including VRS personnel but could not get pension from SAB fund. Now cell is formed and 253 cases are worked out till date by Establishment branch. NFTE ceaselessly persued it. (iii) Wage Revision Committee meeting:- The scheduled joint meeting postponed due to Corona virus. Next meeting not yet fixed up. (iv) Valley allowance:- President met GM(BF) and he readily agreed to release the fund for the purpose, fund released also. (v) VRS Cases:- President met GM(Vig) at HQR and enquired about VC clearance of VRS personnel. He asserted cases are promptly cleared.....


Brief of the National Executive Committee Meeting held at Guwahati from 07-01-2022 to 08-01-2022......


Corporate office issued guidelines under BSNLMRS in view of Covid-19 pandemic......


Joint Committee for wage revision of Non - Executive employees in BSNL canceled due to Covid-19 pandemic reasons......


Corporate Office letter on preventive measures to contain the spread of Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19).....


Corporate office issued instructions with respect to Operational & Maintenance and functioning of Administrative Offices in view of spread of COVID-19 pandemic in India......


Com.A.Rajamouli, Circle Secretary write to CGMT Telangana, to settlement of staff problems.....


Next meeting of the Joint Committee gor wage revision of non-executive employees w.e.f. 01.01.2017 in BSNL....


Shri B.P. Rawat, CGMT Telangana and Sri Sanjay Kumar, GM HR inaugurating 2022 Calendar (NFTE BSNL , Telangana) in Circle office, Hyderabad, on 03.01.2022.....


Felistation to Sri RAVICHANDRA GARU, PGM, HTD on 03/01/2022, at NFTE Union Office Hyderabad Telecom District in the accation of New Year Cake Cutting programme. Honoured with Bockey & Shawl by V.K.Muthu,  District Secretary and other Comrades .....


Shri K. Rajaraman Ji Secretary DOT have written letter to all Secretaries. Govt of India may avail BSNL’s office space/residential accommodation as rental basis in case of any requirement, which will help the company financially.....


4.8% IDA increased from 01-01-2022 Total=179.3%+4.8%=184.1% w.e.f. 01-01-2022.....




Meeting with CMD (BSNL):- Com. Chandeshwar Singh, General Secretary and Com. A. Rajamouli, Treasurer met today with CMD (BSNL) and discussed the various issues. (I) Payment of retirement benefits to ST employees retired on VRS in Maharashtra Circle. The CMD reciprocated that after a complaint against some employees belonging to ST category, instructions were issued to apply for verification of cast certificates. A good number of employees applied for verification of cast certificate and their cases are finalised. The remaining employees are to be apply for verification, then their cases will be considered. (II) Reimbursement of deducted amount against, Banks, Corporative Society loans etc to concern organisation. The sum of Rs. 105 crores, have been released for reimbursement towards the deducted amount of employees from their salary against bank EMI or society premium. (III) LICE:- Regarding LICE the CMD assured that the management is careful for the carrier progression of the employees. The process of LICE has been started but the reports are not received from all Circles. He assured to review the process personally but he also added that some more time is required to finalise the vacancy and calculation of roster points. (IV) CGA :- On this issue the CMD clarified that only alternate way out has to be discussed and decided to help the dependent of deceased employees. It may be considered on age at the time of death. (V) 4G spectrum testing is on progress and upto September, 2022 rolling out is expected. (VI) Land monetisation:- 2 Sites of MTNL and 4 sites of BSNL has been selected for monetisation and process is about to complete. The CMD BSNL informed that fund collected through monetisation will be transferred to BSNL account.....


Employees Health Insurance Scheme:- It is learnt that the Health Insurance scheme is under process, the rates given by the different insurance companies are much high in comparison to earlier negotiation with new India assurances company. Hence the applicant insurance companies have been called to negotiate the rate. Only after reduction of the rate to an affordable stage the management will think to sign the MOU…..



Circular No. 3/21, Dated on 18.12.2021.....


Preparation and Maintenance of Reservation Rosters – Direct Recruitment / Promotion.


Guidelines for Implementation of New Public Sector Enterprises (PSE) Policy for CPSEs in Non-Strategic Sector......


Delegation of Financial powers to CMD BSNL and Vertical Directors......


Determination of Pay/Emolument for calculation of family pension and death gratuity where a Government servant dies during currency of a penalty......


District Executive Committee Meeting of Karimnagar SSA on 11.12.2021:- District Executive Committee Meeting of Karimnagar SSA, under the president ship of Com. V. Sree Ramreddy, District President in Film Society Bhavan. At first Flag hoisting ceremony took place in old exchange. Com. V. Sree Ramreddy, hoisted National Flag, NFTE Flag is being hoisted by Com. B. Sunitha, Circle President. Then after, Union office was inaugurated jointly by Com. A. Rajamouli, Circle Secretary and Com. B. Sunitha, Circle President in old Exchange. Secondly, the meeting commenced in Film Society Bhavan, more than 50 comrades participated including Com. V.K.Muthu, District Secretary, HTD, Com. A. Somareddy, Circle Treasurer, Com. Manoj Kumar, ACS, Com. Venugopala Krishna, Circle Organising Secretary and Senior Comrades Com. Ch.Venugopal Rao, and Com. V. Mahesh also attended and addressed the meeting. Com. B. Lingachary, District Secretary have given briefly of activities in SSA and expressed un happy with BA concept, where problems were not settling easily like earlier. Com. A. Rajamouli, elaborately given a note on man distribution after VRS, Examinations, Compasinate Ground appointments, Promotion policy and status of 3rd wage revision and answered all questions raised by the comrades in the meeting. District union honored all the guests with garland and shawl. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. V. Sree Ramreddy. Com. Nagabhushana Chary, ADS have taken lot of pain for success of the meeting…..


Selection of Health insurer for providing Health insurance policy to BSNL employees......


Comparison of rates in 5 lakhs & 10 lakhs for health insurance to BSNL employees.....


Minutes issued by DOT for the meeting held on 24-11-2021 with Unions and Associations (AUAB).....


Approval of the Competent Authority has been accorded for shifting of CGHS WC NO.VII, premises from the present building.......




Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance to Central Government Civil Pensioners residing in areas not covered under CGHS.....


4th Circle Council Meeting held on 06.12.2021 in the Conference hall, CGMT Office under the presidentship of sri. B.P.Rawat, CGMT Telangana Circle. Fruitful discussions took place in the meeting on agenda points. Com. A.Rajamouli, Circle Secretary, Com. V.K.MUTHU, District Secretary, Htd, Com. Anjaneyulu, D.S, MBNR, Com.Sanjay, D.S,  Adilabad and Com. N. Surender, J.E. Karimnagar participated from NFTE-BSNL in the deliberations.....


Grant of special casual leave to Executive community members of NFTE-BSNL for attending National Executive Meeting at Guwathi......


Minutes of the reconstituted Joint Committee for recommending wage revision for non-executive employees w.e.f. 01-01-2017 in BSNL held on 18-11-2021.......


*Highlights of the Wage Negotiation Committee meeting held today the 03-12-2021..* A meeting of the Wage Negotiating Committee of the Non-Executives is held today. All the Staff Side and Management Side members participated. As has already been assured in the last meeting, the Management Side made a power point presentation. According to the information of the Management:- (1) The present strength of Non-Executives is 33,048. In this, absorbed employees are 18,553. BSNL recruited employees are 14,495. In this, number of the Non-Executives in stagnation is as follows: - (a) Stagnation 1 – 2,134 (b) Stagnation 2 – 2,351 (c) Stagnation 3 – 1,938 (d) At the maximum of the pay scales 2,784. (d) Total number of stagnated employees 9,207. (2) The Management Side further stated that, the employees who lost their increments, due to stagnation, will get them now. This will give financial benefit to the stagnating employees. They further stated that, the Directly Recruited employees will get benefit to the extent of 12% increased EPF contribution by the Management. (3) The Management stated that the financial burden of the Company on account of Pension Contribution in the new pay scales will increase by 2.6 times. Hence, they suggested to reduce the minimum and the maximum of the pay scales that have already been finalised in the Wage Negotiation Committee. But, the Staff Side strongly opposed this. (4) Instead, the Staff Side demanded that the already finalised pay scales should be implemented with 5% fitment. Further discussion will take place in the next meeting.


Corporate office letter on sending of claims w.r.t. BSNL One Year Renewal Group Term Insurance Scheme – Updating Bank account details of nominee in ERP/SAP......


Submission of life certificate for Pensioners extended till December, 2021. ....


Constitution of BSNL Sports and Cultural Board for the period of 1st April, 2021 to 31st March, 2023......


Details of working Strength in Territorial/Non-territorial circles in the cadre of JTO(T)/JE/TT.....


Next meeting of the joint Committee for wage revision of non- executive employees w.e.f. 01.01.2017 in BSNL....


Notice served by Hyderabad BA management for recovery of huge amount after retirement on VRS against license fee of quarters.....


Organisational restructuring  Categorization and structure of Territorial Circles, Corporate office and Mobile Nodal centers - Issue of structure and guidelines......


A gist on the discussion held between the AUAB and the DOT......


Notice issued for holding NEC meeting at Guwahati from 07-01-2022 to 08-01-2022.......


Restoration of IDA instalments to BSNL Pensioners with retrospective effect.......


Details of the discussion held between the AUAB and the DDG(PM), DoT, on 24.11.2021…..


Meeting held today between the AUAB and the Dot..... A meeting is held today, between the AUAB and the DoT. Shri Sajeev Gupta, DDG(PM), who is also looking after as the Joint Secretary (Admin.) and other officers participated. BSNL is represented by Ms. Anita Johri, Sr.GM(SR). All the General Secretaries / Representatives of the constituents of the AUAB participated in the meeting. The AUAB had given 7 agenda items for discussion in this meeting. Detailed discussion is held in a cordial atmosphere. A note on today’s discussion will be issued by the AUAB shortly......


BSNL letter to DoT intimating the agenda points and names of the participants......


Meeting with CGM(Pers) and Sr. GM(Est):- A delegation of NFTE (BSNL) consisting of President, General Secy, Dy. General Secy and Circle Secy, J&K Com. Ashaq Ahmad met both the officers and enquired latest position on formation of Pension Cell for settlement of Pensionery benefits of D/R retired personnel. Pension Cell could not be formed in Establishment section for want of staff. Thereafter, meeting took place with CGM (Pers) who promised to provide a A.O. and supporting staff within a week. The Delegation also enquired about applicability of Pension Rules and orders issued by DPE/DOP for extension of pensionery benefits to those who have retired during IDA freezing period. Sr. GM(Est) was apprised of the fact that leave encashment orders issued are not endorsed to CGMs for recalculation of leave salary. He assured to look into the matter.....


Request for restoration of IDA instalments to BSNL Pensioners with retrospective effect honouring interim order of Kerala High Court.......


Timely settlement of pension/family pension cases......


Total Manpower requirement in BSNL.....


NFPTE / NFTE Foundation day celebrations at Hyderabad :- On the occasion of Foundation day, NFTE Flag hosted at Circle Union Office, Barkathpura by Com. B. Sunitha, Circle President, at BSNL Bhavan. Com. A. Rajamouli, Circle Secretary hoisted the flag at Telephone Bhavan. Com. P.Param Jyothi, hoisted at Circle Office. Ciecle Secretary and Com. Geetha jointly hoisted the flag and at Saroor Nagar, Com. B Sunitha hoisted the flag. Com. Dasharath Reddy, hoisted at Vanastalipuram. Com. V.K.Muthu, Com. A.Soma Reddy, Com. J.Laxmaiah, Com. M.D. Sadiqmiya, Com. G. Hanmanth Rao, Com. Nithin Reddy, Com. G.Krishna Reddy, Com. Mallesham, Com. Manik Prabhu, Com. Krishna Rao, Com. Solaman, Com. Bhaskar, Com. Sunitha, Com. Hanmanth Rao, Com. Ramakrishnaiah, Com. Manasa and other comrades participated in the celebrations. Circle Union conveys sincere thanks to one and all for making the celebrations a big success at all places......


Circular No-2/21,  dated at 22.11.2021.....


Letter Wright  to Ms. Anita Johri, Sr. GM, (SR), BSNL CO from All Unions and Associations of BSNL(AUAB) issues to be discussed in the meeting with DoT on 24.11.2021.....


Organisational meeting of Khammam SSA :- Organisational meeting of Khammam SSA held today ie. on 20-11-2021 under the presidentship of Com. Chalapathi Rao, District president. Com. Srinivas, Branch Secretary who actively arranged the meeting in union office, Khammam. Com.B.Sunitha, Circle president , Com. A.Rajamouli, Circle Secretary, Com.V.K.Muthu, District Secretary of HTD , Com. A. Soma Reddy, Circle Treasurer and other comreds from HTD partispated in the meeting. More than 30 Comreds present in the meeting. Circle Secretary clarified all the issues of all india level , 3rd wage revision , VRS related matters and Compasinate Ground Appointment etc. Com. Y.V. Rao senior comrede was, also present, in the meeting .The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. Chalapathi Rao, District president....


Holding of a meeting of all Unions & Associations of BSNL with DoT.....


Re - Schedule of 4th Circle Council Meeting (CCM) of Telangana Circle, Hyderabad on 06. 12.2021 (Monday)......


వేతన సవరణ సమావేశం:- యాజమాన్యం మరియు యూనియన్ పక్షాలతో కూడిన పునర్నిర్మించిన వేతన సవరణ కమిటీ ఈరోజు శ్రీ ఆర్.కె.గోయల్, CGM (పర్స్) గారి అధ్యక్షతన సమావేశము జరిగినది. NFTE (BSNL) తరపున ప్రధాన అధ్యక్షుడు, ప్రధాన కార్యదర్శి మరియు Dy. జనరల్ సెక్రటరీ ప్రాతినిధ్యం వహించారు. చర్చలు ప్రశాంత వాతావరణములో జరిగాయి మరియు వేతన పునర్వ్యవస్థీకరణలోని ఈ క్రింది సమస్యలను యూనియన్లు డిమాండ్ చేశాయి. (1) stagnation ఉండకూడదు. (2) వేతన నష్టం (Wage loss ) జరగకూడదు. (3) అంతకుముందు, స్థోమత మరియు స్థిరత్వానికి (affordability and sustainably) సంబంధించిన DPE మార్గదర్శకాలు వివరించబడ్డవి మరియు చర్చించబడ్డాయి. ఈ అంశాలన్నింటినీ పరిగణనలోకి తీసుకుంటామని హామీ ఇచ్చింది, పూర్తి డేటాతో మరియు వివరాలతో 03-12-2021న తదుపరి సమావేశంలో పాల్గొని చర్చిస్తాము అని హామీ ఇచ్చారు.....


Wage Revision Meeting:- The reconstituted wage revision committee consisting of management and union sides met today under the Chairmanship of Shri R.K. Goyal, CGM (Pers). The NFTE (BSNL) was represented by its President, General Secretary. and Dy. General Secretary. Discussions took place threadbare and unions demanded following issues in wage restructure. (1) There should not be stagnation. (2) There should not be any wage loss. (3) Earlier, the DPE guidelines relating to affordability and sustainably were read and discussed. The staff side also explained earlier the details of meeting head with MOC, Secy, DOT and management side assured to consider all these points and will come in next meeting on 03-12-2021 with full data and details.....


Holidays to be observed in BSNL Offices during the year 2022 in Telangana Circle .....


District Executive Committee Meeting of Nizamabad SSA on 17.11.2021:- A well organized meeting held in conference hall Telephone Bhavan Nizamabad on 17.11.2021, under the president ship of Com. M.L.Narayana, District President. After paying homage to departed souls, Com. Mastanvali, District Secretary honored all the guests with shawl and Garland. Com. B. Sunitha Circle President, Com. A. Rajamouli, Circle Secretary, Com. V.K. Muthu, All India Invitee & District Secretary, HTD and Com. A. Soma Reddy, Circle Treasurer attended and addressed the gathering in the hall. More than 70 comrades were participated in the meeting. Com. Mastanvali, District Secretary explained the issues of staff and organization in the SSA. Com. A. Rajamouli, Circle Secretary explained have given clear note on all India issues, the status of 3rd wage revision, pension revision, Medical Policy, Compassionate Ground appointments and Examinations etc.. and answered all questions raised by comrades. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. Gangaram….. 


Schedule of 4th Circle Council Meeting (CCM) of Telangana Circle, Hyderabad on 04.12.2021 (Saturday)......


District Executive Committee Meeting of Adilabad SSA on 16.11.2021:- A well organized meeting held in Sai Function Hall (Shanti Nagar) under the president ship of Com. C.Vilas, District President. After paying homage to departed souls, Com. Sanjay Kumar, District Secretary explained the organizational position of SSA. Com. B. Sunitha Circle President, Com. A. Rajamouli, Circle Secretary, Com. V.K. Muthu, All India Invitee & District Secretary, HTD and Com. A. Soma Reddy, Circle Treasurer attended and addressed the meeting. More than 60 comrades were present in the meeting. District Union honoured the guests with shawl and Garland. Circle Secretary elaborately explained the status of 3rd wage revision, Medical Policy, Compassionate Ground appointments, Examinations and Rule-8/Rule-9 Transfers etc.. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. C. Vilas, District President…..


Smt. M. Venkata Laxmi W/o Com. M.Parashuramulu is no more:- Smt. M. Venkata Laxmi W/o Com. M.Parashuramulu, (Ex-District Secretary, Sanga Reddy) expired today evening 05.00pm at Astar Prime Hospital, Ameerpet, Hyderabad. We salute to her and pray the God to Rest Her Soul in Peace. NFTE Telangana Circle always remember her and condoles the untimely death of her, we also share the grief of the family. Her body was taken to his native place Kondapaka (near Siddipet) for last rides.
శ్రీమతి  M. వెంకట లక్ష్మి W/o Com.  à°Žà°‚.పరశురాములు ఇక లేరు:- శ్రీమతి.  M. వెంకట లక్ష్మి W/o Com.  à°Žà°‚.పరశురాములు, (మాజీ జిల్లా కార్యదర్శి, సంగారెడ్డి) హైదరాబాద్‌లోని అమీర్‌పేట్‌లోని అస్టార్ ప్రైమ్ హాస్పిటల్‌లో ఈరోజు సాయంత్రం 05.00 గంటలకు తుదిశ్వాస విడిచారు.  మేము ఆమెకు నమస్కరిస్తున్నాము మరియు ఆమె ఆత్మకు శాంతి చేకూరాలని భగవంతుడిని ప్రార్థిస్తున్నాము.  NFTE తెలంగాణ సర్కిల్ ఆమెను ఎల్లప్పుడూ స్మరించుకుంటుంది మరియు ఆమె అకాల మరణం పట్ల సంతాపాన్ని తెలియజేస్తుంది, మేము కూడా కుటుంబం యొక్క దుఃఖాన్ని పంచుకుంటాము.....


The first meeting of the committee constituted for wage revision for non-executive employees will be held on 18.11.2021 at 11.00 am in the meeting room located on the eighth floor of BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi......
నాన్ ఎగ్జిక్యూటివ్ ఉద్యోగుల వేతన సవరణ కోసం ఏర్పాటైన కమిటీ మొదటి సమావేశం 18.11.2021 ఉదయం 11.00 గంటలకు న్యూఢిల్లీలోని BSNL కార్పొరేట్ ఆఫీస్ ఎనిమిదో అంతస్తులో ఉన్న మీటింగ్ రూమ్‌లో జరుగుతుంది.......


Re-constitution of joint Committee to recommend wage structure for Non-executive employees w.e.f. 01.01.2017 in BSNL......


BSNL Corporate office endorsed calculation of Gratuity and cash payment in lieu of leave for the Employees of CPSEs following IDA pattern retired on are after 01.10.2000 and up to 30.06.2021.....


New office Bearers of NFTE-BSNL Telangana Telecom Circle and extension of eligible trade union facilities.....


BSNL Endorsed Board level and below Board level posts including Non-unionised supervisors in central public sector enterprises (CPSE'S) - Rivision of scales of pay w.e.f 01.01.2007- payment of IDA at revised rates w.e f. 01.07.2021 and 01.10.2021......



AUAB writes to CMD BSNL on deferring of agitational programmes. Letter No.-UA/2020/40, dt-29-10-2021.....


Highlights of the meeting held between the AUAB and the CMD BSNL and Directors of BSNL Board, on 27-10-2021.....


Policy for provision of FTTH Service connections in BSNL office....


Payment of IDA at revised rates 01.10.2020 up to 30.06.2021 to Non-Executives of BSNL including industrial workers.....


Board level and below Board level posts including Non-unionised supervisors in central public sector enterprises (CPSE'S) - Rivision of scales of pay w.e.f 01.01.2017- payment of IDA at revised rates......


Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners Revised rate effective from 01.07.2021....


Nomination of Members of joint committee to recommend wage structure of Non- Executive Employees w.e.f.01.01.2017 in BSNL.....


Calculation of Gratuity and Cash payment in lieu of leave for the employees of CPSEs following IDA pattern (2017,2007,1997, 1992 and 1987 pay scales) retired on or after 01 .10.2020 and up to 30.06.2021....


Rivision of rate of Dearness Allowance (DA) to Central Government Employees due from 01.07.2021....


Curcular no 1/2021, dated on 22.10.2021....


Election of Office Bearers for the year 2021-2024.....


Guidelines under BSNL MRS in View of Covid - 2019.....


AUAB Circular issued to General Secretaries, Constituents of the AUAB Dated 19.10.2021....


Nomination for BSNL Sports and Cultural Board for the year 2021-2023.....


Constitution of Councils following the merger or reorganization of Circles/SSAs.....


2nd Circle Conference of NFTE BSNL Telangana held at Reddy Bhavan, Yadagirigutta, Nalgonda SSA from 20-10-2021 to 21-10-2021.....


Holidays to be observed in BSNL Offices during the year 2022......


AUAB decides to organise Twitter campaign on 29.10.2021:- A meeting of the AUAB was held online yesterday the 18.10.2021. The meeting reviewed the progress in the settlement of the charter of demands. All the General Secretaries participated in the meeting expressed their extreme unhappiness over the adamant attitude of the CMD BSNL towards the settlement of the issues. Finally, the meeting decided to organise the Twitter campaign on 29.10.2021. All the circle and district units are requested to take all out efforts for the success of the Twitter campaign…..



Methodology for resolving the pension anomaly of BSNL absorbed employees in pensions......


Updating the CSC/OC SC landline numbers in CSC portal.....


Guidelines under BSNL MRS in in view of Covid-19.....


Freezed IDA Release:- Orders for release of freezed IDA instalments will be issued very soon by BSNL HQR. NFTE made sustained efforts at DPE, DOT and BSNL HQR levels for release in respect of non-executive employees....



Grant of Special Casual Leave to the eligible Circle Union Office Bearers, District Secretaries and delegates of NFTE BSNL, TT Circle to attend 2nd Annual Circle conference of NFTE BSNL Telangana will be held on 20 th & 21 st October, 2021 at Yadagirigutta......


Divisional Executive Committee Meeting of Circle Office Telangana held on 07.10.2021:- The executive committee meeting held under the President ship of Com. G.Hanmanth Rao, District President in Circle Office, 10 th floor. Com. G.Geetha, District Secretary explained the organizational development in Circle Office. She welcomed the new members to our union. Com. Taranath, Com. N.K.Jain, and Com. V.K.Muthu, attended and addressed the meeting. Com. A. Rajamouli, Ciecle Secretary explained the status BSNL at this juncture. He answered all questions raised by members. It was observed that some officials / officers harassing and humiliating Group’D’ staff in duties. Com. Laxmamma Group’D’ elected as Asst District Secretary in vacant post. District Union honored all guests and District Secretary with shawl. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. Karunakar Reddy......


Dear comrades , Six hour marathan meeting held today from 4 pm to 10 pm ..All the board Directors and CMD was present in the meeting. I think it is first time after formation of BSNL this type of united approach has been experienced. Due to un expected late we could not decide the further course of action .. Please keep patience and remain united ... Tomorrow we will meet and convey our decision at late evening. C.singh.GS......


Telecom for the month of October 2021


Circle Conference of Telangana:- 2nd Circle Conference of Telangana will be held on 20.10.2021 & 21.10.21 at Yadagiri Gutta. Redla Sankshema Sangam, Near Bus Stand .... తెలంగాణ సర్కిల్ కాన్ఫరెన్స్ :- తెలంగాణ 2 వ సర్కిల్ కాన్ఫరెన్స్ 20.10.2021 మరియు 21.10.21 న యాదగిరి గుట్టలో, రెడ్ల సంక్షేమ సంఘం లో జరుగుతుంది, ఈ భవనము బస్టాండ్ కు దగ్గర ఉంటుంది దీనిని గమనించగలరు.....



Central government employees retired during the period from Jan 2020 to June 2021 - calculation of Gratuity and Cash payment in lieu of Leave-pursuant to revision in DA rates...


AUAB circular, carrying the decisions of the meetings held on 23.09.2021 and 25.09.2021.:- The meeting of the AUAB was held at New Delhi on 23.09.2021 and 25.09.2021. General Secretaries / representatives of BSNLEU, NFTE, AIGETOA, SNEA, AIBSNLEA, SEWA BSNL, FNTO, BSNL MS, BSNL ATM, TEPU and BSNL OA, attended the meeting. The meeting reviewed the 3 day dharna organised at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi, and also discussed about the future course of action. Decision has been taken to organise a Twitter campaign on 06.10.2021 and a black flag / black badge wearing demonstrations on 26.10.2021.....


Payment of Dearness allowance (DA) to Casual Labourers [including TSMs] to draw their wages in terms of letter No.269-11/2009-Pers-IV/LE dated 01.01.2010.....


తెలంగాణా లోని అన్ని BA/SSA ల కార్యదర్శులకు, గౌరవనీయులైన కామ్రేడ్ లకు, NFTE CHQ BSNL యూనియన్ BSNL మేనేజ్‌మెంట్‌ తీసుకుంటున్న నిర్ణయాలకు వ్యతిరేకంగా ది. 27.09.2021 న "లంచ్ అవర్ ప్రదర్శన" ను నిర్వహించాలని తద్వారా భారత్‌బంద్ పిలుపుకు మద్దతు ఇవ్వడానికి నోటీసు ఇచ్చింది ... (1) ప్రభుత్వ ప్రతిపాదన ప్రకారం నేషనల్ మోనటైజేషన్ ద్వారా డబ్బు ఆర్జించడానికి 14198 BTS టవర్స్ మరియు ఆప్టికల్ ఫైబర్ అమ్మటం. (2) కేంద్ర ప్రభుత్వం "PSUలను ప్రైవేటీకరణ" చేయడం వైపు వెళ్లడాన్ని వ్యతిరేకించడం. ప్రభుత్వం కార్మిక వ్యతిరేక చర్యకు నిరసనగా అన్ని యూనియన్లు మరియు అసోసియేషన్స్ సభ్యులు మరియు ఇతర కార్మికులను కూడా సమీకరించాలని మరియు భారీ ప్రదర్శనను నిర్వహించాలనీ కోరుకుంటున్నాను. A. రాజమౌళి సర్కిల్ కార్యదర్శి,తెలంగాణా సర్కిల్,హైదరాబాద్.


For kind attention of all circle/BA/SSA secretaries... Respected comrades, NFTE CHQ has served a notice to BSNL management to hold a lunch hour demonstration on 27 .09.2021 to support the call of Bharatbant by the SKM and to oppose....(1) the Govt proposal to monetize 14198 BTS Towers and optical fiber through National Monetization Pipe line (2) To oppose the Govt.move towards privatisation of central PSUs. All of you are requested to mobilize our members and other workers also and organize a massive demonstration to protest the anti PSUs move of the Govt. Kindly try to mobilise press and media of the area to give a wide message to the people of the country that the Govt.wants to sell all the public assets of the country which has been built up by the money of tax payers ... With warmest greetings to all. C.singh.GS.


Clarification on taxability of payments made to retired employees and nominees of deceased employees.....


Compliance of Covid protocols while obtaining Life certificates from pensioners......


Submission of annual life certificate for pensioners/Family pensioners living abroad.......


Payment of Dearness allowances applicable w.e.f. 01.07.2021 to employees continuing to draw their pay in pre-revised pay scale / Grade pay as per 6th CPC......


Divisional Executive Committee Meeting of Hyderabad Telecom District held on 08.09.2021:- After holding District conference of Hyderabad telecom District, 1st district executive meeting held under the President ship of Com. P.Param Jyothi, District President in Union office. After paying homage to departed souls, Com. V.K.Muthu, District Secretary elaborately explained the agenda points and he focused upon organization in the district. He organized 11 new branches in Hyderabad with help of other comrades. All branch secretaries, majority district executive body members, Local council members and senior comrades participated in the meeting. Circle President Com. T.Narendar and Com. A.Rajamouli, Ciecle secretary were also attended and addressed the meeting. Interestingly, all branch secretaries actively participated on organization review issues and told their pending issues. Com. A.Rajamouli, Circle secretary explained all the issues of all India level viz:. 3rd wage revision, IDA merger and payment of freezed arrears, man power distribution, New promotion policy and compassionate ground appointments. Com. Manikya Prabhu Branch Secretary Uppal have denoted Rs. 5000/- to District Union in the meeting. Com. V.K.Muthu have given clarification on some issues raised by members. Com. Param Jyothi have thanked one and all for their support to district union. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Com. P.Param Jyothi, District President......


Supply of details of monthly membership subscription to Unions/Associations – reg. Letter No.-BSNL/20-6/2019-SR, dt-25-11-2020......


Brief of the Circle Secretaries Meeting held on 29-08-2021 & 30-08-2021 in Delhi.....


Mahaboob Nagar Telecom District Employees Co-operative Credit Society Elections held on 04.09.2021. Out of Nine (9) Directors Eight (8) were Elected from NFTE BSNL panel. NFTE Telangana congratulates the leaders who worked hard for this Elections. We wish them success in running the society….,


E- Nomination filling procedure on EPF website for all BSNL recruited employees STEPS 1.) OPEN THIS LINK ON WEB BROWSER 2.) Please sign in by enter your UAN No and Password along with Captcha 3.) This screen will open 4.) Click on File now, 5.) Then click View → PROFILE 6.) UPLOAD your passport size photo (size less than 100 Kb) AND also Edit missing details if any (like Qualification detail/ Marital status / Address) 7.) Then go to Manage → E-NOMINATION It will ask Having Family click YES Now click Add family Detail pls enter your Nominee Detail as Aadhar No. / Name / Gender / Relationship / Address / Bank account Detail / Photo (less then 100 Kb size) save family detail Now CLICK check box for EPF nomination and enter 100 in share % column ( only If u want single nominee , otherwise add all members first one by one and then fill % share as per your wish among all nominees) then CLICK save EPF nomination Now again go to Manage → E-NOMINATION One row will show, it will have a word written e sign click for this e sign tab when u click on E-sign link , it will take u on another link as below to update esign click for this link in web browser Here u first generate virtual ID against your Aadhar number By entering -> your Aadhar number and generating OTP , fill OTP and fill Captcha in given box A SMS will come for a 16 digit virtual ID, enter the same there; it will complete your e sign work. Finally your E- nomination updating work is complete now. Please again go to Manage → E-NOMINATION If u see Nomination Successful in green color means You have successfully updated all d
ClickHere ClickHere


Periodical review of performance, unauthorised absence facing disciplinary action, of employees.....


Implementation of Corporate CSC for Centralisation of Pay Roll to maintain EPF etc at Corporate office.....


ALL UNIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS OF BSNL (AUAB) serve notice for holding 3 days Dharna at New Delhi on 21st, 22nd & 23rd September, 2021: Charter of demands (1) Immediate launching of BSNLs 4G service, by way of upgradation of the BTSs and also steps for moving towards the launching of 5G service. (2) Immediate settlement of the dues to BSNL, amounting Rs.39,000 Crore, by the DoT. (3) Immediate steps to off-set BSNLs debt, through the Monetization of lands. (4) Disbursement of salary on the last date of every month. (5) No selling out of BSNLs 13,567 mobile towers, in the name of National Monetization Pipeline. (6) Complete review of the Cluster based Outsourcing System. (7) Immediate settlement of 3rd Pay Revision, Pension Revision and Enhancement of Superannuation Benefits (SAB) up to 30%, for the BSNL Directly Recruited Employees. (8) Speedy measures to improve the quality of BSNLs FTTH service. (9) Prompt maintenance of BTSs, proper up-keep of the power plants, as well as availability of batteries. (10) Strengthen the transmission networks by carrying out the speedy maintenance works.


The Dharna proposed to be held on 06-08 September on the charter of demands is postponed to 21-23 September due to heavy rains at New Delhi…..


డియర్ కామ్రేడ్స్, BSNL హెల్త్ ఇన్సూరెన్స్ పాలసీ à°•à°¿ దాదాపు 17 వేల మంది ఆప్షన్ ఇచ్చుట జరిగినది. à°ˆ పాలసీ సెప్టెంబర్ 1à°µ తేదీ నుండి అమలు జరపాలి అనే నిర్ణయాన్ని ఆబియన్స్ లో పెట్టుట జరిగినది. కారణం ఏమనగా - న్యూ ఇండియా ఇన్సూరెన్స్ కంపెని జోనల్ మీడియేటర్స్ ను, కోఆర్డినేటర్స్ ను నియమించలేదు. అందువలన మన ఆగస్ట్ నెల జీతము నుండి రికవరీ చేసిన ఇన్సూరెన్స్ ప్రీమియం అమౌంటు రివర్స్ చేసి ఆగస్టు నెల జీతము లతోపాటు కలిపి వేయుట జరిగినది. అనగా BSNL ఇన్సూరెన్స్ నిమిత్తం రికవరీ చేసే ప్రీమియం అమౌంటు "ఆగస్టు నెల" జీతం లతోపాటు రికవరీ చేయబడదు. కార్పోరేట్ ఆఫీసులోని జనరల్ మేనేజర్ (అడ్మిన్ & ట్రైనింగ్) టీం ఇన్సూరెన్స్ కంపెనీ ప్రతినిధులతో కోఆర్డినేట్ చేయుచున్నారు. à°ˆ పాలసీ  అక్టోబర్, 1తేది నుండి అమలు చేయబడును....


Taking of operation of MTNL Mumbai mobile network by BSNL w.e.f. 01.09.2021.....


Grant of enhanced pension from the day when the Pensioners enters the age of 80 years i.e. the date after the pensioner complete 79 years.....


Amendment in para 9 of BSNL Transfer policy.......


BSNL health insurance policy, 2021- regarding nomination of nodal officer, BSNL Corporate office....


Request for New promotion policy for non-executive employees......


BSNL Health insurance policy, 2021- Implimantation of the scheme w.e.f. 01.09.2021.....


Corporate office letter on release of terminal benefits to the family of deceased employees.....


Brief of adjourned formal meeting held on 25-08-2021:- Adjourned formal meeting of 18th instant took place on 25-08-2021 with Director (HR) in Chair. The item (4) which could not be concluded on the day was taken up first.....


Corporate office letter on action points emerging from HR vertical review (by CMD) held on 12-08-2021......


BSNL CO issued letter for nomination of Liaison Officer for OBC welfare committee in BSNL Circles as per the constitution and as per Govt letter for the same......


Constitution of Standing Screening Committee for screening appeals filed by BSNL against awards of Labour or Central Government Industrial Tribunals......


Issuance of Form-16 (Part A & B) for the F.Y.2020-21(A.Y.2021-22).....


Corporate office instructions on implementation of the concept of Deemed Resignation in case of unauthorised absence, absconding employees......


Brief of inconclusive meeting:- Meeting between Director (HR) BSNL Board and NFTE (union) took place on 18-08-2021 at 14.00 hours. The official side was represented by Sr. GMs(Est)/(SR), GM(Rectt) and GM(Adm). The union was represented by its President and General Secy. After exchange of pleasantries the following issues were raised by the union out of the agenda....


Settlement of payments to BSNL for Service Telecom FACILITIED Provided to DoT offices & Officers / Officials ......


BSNL Employees Health Insurance policy, 2021- Implementation of the scheme w.e.f.01st September, 2021- regarding extending the dates for calling / withdrawing of options......


India is celebrating its 75th Independence Day on 15 August 2021. The day is observed to mark the end of British rule in India, in the year 1947.

India's struggle for freedom from British rule was long and had cost too many lives. Many freedom fighters and leaders dedicated their whole life to this struggle. Therefore, this day is observed every year to celebrate our freedom and acknowledge the sacrifices and efforts of the people who fought for it.

This Independence Day, let’s pay our tributes to all those brave freedom fighters, and leaders who gave up everything for the sake of our motherland. In this article we have curated some wishes, greetings, images and messages that you can send to your family, friends and peers and remind them about the importance of Independence.


Rate of Industrial Dearness Relief on Telecom Pension/Family pension w.e.f. 01.07.2021....


IDA freezing vis-a-vis payment of its arrears:- The CHQ of the union has represented to Hon’ble Minister, DPE Secy DPE and DOT as well as CMD, BSNL against the freezing of IDA instalments as PSUs including BSNL don’t get budgetary support from the Govt. Moreover, orders were not applicable in respect of non-executives and the Govt, DPE has stated above in the High Courts. The payment was held up due to non-circulation of rates by the DPE. Immediately on notification of rates the HQR moved into the matter and urged CMD, Director (HR)/Director (F) for arrear payment. In short union has ceaselessly persued and efforts will continue. There will be no laxity in getting the matter favourably settled......


Release of illegally frozen IDA instalments vis-a-vis pension: - DPE vide OM No.-W-02/0002/2014-DPE (WL) GLIII/2021/, dt-02-08-2021 has released three instalments of withheld IDA payable form 1st July, 2021. This has been endorsed by BSNL HQR in letter No.-BSNLCO-A/11(18/1/2020-ESTAB, dt-05-08-2021 Enquiries are being made from the field that the DOT has not endorsed the above DPE communication to the CCAs for the purpose of pension. It is now not required as per DOT letter No.-36-04/2008-Pen(T), dt-24-11-2010 . The CCAs have to act as per orders referred above. However, Now BSNL has endorsed to all CCAs DOT also vide No.-BSNL CO-A/11(18)/1/2020-ESTAB, dt-11-08-2021......


DPE vide letter No.-W-02/0045/has intimated to the union that it does not issue DA rates for workmen and pensioners of CPSEs. The union in its letter No.-TF-9/8/PRC, dt-30-06-2021 has urged the Secy, DPE against illegal freezing and requested for release of the IDA instalments....


List of Empanelled Hospitals in India:- Under BSNL  Employees Health Insurance policy, 2021 - Implementation of the scheme w.e.f. 01st September 2021.
BSNL హెల్త్ ఇన్సూరెన్స్ పాలసీలో - భారతదేశంలోని ఎంపానెల్డ్ హాస్పిటల్స్ ...,
ClickHere ClickHere


The circle secretaries meeting of NFTE (BSNL) will be held on 29th and 30th August 2021 at Hotel Kabir Palace Karol Bagh New Delhi. All Circle Secretaries are requested to kindly book their tickets to reach Delhi on 28th August evening or before 10 am on 29th August 2021. Comrades should book their return tickets preferably on 31st August, 2021 morning.....


Clarification on submitting fresh option by retired employees to avail facilities of BSNL MRS.....


BSNL ఎంప్లాయీస్ హెల్త్ ఇన్సూరెన్స్ పాలసీ, 2021" కామ్రేడ్ మన BSNL సంస్థ లో పని చేయు ఉద్యోగులకు ఇండోర్ మెడికల్ ట్రీట్మెంట్ కొరకు ఉపయోగపడే మెడికల్ ఇన్సూరెన్స్ పాలసీని యూనియన్ ల సపోర్ట్ తో మేనేజ్మెంట్ న్యూ ఇండియా అస్సురేన్స్ కంపెనీ తో టై - ఆప్ అయి రూపొందించిన మెడికల్ పాలసీ ఇది . ERP/ESS పోర్టల్ నందు POP UP విండో ఆన్- లైన్ లో "ఎంట్రీ చేయడానికి" (ఆప్షన్ కోరడం) 7 ఆగస్టు- 2021 నుండి 16 ఆగస్టు - 2021 వరకు. "ఎంట్రీనీ ఉపసంహరించడానికి" (విత్ డ్రా చేయడానికి) 17 ఆగస్టు, 2021 నుండి 19 ఆగస్టు, 2021 వరకు. పాలసీ రకాలు A-రూ.5 లక్షల బీమా కవర్ B- రూ. 10 లక్షల బీమా కవర్. కావున అందరినీ కోరేది, ఇప్పుడున్న పరిస్థితుల్లో ఆసుపత్రి ట్రీట్మెంట్ కొరకు మన కుటుంబానికి లక్షలు ఖర్చు పెట్టే స్టేజ్ లో BSNL మేనేజ్మెంట్ లేదు కనుక అందరూ ఈ పాలసీని ఎంచుకొగలరు.
ClickHere ClickHere


Recruitment section of BSNL has advised all the Chief General Managers to keep Readiness of employee records in ERP for LICEs to be conducted in coming days......


DOT assured meeting to AUAB after ongoing Parliament session. Letter No.-BSNL/7-1/SR/2020, dt-05-08-2021......


Norms for sanction of Posts in BSNL in Post VRS period – Version of NFTE BSNL submitted to Director (HR) BSNL.....


BSNL Corporate office Endorsed IDA orders….


Sanction of BSNL COVID Fund in Telangana Circle. Sanction from Corporate office….


DPE issued instructions regarding Payment of IDA at revised rates for Board level and below Board level posts including Non-unionised supervisors in CPSEs- Revision of scales of pay w.e.f. 01.01.2007. జూలై నుండి IDA పెరుగుదల : - 01.07.2021 నుండి 10.5% IDA పెరిగినది. మనకు ఇప్పుడు చెల్లించుచున్న IDA. 159.9%. మొత్తం (ఏప్రిల్ 1st నుండి జూన్ 30 వరకు) 10.5% తో కలుపుకొని చెల్లించవలసిన IDA. 159.9% + 10.5% = 170.5% ( అనగా అక్టోబర్ 20, జనవరి 21, ఏప్రిల్, 21, ie: 5.5%+ 6.1% - 1.1% =10.4%) గా గమనించవలెను. DA మనకు 13.7% రావలసి ఉండగా, 10.5% IDAను మాత్రమే పెంచి విడుదల చేయడమైనది, ఎందుకనగా జూలై నెల లో పెంచిన 3.2% IDA ను దానిలో కలపలేదు. జూలై నెల కు సంబంధించి ఆర్డర్స్ ‌ తర్వాత సపరేటుగా విడుదల చేయవచ్చు. -CS , NFTE TS.....


Head quarter receiving queries on special casual leave from different quarters. Corporate office already issued order on Frequently asked questions with regard to special casual leave on 04-02-2020.....


BSNL ఉద్యోగుల ఆరోగ్య భీమా పాలసీ -2021 వివరాలు.....


Corporate office issued order on BSNL employees Insurance Policy, 2021-Implimentation of the scheme w.e.f. 01st September, 2021.....


" Relay - Fast " DHARNA :- " Relay - Fast " programme successfully today at CGM Office, BSNL Bhavan and all SSA headquarters on the call of AUAB. The leaders of AUAB participated and addressed. On behalf of NFTE BSNL Com. N.Venkateshwar, ACS, Com. G.Krishna Reddy, ACS, Com. G.Ramireddy, JE., Rtd, Adilabad, Com. G.Hanmanth Rao, District President of Circle office and Com. G.Geetha, District Secretary, Circle office participated in Circle Office Dharna Programme. Com. V.K.Muthu, District Secretary, HTD, Com. P.Paramjyothi, District President of HTD, Com. J.Laxmaiah, District Treasurer and other senior comreds participated in Dharna at PGM Office BSNL Bhavan Hyderabad. The employees at both the places participated very interestingly and listen the leaders on demands......


The AUAB in meeting with CMD demanded review of cluster mechanism based on ground report. Now the management has constituted a Committee to review the mechanism. It is one step achievement of AUAB.....


Holding of Circle and Local Council Meetings.....


Meeting with State Minister for communication and staff side representatives held today on 24.07.2021 at 9th floor of corporate office:- As informed by the GM (SR) CO New Delhi yesterday that the Honourable State Minister for communication will visit the corporate office and he desires to meet the representatives of union and Associations, this meeting was arranged accordingly. Com. Mahabir sigh secretary CHQ and Com. Naresh Kumar A.I Vice President represented on behalf of NFTE (BSNL) in the meeting. Along with other leaders the NFTE leaders also welcomed the Minister with flower bouquet. After exchange of introduction the staff side leaders were told to speak one by one and they presented the burning issues related to revival of BSNL as well as the issue of payment of salary on time. Com Mahabir singh very elaborately placed the need of immediate implementation of 4G spectrum to make the BSNL services more effective in mobile network. He also raised the issue of non-refund of Rs/- 39000 crore dues of BSNL money by DOT/GOVT. He exhorted that if these dues may be settled and paid to the BSNL certainly, the compony will come out of crisis. He added the issue of abnormal delay in payment of salary by the BSNL and explained that the employees are facing hardship and feel demoralized due to non payment of salary on time by the management. Other leaders also exhorted the different issues of the demands finalised by the AUAB. After hearing the submission of all representatives the Honourable minister assured the staff side for a better result. He also assured to give separate meeting with staff unions and Associations. The CMD BSNL. All directors of BSNL Board and top level executives above GM level were present in the meeting. The leaders served a memorandum to Honourable Minister related to the demands.


3rd District Conference of Hyderabad Telecom District today 24.07.2021:-


Honarable Minister os State for Communications meeting BSNK Unions and Associations tomorrow:- Devusinh Chauhan, has recently taken over as the Hon’ble Minister of State for Communications. He is visiting BSNL Corporate Office tomorrow, to hold discussion with the Board of Directors of BSNL. During this visit, the Hon’ble Minister of State, will also be meeting the Unions and Associations of BSNL. The Unions and Associations will utilise this opportunity to highlight the important issues related to the Company's revival like, the inordinate delay in 4G launching by BSNL, Rs.39,000 crore dues to be paid by the DoT to BSNL and other issues......


Meeting on finalisation of group health insurance for BSNL employees on 22.07.2021:- The meeting was convened by welfares section of Admin Branch of BSNL C.O. Com. Mahabir Singh Secretary CHQ attended on behalf of NFTE head quarter. Leaders of other recognised union and Associations were also present . From management side all the three members of committee constituted for this purpose were present. The Representative of New India assurance company was also called in the meeting. The company representative presented the detail of the scheme in which provision for 5 lakhs health insurance annual installment has been decided by company Rs 6100/- plus GST .Adding both it is Rs 7198/-. The staff side insisted for reduction in installment and also persuaded to include maternity claims in the policy. After a detail discussion the representative of Insurance company did not agreed for both the clause and he told that he will discussed the submission of staff side with his higher management and report back, hence the scheme was not finalised yesterday. This scheme is under process for the BSNL employees for indoor treatment . The BSNL MRS will continue even after implementation of this scheme.....


Revised rates of Dearness Relief to Central Governament Pensioners/Family w.e.f.01.07.2021......


Rich Tributes paid to late Com. M. Madhusudhan Rao, ex-circle secrectary, on the occasion of First death anniversary today ( I.e. 21.07.2021 ):- Circle union organised a meeting in union office and paid respectful tributes to him. The leaders & comrades remembered him and recollected his noble deeds in his career as Circle Secretary of combined Andhra Pradesh. He contributed a lot in regularaisation of shortduty operators in the Country, which was a memorable one. He was a close associate of OPG at all times. Com. T. Narender, Circlr President, COM. A.Rajamiuli  Circle Secretary, Com. V.K.Muthu, District Secretary  HTD, Com. N.Venkateshwar, ACS, Com. G.Krishna Reddy, ACS, Com. Purnachandar Rao, Guntur, Com. Ram Mohan, Com. RamanaRao, Com. Taranath, Com. S.V. Subramanyam, Com. Chandrashekar, Com.Manikprabhu, Com. Laxmaiah, Treasurer, HTD, Com.Mutyalu, Com. Srinivas, Com. Baburao, Com. Hanumanth Rao and other comreds attended the death anniversary meeting of Com.M.Madhusudhan Rao, in Circle union office. In rainy day the comreds participated the meeting and remembered the departed soul….



Grant of Special Casual Leave to the District Executive body members / Branch Secretaries/Deligates of NFTE - BSNL, for Hyderabad Telecom District conference  on 24.07.2021, at HTD District Union Office, Adarshnagar..........


Revised rates of Dearness Allowance to Central Government employees w.e.f. 01.07.2021....


Minutes of meeting of Review VC under Chairmanship of Director (HR), BSNL Board on 07-07-2021.....


Meeting on manpower norms for finalisation of Sanction strength in BSNL Post VRS.....


Conciliation under notice served by All Unions and Associations of BSNL:- The proceeding adjourned due to non presence of DOT personal in the conciliation meeting. The DGM(SR}) BSNL was directed by Deputy CLC to arrange meeting of AUAB with Secretary /Additional Secretary DOT within a week. After that meeting next date will be fixed for conciliation......


Payment of June 2021 salary to BSNL employees:- Fund authorisation for payment of June 2021 salary has been released by corporate office today.....


First death anniversary of Late Com. M.Madhusudan Rao Ex.Secretary on 21.07.2021. Circle union organizing a meeting in the Circle union office at 10.30 am on 21.07.2021. Kindly participate in the meeting and pay respectful tributes to him. Com. A.Rajamouli, C.S, Telangana.


Issue of Presidential orders to employees who were confirmed Temporary status before 30-09-2000 (before formation of BSNL) and promoted in the Cadre of Telecom Mechanic through examination without getting regularisation as Regular Mazdoor after 01-10-2000. Earlier this issue was raised through National Council and according to the decision of council, such cases were sent to the DOT for issuance of Presidential order but it was denied by the DOT. We were mounting pressure upon the BSNL management for redressal of the issue as the decision of DOT was beyond natural justice. Today while G.S. was discussing the issue of Presidential order with Sr. GM(Estt) C.O. New Delhi. It was reported by him that again this issue has been sent to DOT by the Corporate office for favourable decision. Left out presidential order cases of Bihar Circle out of seven cases. The documents for five were found proper and those cases have been sent to DOT for approval. In respect of two cases again the letter has been sent to Bihar Circle for its further submission with proper details…..


Reply to Parliament Question (PQs).......


Selection of health insurer for providing “HEALTH INSURANCE SCHEME 2021” for BSNL employees....


The Deputy Chief Labour Commissioner (Central) has notified for conciliation proceeding and has requested all the signatories of agitational notice of AUAB to attend the proceeding on 20th July, 2021 at 11.00 am either in person or through authorised representative. It is based on the notice of AUAB to the DOT Secretary and CMD BSNL served on 08-07-2021.....




Placard campaign agitation was successfully observed at CGM Office and BSNL Bhavan on the call of AUAB. The employees at both the places participated very interestingly and listen the leaders on demands. The AUAB leaders appealed all to make " Relay - Fast " programme on 28.07.2021 a big success.....


All Dist. Secretaries are requested to organize Placard showing agitation on 15-07-2021 at all level and make it a big success with the co-ordination of all Unions/Associations. AUAB finalized the matters for preparing Placard for 15-07-2021 programme. Kindly make use of it for success of AUAB Call.......


Regarding permission to join another CPSE on contractual basis after retaining voluntarily under BSNL VRS- 2019.....


Revalidation of BSNL Medical Card & Payment of Medical cash allowance with/without voucher facility to Retired Employees....


The letter wrote to sri. Rajesh k Chaudhry on  BSNL corporate management has cleared the doubts of several comrades that the Govt order of freezing IDA was not applicable to Non-executive employees of PSU. In BSNL our IDA were not paid due to non declaration of official rate of IDA by the DPE as there was agreement at the time of 2nd wage revision that the IDA will be acceptable at the rate announced by DPE for executive. Due to this ground the BSNL management could not pay IDA to nonexecutive employees. GS NFTE was posted this view on very next day of the order of DA/DR freezing.....


కామ్రేడ్ M .Sambasivarao, VRS,TT, ఆదిలాబాద్, ఇక లేరు:- కామ్రేడ్, M. Sambasivarao, VRS ,TT, గారు ఉమ్మడి ఆదిలాబాద్ జిల్లా లో పనిచేసి VRS తీసుకున్నారు, అంతేకాకుండా వీరు ఆదిలాబాద్ జిల్లా యూనియన్ లో అనేక సంవత్సరములు జిల్లా సహాయ కార్యదర్శిగా పని చేసినారు. వీరు ఈ రోజు రాత్రి 07.00 గంటలకు ఆదిలాబాద్ లో మరణించారు చాల బాధాకరం, వీరు NFTE-BSNL యూనియన్ కొరకు చాల కష్టపడడము జరిగినది. వీరు లేని లోటు ఆదిలాబాద్ జిల్లాకు చాల తీరని లోటు. వారి "ఆత్మకు శాంతి" చేకూరాలని కోరుతూ, వారి కుటుంభ సభ్యులకు మనో ధైర్యాన్ని ప్రసాదించాలని దేవుణ్ణి ప్రార్థిస్తూ, NFTE-BSNL , తెలంగాణ సర్కిల్ తరుపున ప్రగాఢ సంతాపము తెలుపుచున్నాము.....


Approval of management committee of BSNL is hereby conveyed for Concessional FTTH Connection facility to Serving/Retired/ Executive as well as Non- Executive employees in BSNL area.....


15.07.2021 న ప్లకార్డ్ ఆందోళన మరియు 28.07.2021 న నిరాహార దీక్ష: - COVID-19 మహమ్మారి పరిస్థితిని పరిగణనలోకి తీసుకోవడం మరియు డిమాండ్ల చార్టర్‌పై కొన్ని ఆందోళన కార్యక్రమాలను నిర్వహించాల్సిన తక్షణ అవసరం వచ్చింది. AUAB 15.07.2021 న ప్లకార్డ్ చూపించే ఆందోళనను నిర్వహించాలని నిర్ణయించింది మరియు 28.07.2021 న సమ్మె నిర్వహించాలి, బిఎస్‌ఎన్‌ఎల్ పునరుజ్జీవనంపై డిమాండ్ల చార్టర్‌ను పరిష్కరించాలని డిమాండ్ చేస్తూ ఉద్యోగుల ముఖ్యమైన సమస్యల పరిష్కారానికి డిమాండ్ చేస్తూ 28.07.2021 న నిరాహార దీక్ష నిర్వహించాలని AUAB నిర్ణయించింది. ప్లకార్డ్ చూపించే ఆందోళనను మరియు నిరాహారదీక్ష కార్యక్రమాన్ని BA & SSA స్థాయిలో నిర్వహించాలి. ప్లకార్డ్ చూపించే ఆందోళనను మరియు నిరాహారదీక్ష కార్యక్రమాన్ని విజయవంతంగా చేయడానికి సన్నాహాలను వెంటనే ప్రారంభించాలని జిల్లా కార్యదర్శులను కోరుచున్నాము……


Charter of Demands of the AUAB 
1. Immediate launching of 4G service by way of upgradation of the BTSs and also steps for moving towards the launching of 5G service. 
2. Immediate disbursement of the salary for the month of June, 2021 and also disbursement of salary on the last date of every month. 
3. No Monetisation of BSNL’s Towers and optical fibre as is being planned by the Finance Ministry / Government of India. 
4. Immediate settlement of the dues to BSNL, amounting Rs.39,000 Crore, by the DoT. 
5. Immediate steps to off-set BSNL’s debt, through the Monetisation of lands. 
6. Complete review of the Cluster based Outsourcing System. 
7. Immediate settlement of 3rd Pay Revision, pension revision and Enhancement of Superannuation Benefits (SAB) to 30% of the Directly Recruited Employees. 
8. Speedy measures to improve the quality of BSNL’s FTTH service. 
9. Prompt maintenance of BTSs, proper up-keep of the power plants, as well as availability of Batteries. 
10. Strengthen the transmission networks.


Hunger Strike to be organised on 28.07.2021 :- Demanding the settlement of the charter of demands on the revival of BSNL and also demanding settlement of the important issues of the employees, the AUAB has decided to organise hunger strikes on 28.07.2021. This hunger strike programme will be organised at the BA and SSA levels.  District secretaries are requested to immediately start the preparations for making the hunger strike programme successfully......


Placard showing Agitation on 15.07.2021 :- Keeping the COVID-19 pandemic situation into consideration and also the immediate requirement to organise some agitational  programme on the charter of demands, the AUAB has decided to organise a Placard Showing Agitation on 15.07.2021. The Placard Showing agitation should be organised at the  BA and SSA levels .  District secretaries are requested to organise this programme effectively.....


Decisions of the AUAB meeting held at New Delhi on 01072021 :- As has already been informed, a well attended meeting of the AUAB was held at New Delhi on 01.07.2021. Many important decisions have been taken regarding the demands for the revival of BSNL, demands of the employees, as well as on the immediate action programme. The AUAB has released it’s circular today, regarding the decisions of the meeting. All circle and district secretaries are requested to take immediate action, in coordination with the other constituents of the AUAB, for the implementation of the action programme......


AUAB holds discussions with the CMD BSNL:- The AUAB held a crucial meeting yesterday, with Shri P.K. Purwar, CMD BSNL. General Secretaries / Representatives of BSNLEU, NFTE, AIGETOA, SNEA, AIBSNLEA, SEWA BSNL, BSNL MS, SNATTA, AITEEA, BSNL ATM, TEPU, BSNL OA and BEA participated in this meeting. From the Management Side, Director (HR), Director (CFA), Director (CM), Director (EB), Director (Finance) and Senior Officers of the Corporate Office participated. Leaders of the AUAB forcefully demanded prompt upgradation of the BTSs, to immediately launch BSNL’s 4G service. Payment of salary on the due date of every month was prominently raised. Improving the FTTH service, improving the maintenance of transmission, as well as landline and broadband services, etc., were raised. Modi government’s plan for raising Rs.40,000 crore, by monetising BSNL’s towers and optic fibre was severely opposed. Proposals of the Management for restructuring BSNL’s manpower came under severe criticism. Regarding the Superannuation Benefits, it was firmly demanded that BSNL Management should immediately take steps to increase it’s contribution upto 30%. The BSNL Management’s policy of continuing to rely on the ITS officers to run the Company was severely criticised. Many other issues related to the employees and the Company’s revival were also raised.....


Treatment / regularizagion of hospitalization/ quarantine period during COVID-19 Pandemic.....
ClickHere ClickHere


MOF and Expenditure has clarified and has laid down procedure for payment of commutation value of Pension Vide letter No.-CPAO/IT, and Tech/Clarification/Vol – IV(PF) (13)/21-22/25, dt-17-06-2021.....


13.7% increase in IDA from 01.07.2021. At present we are getting IDA 159.9% + 13.7%= 173.6% from 01.07.2021…..

జూలై నుండి  IDA పెరుగుదల : - 01.07.2021  నుండి 3.2% IDA పెరిగినది.  మనకు ఇప్పుడు చెల్లించుచున్న IDA. 159.9% . మొత్తం జూలై తో కలుపుకొని చెల్లించవలసిన IDA. 159.9% + 13.7%= 173.6% ( అనగా అక్టోబర్ 20, జనవరి 21, ఏప్రిల్, 21, జూలై 21  ie: 5.5%+ 6.1% - 1.1%+ 3.2% =13.7%) à°—à°¾ గమనించవలెను. -CS , NFTE TS.....


AUAB leaders submitted memorandum to CGMT Telangana and PGMTD Hyderabad today. The leaders explained ground realities and sufferings of staff without wages, and also demanded for regularisation of salaries to employees every month. After submitting memorandum demonstration was also conducted in the said offices.....


Comments on Manpower norms for finalization of Sanction strength in BSNL Post VRS......


Submitting of memorandum and demonstrations are to be organised tomorrow at the Circle, B.A & SSA level.....


Regarding agreement for the sale of 2 G Features phone handset offered by M/s Innocom bundled with BSNL SIM at a bundle price of Rs 999/- only for PAN India......


Grant of benefit of one notional increment (as due on July) for the pensionary benefits to those employees who had retires on 30 th of June before drawing the same......


Jubilant lunch hour demonstration held at CGMT Office, BSNL Bhavan Hyderabad and all SSA headquarters successfully. The leaders of AUAB participated and addressed at Circle office and all SSA’s headquarters today. The workers are very unhappy for not getting salaries in time in these months. All are strongly protested against the attitude of BSNL management.....


Transfers and postings of PGM/GM/DGM Level- implementation thereof .......


Issue of Pension slip by Pension Disbursing Banks on monthly basis.....


BSNL COVID FUND (BCF) Policy - instructions regarding deceased employees of BSNL CO......


Notification issued to the management for lunch hour demonstrations and submitting of memorandum….


Group 'C' &'D' DoT optee employees working in BSNL


AUAB meeting was held online, yesterday the 21.06.2021........


Statement of LC/DLC BY DoT pensioners ( SAMPANN/FMS) at any CCA office......


Timely verification of Caste/Community certificates.....


Shri Arvind Savant ji, Hon'ble MP Lok Sabha writes to Hon'ble PM Sh. Narendra Modi ji regarding revival of BSNL & MTNL.....


FREE VACCINATION @ BSNL BHAVAN on 21-6-21 MONDAY from 9:30 AM to 3 PM, please carry ID Card with you,  only first dose.....


Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Invoice management in the e-Office and ERP systems.....


Expeditious settlement of family pension cases by banks. Expeditious settlement of family pension cases by banks. Expeditious settlement of family pension cases by banks......


Optimum utilization of Inout TAX Credit (ITC)....


BSNL Covid Fund (BCF) Policy Procedure.....


Prohibition on bringing any political or outside influence to further employee's interest in respect of matters pertaining to employment, postings or transfers in BSNL......


Suspension of family pension to a person charged with the offence of murdering or abetting in the murder of the Government servant – Allowing family pension to other eligible family member......


Processing of Hospital Bills of HCOs,......


Extension of discount scheme & incentive scheme for collection through cluster partners, channel partners and BSNL retired employees for defaulters under Basic (including PCOs & VPTs)/WLL and CMTS (Postpaid) services for realization of outstanding dues against closed connections (excluding Government/Government Departments other Government enterprises and lease lines) from 01-04-2021 to 31-03-2022.....


Time - limit for submission of claim for Travelling Allowance ( TA ) on Returement....


Release of terminal benefits to the family of deceased employees......


Engagement of retired employees of BSNL/ MTNL, who took voluntary retirement under VRS-2019, in DoT as consultants.....


SOP for renting out of building/Staff Quarters/other facilities and SOP for Land Monetization....


Concessional FTTH connection to working and retired Employees---The NFTE demand to provide concessional FTTH connection to working as well as retired employees is about to be settled very soon. NFTE CHQ wrote a letter in the month of March and persuaded the issue continuously. Today on enquiry of status of the case Sr GM (Admin) replied that it is almost final and it will be approved by BSNL management committee very soon. The percentage of concession may be lesser that the concessional broud band .


NFTE-BSNL delegation led by Com. A Rajamouli, Circle Secretary, Telangana met with Sri. B.P Rawath, ITS, CGMT Telangana today and extended him warm welcome. Circle Secretary accompanied with Com. V.K.Muthu, District Secretary, Hyderabad Telecom District and All India Invitee, Com. Geetha District Secretary, Circle Office, Com. N.Venkateshwar, ACS, Com. J.Laxmaiah, HTD. District Treasurer, Com. Manoharlal, Com. Nagaraju, Com. Jagdishwar Goud, Com. Manjula and Com. Umadevi were present in the CGM chamber. Sri. B.P.Rawath, ITS, CGMT Telangana have a brief discussion with the delegation on development of network in the circle. He also noted the importance in increase of BSNL’s revenue at this juncture. Circle Secretary explained the ground realities in the state. He assured the new CGMT, NFTE will be always stood in fore front for development of the company (Bread earner) the delegation thanked him for his interaction and wished him all the best.......


Digitization of Pension process and discontinuation of physical PPO......


AGM (Restructuring), BSNL Co issued instructions regarding Procedure for Disciplinary Proceeding in case of Retired employees under Rule 61 of BSNL CDA rules .....


Restructuring of training centers-Migration into zonal training centers- working modalities reg - View Corporate Office instructions.......


Treatment /regularuzation of Hisputalization/ quarantine period during COVID-19 Pandamic.....


Dear comrades, You all are aware that the BSNL management has constituted a committe to finalise the medical insurance for the BSNL staff. They will consult with unions also before finalization of the scheme and signing the MoU with insurance componey.. 1.Any of the Public sector insurance company will be considered and slected to take policy. 2.The policy will be optional for staff based on contributory system. 3 premium will be deducted once in a year for the coverage of health problem through indoor treatment in any of the empanel hospital of the concern insurance company. 4. The policy will cover up to Rs 5 lakhs expenditure once in a year. one premium coverage will be for 4 persons of the staff family. 6.Annual premiuml will be about 6100 per annum. 7 this insurance will be separate to BSNL MRS, . The BSNL MRS will continue as usual. 8.The BSNL Corporate office will keep control and work as middle man if any dispute and difficulties arise in payment etc. With very warm greetings. C.singh,GS,


Sri. V.Sundar, ITS Adviser (DoT) is no more:- Sri. V. Sundar, ITS , Adviser (DoT) expired yesterday at the age of 60 years. He worked as CGMT Telangana Circle for 4 years successfully. He was an able administrator and humble in nature, he left with wife & Daughter only. NFTE Telangana Circle condoles the death and share grief of the family.....


Payment of family pension, death gratuity and other dues to the family on death of a Government servant during service ......


Release of terminal benefits to the family of deceased emplyoees......


DO letter from Director (HR), BSNL Board regarding monitoring timely release of terminal benefits to the family of emplyoees, who died due to Covid-19 infection or other reasons.....


Updating of leave encashment data in SAP for regulating claim with DOT for reimbursement against DoT period leave for retirees.....
ClickHere ClickHere


Group 'C' & 'D' DoT Optee employees working in BSNL ......


Transfer & Posting of officer (s) / executive (s) of CGM / PGM level .......


A Committee has been constituted by BSNL head quarter to report regarding Heath Insurances of employees after finalising it with insurance company.....


Letter of Department of Telecommunications/DTS issued vide No.7-1/2000-TA-I/2, dated 19.09.2000 regarding formation of BSNL Corporation......


Letter issued by Company’s Secretary cum General Manager legal, to prepped the date of formation of BSNL from 01.10.2000 to 15.09.2000......


Regarding provision of grace period for posting of Registered Newspapers in view of disruption caused by second wave of VOVID - 19 and subsequent lockdown / COVID - curfews in various States.....


NSP 1 TNF locations - Alternative connectivity......


కామ్రేడ్, చిట్టెం ఆవులయ్య Rtd,TT, గారు ఇక లేరు:- కామ్రేడ్, చిట్టెం ఆవులయ్య Rtd,TT, గారు మంచిర్యాల , ఆదిలాబాద్ SSA లో పనిచేసి రిటైర్ అయినారు, వీరు ఈ రోజు మధ్యరాత్రి 2 గంటలకు హైదరాబాద్ లో మరణించారు చాల బాధాకరం, వీరు NFTE-BSNL యూనియన్ కొరకు చాల కష్టపడడము జరిగినది. వారి "ఆత్మకు శాంతి" చేకూరాలని కోరుతూ, వారి కుటుంభ సభ్యులకు మనో ధైర్యాన్ని ప్రసాదించాలని దేవుణ్ణి ప్రార్థిస్తూ, NFTE-BSNL , తెలంగాణ సర్కిల్ తరుపున ప్రగాఢ సంతాపము తెలుపుచున్నాము.....


Reimbursement of cost of OPD Medicines: Special Sanction in view of COVID - 19 .....


Simplification of procedure for investigations and treatment related to COVID - 19 infection.....


Extension of submission of Life Certificate / Digital Life Certificate ........


Clarification on regularization of absence during COVID – 19 pandemic period......


Release of terminal benefits to the family of employees who died due to COVID-19 infection or other reasions.......
ClickHere ClickHere


*జిల్లా కార్యదర్శి లకు* :-     à°•à°¾à°®à±à°°à±‡à°¡à±, తెలంగాణా సర్కిల్ లోని NFTE-BSNL యూనియన్ జిల్లా కార్యదర్శి లారా, నిన్న రిలీజ్ అయిన BSNL బెన్వోలెంట్ ఫండ్( కోవిడ్ ఫండ్ ) లెటర్ ప్రకారం ది.1-4-2020 నుండి కరోనా తో చనిపోయిన ఉద్యోగుల వివరాలను సర్కిల్ యూనియన్ à°•à°¿ లిస్ట్ ద్వారా తెలియ చేయండి మరియు చనిపోయిన ఉద్యోగి కుటుంబంతో కావలసిన పేపర్స్ కూడిన రెప్రజెంటేషను త్రూ GM ఆఫీస్ తో ఫార్వర్డ్ చేయించి సర్కిల్ ఆఫీస్ à°•à°¿ తొందరగా పంపించెలా చూడండి. 20-5-2021 నుంచి 31-3-2022 వరకు కరోనా బారిన పడి చనిపోయే ప్రతి ఉద్యోగి వివరాలు సర్కిల్ యూనియన్ à°•à°¿ లిస్ట్ ద్వారా తెలియచేస్తూ,వారి కుటుంబంతో కావలసిన పేపర్స్ ను త్రూ GM ఆఫీస్ తో ఫార్వర్డ్ చేయించి సర్కిల్ ఆఫీస్ à°•à°¿ తొందరగా పంపించెలా జిల్లా కార్యదర్శి లు తమ బాధ్యతగా స్వీకరించ గలరు.......


*BSNL ఉద్యోగులకు మరియు అధికారులకు NFTE సర్కిల్ కార్యదర్శి గా నా విజ్ఞప్తి.* మనం ప్రకృతి వైపరీత్యాలకు ఎన్నో సార్లు దేశం లో దెబ్బతిన్న ప్రజల కోసం ఒక రోజు జీతాన్ని ఇచ్చాము, ఇప్పుడు ఇచ్చే ఒక రోజు జీతం మనతో పాటు పనిచేస్తూ, కరోనా బారిన పడి చనిపోయిన మన సహహరుడి కోసం, కావున అందరు ఒక రోజు జీతాన్ని ఇచ్చి వారి కుటుంసభ్యులను ఆదుకుంటారని ఆశిస్తున్నాను. కార్యదర్శి లకు ఒక విజ్ఞప్తి......


The BSNL COVID FUND (BCF) POLICY:- Dear comrades the instruction on implementation of the BSNL covid fund has been issued vide corporate office letter N0-25-1/2021 BSNL(WL)/Admin dated 20th may 2021. This policy is based on employees contribution with the equal share by the company. This is an occasion to help the family of our own comrades who lost their lives due to effect of covid- 19 pandemic. We have contributed one day salary several times to the Govt to meet the expenditure on various natural disaster. This time we have got a chance to stand to serve our own families ,hence it is requested to all our circle ,BA and SSA leaders to ensure hundred percent contribution for the holy couse. It will also not be out of place to note that the NFTE proposal has been accepted and all together supported it. At other hand all the District secretaries should take responsibility to collect the actual figure of death due to covid of his area of jurisdiction and submit it to circle union. The policy will cover the death of employees due to covid with effect from 1st April 2020 .We believe that our comrades will be at front line to make total success of this policy and we should ensure that not a single case of covid victim is left. With warm greetings.


Creation of BSNL Covid Fund and instructions thereof, BSNL CO Admin Lr.No. 25-1/2021-BSNL ( WL ) /Admin Dated on 20.05.2021.......


BSNL Covid fund (BCF) Policy -Policy & instructions.....


Advisory to Health Care Organizations (HCOs) empanelled under CGHS in view of the prevalent Corona Virus (COVID-19) Pandemic & CGHS Emergency Treatment .....
ClickHere ClickHere


DP Letter No.-BSNLCO-11(11)/15/2020 -ESTAB, dt. 17th May, 2021 from Director (HR) to all circle heads reg early clearance of pending vigilance cases of VRS retirees.....



If you know anyone who has passed away due to Covid-19 and was an employee under pvt sector, then their nominee/legal heir may be eligible to receive an amount up to ₹7 lakhs under the Employees Deposit Linked Insurance (EDLI) scheme. EDLI is an insurance cover provided by the EPFO (Employees Provident Fund Organisation) for private sector salaried employees. You may share this information with your friends and acquaintances.....



Proposal of Benevolent fund as agreed in the joint meeting of official side of BSNL management and staff side on 7 th may 2021 has been approved by BSNL Boards in its meeting held today. Now the family of deceases employees died due to covid- 19 infection will get a sum of Rs/- ten lakhs as immediate relief.....


కామ్రేడ్, Md .Aleem , రిటైర్డ్ JE , ఇక లేరు:- కామ్రేడ్, Md .Aleem , రిటైర్డ్ JE గారు ఆదిలాబాద్ లో TT గా పనిచేస్తూ JE పదోన్నతి తీసుకోని కాటేదాన్ ఎక్స్చేంజి లో పనిచేసి రిటైర్ అయినారు మరియు NFTE కాటేదాన్ బ్రాంచ్ ప్రెసిడెంట్ గా పనిచేస్తూ హైదరాబాద్ టెలికాం డిస్ట్రిక్ట్ లో అసిస్టెన్స్ డిస్ట్రిక్ట్ సెక్రటరీ గా పనిచేసినాడు , కామ్రేడ్, Md .Aleem గారు, ఈరోజు సాయంత్రము 6 :30 గంటలకు మరణించినందుకు హైదరాబాద్ టెలికాం డిస్ట్రిక్ట్ యూనియన్ కు చాల తీరని లోటు, వీరికి ఒక కుమారుడు ఒక కుమార్తె ఉన్నారు కుమార్తె వివాహము జరిగినది, వారి "ఆత్మకు శాంతి" చేకూరాలని కోరుతూ, వారి కుటుంభ సభ్యులకు మనో ధైర్యాన్ని ప్రసాదించాలని దేవుణ్ణి ప్రార్థిస్తూ, NFTE-BSNL , తెలంగాణ సర్కిల్ తరుపున ప్రగాఢ సంతాపము తెలుపుచున్నాము.......


Appointment of dependent family members of officers/officials under the existing Compassionate Appointment Scheme.....


Com. K.Kondal Rao, Circle president AP is no more:- NFTE BSNL lost a committed and dedicated comrade in the early hours today in the age of 57 Years in the Vizag. He survived by Wife and two sons . He came to department as casual labour and got JE promotion, he always doing the work for the welfare of worker’s. NFTE Telangana Circle condoles the untimely death of comrade and share grief of the family.....


Benevolent Fund committee meeting ------------- A joint meeting of members of management and representatives of unions and Associations held at 12.. hrs today under the chairmanship of shri R.K.Goyal Sr,G.M.personal. Madam Anita johari Sr GM,(SR), Shri A.M.Gupta Sr GM (Admin) were present from management.Besides leaders of other unions and Associations Com Islam Ahmad president and chandeshwar singh GS were participated on behalf of NFTE. Both side members were unanimous on the issue of to evolve a benevolent mechanism to extend immediate reiief to the dependents family of employees who lost their life due to covid effect. There was unanimity on following points which will be placed before BSNL full Management/ Board for final decision and out come. 1.contrbution of one day pay from ATT to CMD. 2. The total amount collected from employees through one day pay contribution the same / equal amount will be contributed by BSNL management from company fund. 3 The issue of compassionate appointment was agreed and it will be placed before the management for decision 4.Early payment of salary to staff and salary payment should be on time further. 5.The contribution of GPF/EPF/Superannuation benefits for BSNL Recruited must be deposited on time. 6.Inrease of amount of superannuation benefits for BSNL recruits. 7. Rs ten lakhs will be paid to deceased family as agreed in the meeting. The chairman assured to place all the agreed points before management/ for consideration and decision accordingly guidelines /order will be issued within few days. Note the above points are agreed in the meeting and it is not a decision. with greetings. C.singh.GS,NFTE.


Instructions w.r.t Operation and Maintenance and functioning of Administrative Offices in view of spread of COVID-19 pandemic in India.......


Addinational relief fund on death/desability of Governament servants covered by the new defined contribution pension system (NPS).....


Instructions w.r.t Operation and Maintenance and functioning of Administrative Offices in view of spread of COVID-19 pandemic in India.......


Guidelines under BSNL MRS in view of COVID -19 pandemic.......


Implementation of the concept of deemed Resignation in case of unauthorized absence, absconding employees......


కామ్రేడ్, వై. రాజయ్య రిటైర్డ్ TT , ఇక లేరు:- కామ్రేడ్, వై. రాజయ్య రిటైర్డ్ TT , గారు మలక్పేట్, చార్మినార్ లలో పని చేసి రిటైర్ అయినారు మరియు హైరాబాద్ టెలికాం డిస్ట్రిక్ట్ కో- ఓపెరటివే క్రెడిట్ సొసైటీ డైరెక్టర్ గా పనిచేసినారు NFTE మలక్పేట్ బ్రాంచ్ సెక్రెటరీగా అనేక సంవత్సరాలు చేసినారు, కామ్రేడ్, వై. రాజయ్య రిటైర్డ్ TT గారు, నిన్న అనగా 01 .05 .2021 నాడు మరణించారు. వారి "ఆత్మకు శాంతి" చేకూరాలని కోరుతూ, వారి కుటుంభ సభ్యులకు మనో ధైర్యాన్ని ప్రసాదించాలని దేవుణ్ణి ప్రార్థిస్తూ, NFTE-BSNL , తెలంగాణ సర్కిల్ తరుపున ప్రగాఢ సంతాపము తెలుపుచున్నాము.



కామ్రేడ్, జాఫర్ హుస్సేన్ రిటైర్ TT గారు ఇక లేరు:- మన ప్రియతమ నాయకుడు,NFTE ఖమ్మం జిల్లా గౌరవ అధ్యక్షుడు మరియు జిల్లా మాజీ అధ్యక్షుడు, జిల్లా కౌన్సిల్ మెంబర్,మధిర బ్రాంచి కార్యదర్శి,మధిర AITUC నాయకుడిగా అనేక పదవులు నిర్వహించి కుల,మత,యూనియన్ అనే భేదం లేకుండా ఎంతో మంది కి సేవ చేసిన మన నాయకుడు కామ్రేడ్.జాఫర్ హుస్సేన్ రిటైర్ TT , మధిర గారు నిన్న రాత్రి (30-04-2021) విజయవాడ హాస్పిటల్ నందు గుండెనెప్పి తో మరణించారు. వారి "ఆత్మకు శాంతి" చేకూరాలని కోరుతూ, వారి కుటుంభ సభ్యులకు మనో ధైర్యాన్ని ప్రసాదించాలని దేవుణ్ణి ప్రార్థిస్తూ, NFTE-BSNL , తెలంగాణ సర్కిల్ తరుపున ప్రగాఢ సంతాపము తెలుపుచున్నాము.....


Furnish the details of COVID Vaccine data from staff of Telangana Circle.......


Sanction of Medical Advance for Covid treatment in respect of BSNL Employees and submission of consolidated fund requirement .....


Request for sanction of funds for treatment of BSNL employees affected with COVID......


Request for COVID vaccination Camp for BSNL staff members and their dependent family members at premises of BSNL Office , Hyderabad....


Do letter from Director (HR ) regarding Covid-19 vaccination for all eligible BSNL employees and their dependents....


Information under RTI Act, 2005......


Transfer and postings in the cader of JAG.......



Instructions w.r.t. Operation & Maintenance and functioning of Administrative Offices in view of spread of COVID-19 pandemic in India......


Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers Governament of India declared on 17th April 2021, Price reduction of Remdesivir injection


Instructions w.r t. Operation & Maintanance and functioning of the Administrative offices in view of the spead of COVID-2019 pandemic in India....


Launch of 4G services and asset monetization......


Reimbursement of cost of OPD Medicines: special sanction in view of covid-19, till 31st July 2021.......


14-04-2021 : D.O. letter from CMD BSNL to all heads of circles reg. updating leave and leave encashment of absorbed staff from DOT to BSNL......




DOT issues Presidential Order of Casual Workers(TSMs) working as on 30.9.2000 and regularised in BSNL......


Extension of Revaluation of BSNL MRS Card for BSNL Retired employees....


Calling of option for new personal taxation regime of reduced tax rates with no exemptions or deductions or setoff of loss etc. in case of individuals & HUFs as provided u/s 115 BAC of the IT Act, 1961 for A.Y. 2022-23.....


Election of Office bearers to the Hyderabad Telecom District Co-operative credit society:- Telangana Sub-Registrarar of Co-operative credit society conducted a meeting today to elect office bearers to the said society. M.Vishweshwar Rao, B.Sunitha, A.Venkatesh and Katrovath Raju were elected unanimously as President, Vi-President, Secretary and Treasurer respectively. NFTETS congrates the new Team of office bearers  Hyderabad Credit society......


100th Birth day function in HTD union office:- Hyderabad District Union organized Birth Day function of Com. O.P.Gupthaji in a memorable manner. Circle Secretary Com. A. Rajamouli garlanded the photo of Com. O.P.Gupthaji, Com. V.K.Muthu, District secretary, HTD, Com. N.Venkateshwar, ACS, Com. P.Paranjyothi, Circle Treasurer, Com. B.Sunitha, Branch secretary, BSNL Bhavan HTD, Com. J.Laxmaiah, HTD District treasurer, Com. A.Satyanarayana, ADS, HTD, Com. Mutyalu, Sr.Leader, Com. A.Soma Reddy, Com. A.Srinivas, Com. Kum Mery Grace, Com. Rajababu, Com. R.Sudhakar, BS, Telephone Bhavan and other comrades participated in the function. All have remembered Com. O.P.Gupthaji, who was a symbol of tolerance. Com. O.P.Gupthaji was visionary and unparallel leader in P&T movement. He scarified his life to the cause of worker “COM. O.P. GUPTHAJI Amar rahe”.


100th Birth day celebrations of Com. O.P.Guptha ji :- Telangana Circle organized birth day celebration of Com. O.P.Gupthaji in Circle Union Office Barkathpura in a grand manner. Com. Mutyalu, Senior Comrede garlanded the photo of Com. O.P.Guptha Ji. Com. A.Rajamouli, Circle Secretary, Com. V.K.Muthu, District Secretary, Hyderabad Telecom District & All India Invitee, Com. Geetha, District secretary, Circle office, Com. Hanmantha Rao, President Circle office, Com. N.Venkateshwar, ACS, Com. Sadiq Miya, Circle Vi-President, Com. P. Paranjyothi, Circle Treasurer and Com. A.SomaReddy also participated in the ceremony function. All have remembered Com. O.P.Gupthaji’s noble deeds in his career in particular casual labour regularization and Govt pension to PSU employees.


Provision of telecom facilities and reimbursement to officers of DOT.....


Hyderabad telecom district Co- operative credit Society Elections held today at Telephone Bhavan from 9 AM to 4 PM. The panel proposed by NFTE BSNL, FNTO, BTEU candidates Elected in the Election with good majority. They are:- 
1. A Krishna Goud.... 271
 2. A. Venkatesh........ 291
 3. Katrovath Raju...... 280 
4. K. Ajay Chandar.... 273 
5. D. Bal Raju ............ 273 
6. P. Mohiddin Khan... 231 
7. M. A. Razak.............278 
8. M. Prabhakar Reddy.255 
9. M. Vishweshwar Rao260 
10.S. Rajaram...........,,,,, 251 
11..Vijaypura ...........,,,,,, 251 
12. B. Sunitha................ 283 
13. Mery Grace ............. 221 
14. N. Anjaneyulu........... 174.
 NFTETS congrates the Elected team and wishing them all success for development of society and also we convey sincere thanks to organisers for the victory.


Sanction of final welfare grant by BSNL HQR......


Declaration of Holiday on 14th April,2021-Birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.......


-1.1% IDA Decreased from 01.04.2021. We know all that 11.6% Increased from 01.10.2020, so total IDA due is 10.5% from 01.04.2021. ( ie; 171.1% - 1.1%=170.4% from April 2021)....


Postponement NFTE BSNL 2nd Annual Circle Conference........


BSNL vide BSNL CO- ADMN/11(15)/2/2020-Adm, dt-22-01-2021 has clarified that if visit in hospital in Covid – 19 hospitalisation is not possible in emergency CGMs may exempt the condition.....


Question No.-319 moved by Shri Narain Das Gupta, Member Rajyasabha relating to shutting down of BSNL and MTNL. The MOC laid down the following statement on the table......


యాదగిరిగుట్టలో COVID - 2019 యోక్క ప్రభావము రోజురోజుకు పెరుగుచున్న కారణముగా మన సర్కిల్ సమావేశము వాఇదా వేయబడ్డవి ఈ విషయమును గుర్తుంచుకోగలరని మనవి.



Consolidation of Business Areas and rationalization of work & delegated powers Clarification in guidelines regarding


Meeting with GM(Adm):- President met the GM(Adm) on 26-03-2021 and raised the following issues for consideration. (1) Medical claims of retired personnel - The medical claims of retired personnel have not been settled for the years 2019-2020 and 2020-2021. There are some SSAs/Circles where even the claims of year 2018-19 have also not been settled. (2) The DOT absorbees in BSNL are entitled for Govt Pension after their retirement. Such employees should be given an option to switch over CGHS while in service itself. It will reduce the financial burden of the Company upto some extent. (3) Renting policy – The policy has been evolved to generate the revenue for the PSU but certainly not to loose. The policy has resulted in surrender of Deptl quarters in huge number due to exorbitant rent. There will be damages in the quarters in the quarters if these remain vacant for long......


Clarification regarding eligibility of the family pensioners who are beneficiaries of BSNLMRS to migrate to CGHS and reimbursement of one time CGHS subscription fee paid by tha BSNL Employee to the CGHS authority....


Guidelines regarding administration of COVID vaccine to the CGHS beneficiaries.....


Corporate office letter on guidelines for execution of BTCL Civil External projects......


Director (HR) BSNL writes letter to all CGMs on revenue/cash collection targets from outright sale of land parcels for the financial year 2021-22.....


Settlement of claims of VRS optees:- BSNL HQR has issued number of communications viz BSNL/Co.Pers/12(25)/12/2020-CSS, dt-17-03-2022, 1-15/2019-PAT(BSNL)(Pt) dt-22-01-2020, BSNL CO-EB-1/11(20)/5/2020-ETAB, dt-06-05-2020, 1-15/2019-PAT(BSNL)(Pt), dt-10-09-2020 etc to settle claims of such personnel who are facing caste verification in Maharashtra Circle. All claims viz exgratia/provisional pension etc can be resolved if all if the contents of all letters are read together. Circle union must exert for settlement and furnish details of the difficulties.....


Restructuring Cell (Corporate office) issued clarification on consolidation of Business Areas and rationalization of Work & delegated Powers.


BA Merger i/r/o BSNL MRS Activities......


Meeting with GM(Rectt):- In continuation of meeting with Director (HR) of 19th instant President met the GM(Rectt) in BSNL HQR and enquired about notification of schedule of LICEs. She told the Rectt Cell is ready and on receipt of details of vacancies notification for LICEs will be issued. She was apprised of with the discontinent of employees. Further, cases of some officials for review of JAO result, 10 and 40% both, were also referred to.....


Meeting with Member (Services) DOT, New Delhi:- President and Treasurer, Com. Rajamouli met Member (Services) today and requested for expeditious issuance of Pos. There are 14 VRS optees whose POs have not been issued causing non settlement of Pensionery benefits and other claims. Telangana Cases of POs were also raised documents submitted. It was further submitted that VRS optees are being granted Pension under Rule BSNL VRS scheme, 2019 which does not exist. Pension should be granted under Rule 37A only. BSNL absorbees are covered under Pension Rule 37A....


Opening of offices on 28th March, 2021(Sunday)......


Corporate office (Taxation Section) letter on tax deduction at source (TDS) guidelines on payments made to VRS, 2019 optees......


D.O. letter from Director (HR) to all BA heads of BSNL on status of eOffice implementation at BAs......


Corporate office letter on settlement of cases relating to validation of Caste verification from State Level/District Level Scrutiny Committees in the wake of BSNL VRS – 2019......


Cancellation of POs of employees recruited by BSNL on or after 01-10-2000-Corrigendum......


Recovery of dues other than Government dues from the retirement benefits of BSNL VRS-2019 Scheme retired employees........


Clarifications regarding Comprehensive Renting out Policy (CROP-2020).......




ఈ రోజు CGM మరియు PGM గారు కరీంనగర్ వచ్చిన సందర్బంగా NFTE కరీంనగర్ జిల్లా తరుపున సన్మానం చేయడం జరిగింది ఈ కార్యక్రమం లో కామ్రేడ్ వేణుగోపాల్ రావు. రాంరెడ్డి. మల్లారెడ్డి. M. శ్రీనివాస్. M.సుధాకర్. సుజ్ఞాని . రాధ. జిల్లా కార్యదర్శి కామ్రేడ్ ch. లింగాచారి పాల్గొన్నారు. CGM గారితో BA వరంగల్ విషయం చర్చిచండం జరిగింది కరీంనగర్ ను సపెర్ట్టు గా BA ఉండడానికి అన్ని సౌకర్యాలు ఉన్నాయని చెప్పడం జరిగింది ఈ విషయం మీద రెప్రిసంటేషన్ ఇవ్వడం జరిగింది, CGM గారు సానుకూలంగా స్పందించినారు ఈ కార్యక్రమంలో NFTE జిల్లా కార్యదర్శి ch. లింగాచారి పాల్గొన్నారు. ......


A.P. & TELENGANA STR and STP Officials who have to submit Life Certificate to CCA , CHENNAI.....


Grant of Cash Award to outstanding sportspersons for the achieving excellence in International / National Tournaments/Meets during the calendar year 2018,2019 and 2020.....
ClickHere ClickHere


BSNL CO issued instructions regarding Policy for preservation of documents/ records.....


Suggestions of NFTE BSNL for conduct of LICEs for non-executives......


Corporate office letter on pending payments of Ex-gratia in respect of retirees of BSNL VRS – 2019.


Proposal for conduct of LICE ON-LINE for Non-executives.......


Discussions with Sr. GM(Est):- President, General Secy and Com. H.K. Goel, Circle Secy Haryana met the Sr. GM(Est) and discussed some issues on 15-03-2021. The gist of discussion is appended below. (1) There are 18 cases of Presidential orders pending in DOT out of which 14 cases relate to VRS optees. Action is in process for issuance of Pos. NFTE intends to meet again Member(Services) in this respect. (2) Special concession allowances to Kashmir Valley BSNL staff as per GOI orders. The Sr. GM(Est) was reminded for endorsement of DOP/DOT orders. He immediately responded and firmly assured for issuance of order same day. (3) NFTE raised the issue of grant of pension under VRS-2019 scheme which is erroneous as no such orders exist. He told all the representations of union in this respect have been forwarded to DOT for consideration......


Corporate office letter on timely payment of retirement benefits to the retiring employees.......


Corporate office letter on process to be adopted for settlement of pension dues where a retiree expires prior to filing Pension Papers.....



Grant of Special Casual Leave to the eligible Circle Union Office Bearers, District Secretaries and delegates of NFTE BSNL, TT Circle to attend 2nd Annual Circle conference of NFTE BSNL Telangana will be held on 07th & 08th April, 2021 at Yadagirigutta......


Payment of final instalment of Ex-gratia in respect of retirees of BSNL VRS-2019.......


Unstarred question no 1669, in Rajya Sabha raised by Shri Naranbhai J. Rathwa, answered by Honrable Minister of Shri Anuragh Thakur, Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance, answered on 09th march 2021.Question: Whether freezing of Dearness Allowances (DA) to Central Government Employees / Pensioners till July 2021.......